
Twilight: Spiders Web an Undead Spider-Man.

As a fan of twilight series and their fanfic's having a go at it with the twist of Spider-Man!? Our MC is finds himself in a familiar world, let see how the story goes~ ----- warning ------ MC x Alice

AshxTan · Phim ảnh
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

Cullen's house:

Everything was as usual, every member of the Cullen family were going about their day as they normally do. 

Well as normally as a vampire family can; they had privacy in their home from the obviously curious humans.

Emmett had roped Jasper and Wendy into playing another video game; Rosalie was out in the garage working on yet another car; Edward was on his piano, gliding his finger smoothly, trying to come up with a new melody.

Whereas Carlisle had his rare off day which he was spending with his wife Esme.

But soon everyone gathered around, Upon hearing their last member of the family gasp.

Alice had a gift, something that helped their clan avoid many troubling situations.

Gift of 'Subjective precognition' being able to see into the future, depending on the decisions made.

Although it was not always bad news, sometimes it was good news.

Today it seemed to be the case as Alice jumped up and down with happiness.

Alice Pov: 

" I saw him, I finally saw him!!!!" she couldn't believe it.

Everyone was shocked, they knew what Alice was happy about. It surprised them, as Alice had been waiting to see a full vision of her mate for decades.

It was always the same, in her vision she is sitting and her surroundings were blurry and glitching, making it impossible to recognize where she was; as she waited- not sure what she was waiting for- suddenly her gravity shifted, and her mind buzzed.

But before she could look in the direction her gravity shifted to, her vision would end. 

It frustrated her so much; but finally, she saw something more.

"What did you see Alice? " Wendy can't help but ask, she wanted her sister to be happy. Even though her sister was always upbeat wendy knew it hurt her to be surrounded by couples. She looked around and knew they too wanted to know.

" Yes shorty, tell us did you finally see who it is? " Emmett grinned when he saw Alice glaring at him. 

Rosalie just rolled her eyes and gave a light slap on his chest "Don't mind him, Alice, tell us" Her eyes turned warm looking at Alice.

" I saw his eyes! They were so deep " Alice couldn't help but be dreamy, his eyes were so unique- deep cherry red so intense that they looked black - and so radiant! She never wants to look away.

Edward was also surprised while seeing Alice's vision, although normally vampires had red eyes those were more of a classic red color. Was he a vampire or a human?

"Is he human?" he was hesitant to ask, but even though his eyes were unique it was mostly likely that Alice's mate was a human.

Everyone eyed each other tentatively, Jasper could feel everyone getting tense making him frown.

Jasper himself was unsure, he wanted to support his bestfriend but he might be the one who most likely have the hardest time if she really did have a human mate; well he would try his best but didn't want to end up doing something that would hurt her, his mate also his family. 

Wendy squeezed his arm, making him relax from his inner turmoil. He hugged her waist and waited for everyone to make up their minds.

Alice felt a little down, the thought of her mate being human made her a little nervous ' How was she supposed to act? ' human tend to find her weird, also 'What if she hurt him?' Or ' he found her too cold to touch?'... 'Will he be able to accept her knowing she is a vampire?' and ' What if- what if he didn't want to turn? '.... Her heart broke even thinking about it.

As the air got more tense and various questions lingered, Carlisle spoke "Well it's no help thinking about it for now; as Alice can't see his future, we will be attentive when the situation presents itself "

Bringing end to the discussion for now...