
Chapter 40 - Sunday Is A Boring Day

"See, no one saw our kiss! We just need to be more discreet!". Ethan replied, patting Alice's face, which was strangely cold.

Alice gave him a happy smile and moved closer for another kiss on Ethan, who put his hands on her waist, pulling her closer to his body.

He could feel the volume of her breasts under the tight, long-sleeved blouse she was wearing.

Alice put her hand on Ethan's neck and pulled him in, causing him to kiss her harder and tease him more.

As their kiss became more intense, Ethan felt his heart race and, strangely, it was as if his body became so hot that Alice's seemed to heat up as well.

Ethan began to run his hand down Alice's back, slowly lowering his hand, until he felt a bite on the lip of his mouth and Alice pulled away immediately, before tasting blood.

"Ouch!" Ethan said, releasing Alice's waist and putting his hand to his lip.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!". Alice said worriedly, plugging her nose, but trying to get closer to him to help.

"It's okay, honey!". Ethan replied laughing, sucking the blood from his lip.

Alice gives Ethan a smile for calling her 'honey' but realizes that her senses are starting to become uncontrollable due to the smell of blood.

"I think you'd better go! I don't know if I'm ready to be around human blood again...". Alice said, discouraged.

Ethan approached her, wanting to show her that everything was okay, but Alice put her hand on his chest, preventing him from getting that close.

"I mean it, Ethan! I don't want us to take too many chances...". Alice said, with kittenish eyes for Ethan.

"It's okay! It's dawning, too, it's not the best time for either of us...". Ethan said, looking up at the sky, which wasn't so dark anymore. "I'll see you tomorrow at the high school?". Ethan said, with a gentle smile.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, Ethan!". Alice said, giving a slight giggle.

"Oh, you're right...". He replied, dejectedly.

"I'll see you tomorrow... on your roof!". Alice said, holding out her hand to say goodbye, so she wouldn't taste blood if she kissed him.

Ethan kissed both of his fingers and brushed his fingers against Alice's hand as if he was passing his kiss to her.

She smiled and ran toward her house, disappearing into the woods.

Ethan watched until he completely lost sight of Alice within seconds.

Then he picked Umb up from the ground, who was sleeping curled up against a tree, and put Umb in his shirt pocket, and left for home.

Arriving at his house, Ethan climbed onto the roof and climbed in through the window, trying to be as quiet as possible, so Enid wouldn't wake up.

He decided to put Umb inside the closet so that the hamster could sleep in peace, without the danger of burning himself in the daylight.

Then Ethan lay down to sleep, only to turn on his side and pass out. He had expended a lot of energy that night, so he was feeling tired, but his heart was beating strong because of Alice, who was in his thoughts.

Then the morning passed.

Several hours later, Ethan began to hear a repetitive noise in his dream. Then he opened his eyes and woke up, realizing it was Enid knocking on the door:

"Ethan! Ethaaan! Wake up! It's 1 P.M. already! You've been asleep for over 10 hours now, Ethan! Is everything okay?". Enid repeated at his door, while making annoying knocks, but they weren't too loud.

"I woke up!". Ethan shouted in a sleepy voice.

He got up, stretched, and went towards the closet, to see how Umb was doing.

As he opened the door, Umb was curled up tightly in Ethan's sweater, fast asleep.

Ethan gave a satisfied smile and closed the door, letting Umb rest in peace.

He felt his belly growling with hunger. So he decided to take a shower and go downstairs to eat.

"Good morning, Mom!". Ethan said, coming into the living room, his hair wet from the shower.

"Good afternoon, you mean." Enid said. "Lunch is on the stove if you want to eat.". She added.

Ethan walked to the kitchen, reaching for a plate of food, as he was very hungry.

"What are you doing today?" Enid asked, watching Ethan serve himself.

"I think I'm just going to do my homework. Why? Do you want to do something?" Ethan asked.

"No, I'm going out tonight! I just wanted to know if you were going out.". Enid said.

"Hm, going where?". Ethan asked curiously.

"I'm going out with some friends.". Enid replied.

"Some friends?". Ethan saw his eyelashes, curious. "One of them is Charlie and the other... Charlie's car?". He added, laughing.

"Don't be silly, Ethan!". Enid rolled her eyes at him, becoming embarrassed. "I'm going out with Charlie, yes, but the guys from work are going too. So no, it's not a date!". Enid said, turning her eyes back to the television she was watching.

"Are you interested in him?". Ethan insisted.

"He's just my friend! You have female friends too!". Enid replied, irritated.

"I'm just asking...". Ethan said, taking a glass of orange juice. "It would be cool to be Bella's brother!". He added, looking away in disguise.

"ETHAN!". Enid said loudly, turning red, informing him to stop, and causing him to laugh at the situation.

- I could call Alice to come over here... - Ethan thought, reaching for his cell phone in his pocket.

"Hey, how are you doing, honey?" Ethan sent to Alice, as he let out a smile remembering last night.

"What about you? Who are you smiling at?". Enid asked, seeing her son smiling at his cell phone.

Ethan lifted his gaze toward Enid and moved his head in denial, informing her that he would not speak.

"Is that Alice? Your new girlfriend?" She insisted, jokingly.

"I only pass on information when I'm passed information!". Ethan said, showing that he would not tell.

"Touché!"(in French). Enid said.


"I get embarrassed when you call me that ><". Alice replied to the message.

"Do you want me to stop?". Ethan sent.

"No, no! I like it too much :3 I'm fine, how are you?". Alice asked.

"I'm fine :D My mom is going out tonight. Do you want to come over?". Ethan sent.

"Does she know I'm coming?". Alice sent.

"No! Do you want me to tell her? I don't see a problem with that, but... She'll want to meet you :).". Ethan sent.

"Oh, no! I'd better not!". Alice sent. "But I want to go :). I'll let you know if I'll make it over there.".

"All right, honey!". Ethan sent.

"Okay, honey <3". Alice sent.

Ethan felt his heart race, excited about the evening.

"I'm going upstairs, do my homework!". Ethan said to Enid, going upstairs to his room.

"Why don't you do it down here? I can help you if you want...". Enid said. She looked like she wanted to spend some time with her son.

Ethan stopped for a few seconds, thinking, and decided to do his homework in the kitchen, to stay close to Enid while he studied.

He put his materials on the table and went about his homework. All the questions seemed extremely easy, as if they were first-grade questions. Ethan had the memory of having graduated in a past life, but he didn't know that he could remember all the subjects so easily.

He spent a few hours doing his homework, since he hadn't done anything for the week, so he ended up accumulating a lot of lessons for the weekend.

A few hours later, Enid got up and started walking to the bathroom.

"Hey, Ethan, I'm going to get ready to go out. Do you want money to order something? Or do you want me to bring you something?" Enid asked, stopping in the middle of the stairs.

"Oh, don't worry about that! I can handle it here at home!". Ethan replied with a small smile, as he finished the last homework he had.

Enid smiled back and went upstairs to the second floor, heading for the shower.


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