
Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

Well Ryan is in the world of Twilight now, it's time to see what his adventure can bring. /////// Updates when I feel like it. This Fic has characters from different movies and TV shows, it also does not follow canon a lot, you are warned! Not everything follows Canon so do not get on me about something being different. This is what Fan fiction is for. Also random number of words, usually between 1,500 and 3,500 though. /////// Warning!!! Mention of drugs so read at own cost, I am not promoting it, just using it in here. (Really just Weed) I own nothing but my own ideas and OC, image cover not mine.

Flaming_Lines · Phim ảnh
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70 Chs

Chapter 60): Swift Kick!

Chapter 60): Swift Kick!

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ Advanced Chapters on Buy-meacoffee/flaminglines, plus check out You: Oh Joe! For level 2 members.}


Ryan and Taylor walked over towards Leah, who upon seeing them walking over began to panic, she didn't even try to hide it either as she frantically tried to fix her wet hair and figure out what to do with her hands. Ryan shook his head as he saw that, he didn't see why she was freaking out so much, sure she it was Taylor Swift but still.

Taylor had noticed it too as she was giggling next to him, "Your girlfriend is going to have a panic attack at this point."

He nodded, "Yeah, I have never seen her act this way, not even when I took her to the Fall Out Boy concert and she got to meet the band. You must really be special."

She jokingly brushed her hair over her shoulder, "Of course I am."

Ryan chuckled it was slightly funny and with her status he was sure that this wasn't her first time running into something like this, he would be more surprised if this didn't happen on a daily basis for her. They finally made their way to Leah who was trying for nonchalant, but it was obvious to anyone who saw her that it wasn't coming off that way.

"Shortstack, this is Taylor Swift Taylor Swift this is my emotionally abusive girlfriend Leah." Ryan said with a smile.

Leah's eyes widen and then she hit Ryan as hard as she could in the arm, "Why on earth would you tell Taylor Swift I am emotionally abusive! He is joking, Tell her you are joking Ryan!"

Ryan chuckled as she proceeded to hit him as she growled that out to him, "Yeah, I was just joking, as you can see she is physically abusive."

That caught Leah's attention as she suddenly stopped and looked sheepish. 

Taylor meanwhile was giggling as she looked on, she didn't seemed bothered by what was happening with the couple, in fact when Ryan looked into her eyes he saw longing but he didn't dwell on that. Leah might be giving him leeway with some girls but this is one girl he wouldn't try with, no doubt the little time they spent with her now already caught some pictures for the press.

He wasn't stupid enough to believe that Taylor Swift was getting a free day without someone following her, she was a major celebrity after all, someone had to be following her.

"Oh my gosh, I just abused my boyfriend in front of Taylor Swift, she must think I am nuts." Leah whisper panicked as she noticed her actions.

"Don't worry Leah, I think it was well deserved what you did to him." Taylor joked giving Leah a thumbs up.

Leah practically melted hardly holding in the squeal she wanted to let out, "Oh my gosh! Taylor Swift just said I was in the right. EEEHHH!!!"

Ryan quickly threw his hands over his ears hearing her squeal, with his enhanced hearing it was ten times worse, it felt as if his eardrums were close to breaking as he heard her get louder. When she finally calmed down he pulled his hands away glaring at her, "Thanks for almost making me deaf."

"Shut it, I am talking to Taylor Swift." Leah quickly turned to him glaring.

He glared right back, "And it is thanks to me that it is happening, I haven't heard a thank you yet though."

She rolled her eyes, "Please if I hadn't sent you over---"

"Tried to pimp me out." He coughed in the middle.

"SENT YOU OVER!" She stressed glaring at him daring him to refute, "Then I wouldn't be talking to her, so it was still all me."

Ryan didn't argue anymore with her logic as it was clear as day that she would see it anyway that she wanted to believe it, he just shook his head, "I'm getting a drink."

"Yeah whatever." Leah brushed him off as she shyly looked at Taylor, "Would you mind if I got a picture?"

Taylor had been watching it all, there was a smile on her face when she was watching the interaction between the two of them, she had loved it they were being so real compared to a lot of people she knew. She beamed when Leah addressed her, "Of course you can."

Ryan was already walking away to get his drink, Leah was so engrossed with Taylor that she didn't even notice him walking away, he didn't mind either it was nice to see her this happy over something. Leah didn't have many friends so she didn't interact with a lot of other women, mostly it was her cousin Emily, Her Mother, His Mother and Rosalie, he never heard her talk of any others.

Which he knew came from her being a tomboy, a hardcore tomboy, so she didn't get along super well with girls her own age, which is why a lot of her time was spent around him or one of them.

Ordering his drink he slowed his steps to get back, he didn't want to interrupt what she had going on at the moment, he didn't want the smile she had to go away as she conversed with Taylor. "So this is where you are at." Ryan turned at the voice raising a brow.

Standing there was Jade, she was dressed in all black like the day before, the surprising thing was that the sun was definitely making it hot but there wasn't an ounce of sweat on her body. He couldn't control himself as he reached out and touched her bare arm, "You aren't sweaty." He stated with a raised brow.

She furrowed her brow looking grossed out, "Of course not, I don't sweat that is gross."

"Huh. Neat." Ryan said before turning back to watch Leah and Taylor who looked deep in thought about something.

"So what? You just skipped school today?" She asked walking to stand next to him, "Why are you watching them like some creep?"

He chuckled, "I don't go to the school anyway, I will get nagging from my grandmother, but I will be fine, and I am watching them like some creep, as you put it, because one is my girlfriend, and the other is her idol."

"Girlfriend!" She growled turning to glare at him.

He raised a brow still not intimidated by her glares, "Yes girlfriend, is there a problem with that, actually your opinion doesn't matter."

Jade kicked him hard on the leg, and if he wasn't who he was it would have hurt him more, "Well you having a girlfriend effects...Cat! She was really liking you, despite how weird you are for putting in red contacts."

Ryan raised a brow, he was sure that she was also talking about herself in all of that but he wasn't going to point that out, "Well two things, one, Cat has never said anything to me about it, even if she was painfully obvious. Two, These aren't contacts, they are my natural eye color."

"What are you some creepy albino!" Jade growled a dusting of blush on her cheeks the only indication that she was embarrassed.

He shrugged, "Nope."

Walking towards them he could hear her following his every step as he got closer to where Leah and Taylor were, he stopped just near them and could hear Jade suck in a breath when she noticed who Taylor was. She didn't freak out like Leah though, and from the sounds of her heartbeat he knew that while she was impressed at first it went away quickly.

"That's Taylor Swift, you and your girlfriend know her?" Jade whisper asked, Ryan shook his head, he then went on to explain how they met her, Jade gave him a curious look, "You and Your girlfriend are weird."

He smiled while looking at Leah, "Maybe, but I wouldn't give her up for anything in the world, I love her to much."

Jade turned her glare to Leah, her hands were itching to reach for her scissors as a wave of jealousy and washed over her, she only had met him for a day but after what happened with Tori, well she thought they clicked. Even hardly knowing him she knew that they would mix well with one another, and if she had the chance she would have said this the night before.

Although she was best friends with Cat she didn't believe that they were right for one another, Cat was way to bubbly and while that might balance out Ryan around strangers more, it wasn't enough. So she figured if she could find Ryan outside of school maybe she could take a shot, even if he did live in a different state, she was prepared to have that relationship.

Even if the distance between them caused her some worry about other girls around him, though he could always stay for Hollywood Arts, which is what she was trying to do.

Seeing the way he looked at Leah though made her know it wasn't possible, it was a way that she had hoped Beck looked at her but even after two years of dating he never did. She wanted that look.

Ryan saw and almost felt the Jealousy that was rolling off of Jade, it was thick in the air and for a moment, a slight moment, he saw something dark which scared the ever living shit out of him. Like he knew he was in the world of Twilight with some added places, but what hid in her shadows was something even he didn't want to face.

His wolf instincts howled and growled as it wanted to fight that darkness, it wasn't liking the fear his human counter part had shown to the creature that hid in those shadows. 

For once Ryan truly did not know how to feel or what to say, because that was without a doubt something real hiding in there and his mental state was no where near ready to face whatever his in the shadows. He clinched his fist while trying to play it off, "So, what are you doing out here?"

Jade's glare vanished and her eyes swept over to Ryan, she was an actress someone who could read people, but Ryan she couldn't which was why she was confused a she looked at him. Happy but confused, because Ryan's voiced had soften to her, and his eyes that didn't show must interest before suddenly couldn't look away from her.

"Umm," she was at a loss for words but suddenly coughed getting a sly smirk, "We could always do something, I mean your girlfriend is free to join too."

Ryan nodded smiling slightly, he was going to trust the wolf on this one and watch whatever that was, because of the wolf wanted to fight it, then it was definitely real. He nodded, "Sure, we can ask her."

The two made their way over to Leah and Taylor who heard them walk over and stopped talking, "Leah this is Jade, I met her yesterday at the school, Jade this is my girlfriend Leah and Taylor Swift."

"You didn't introduce me." Taylor said with a tilt of her head.

"Yes...I did." He said looking at her weirdly.

"No you didn't," Leah jumped in, "You said 'Leah this is Jade, I met her yesterday at the school.' then introduced Jade to us, but you didn't introduce Taylor to Jade."

Ryan rubbed his forehead, "Shortstack, I am not going to lie. I am high, so this conversation went over my head, but I will say that it is because Taylor can introduce herself, I mean me and her just met."

Taylor hummed while Leah glared, "What do you mean 'just met her today'? We have always known Taylor, right?!"

Ryan blinked and blinked again, he was sure that his girlfriend had completely taken knowing Taylor for only an hour and seeing her as a best friend, and he was screwing it up in her eyes. He couldn't help but laugh at how adorable it was, she was pushing him to cave so that she could be Taylors new Bestie.

Her eyes screaming, 'Do not screw this up for me or no sex ever again!'

"Taylor, this is Jade I met her yesterday." Ryan went along with it.

Taylor smiled, which made Leah's smile more natural, which made Jade scowl harder at the 'two bubbly' girls, just looking at Leah anyone could tell she didn't usually act this way. Ryan just felt a headache, he honestly should have just gone to the school today, it's true what they say, doing bad things lead to something worse.

This was the worst, he couldn't say it out loud but he was blaming it all on Taylor, there was no reason for her to be at the beach today, she should have stayed in doors. If Leah were to hear his words though she could kill him on the spot no doubt, and he was not falling for it.

"So, Jade was thinking we go do something else, I mean we have been outside a long time." Ryan said getting to the reason already.

Leah looked to Taylor, "Would you like to come with us Taylor? We could all do something."

Taylor smiled but shook her head, "I'm sorry but I actually need to get to the studio," as Leah's face fell she threw a smirk to Ryan who only blinked accepting it all, "But if you guys would like to come along I wouldn't say no to that. We could even sing some songs together."

Ryan was sure that if Leah breathed any harder she would pass out, "YES! WE WOULD LOVE TO JOIN!!" She shouted after a three second brain meltdown.

Next she sent a glare to Ryan daring him to refuse to join but he only gave her a smile, "That sounds like an awesome time, we even have your guitar so you can play it with her."

Leah beamed and looked back at Taylor shyly, "That's fine right? I wouldn't want to use up all your studio time."

Taylor shook her hand, "Oh don't worry about that, I meant to the studio in my house."

Ryan moved quickly catching Leah as she finally passed out, he gave Taylor a deadpan looked, "You did that on purpose, you could have used a regular studio but you had to choose your place to make her pass out."

Taylor shrugged smiling, "She's adorable. I understand why you love her so much, she is so tough on the outside but really just a ball of mush."

Ryan sighed as Leah came to and looked at him, "Ryan I had the most amazing dream, we got an invite to Taylor Swifts house to sing with her, to bad it was a dream though, I woke up before we could make it."

He chuckled, he loved these adorable moments of he, Taylor was this was a major reason he loved her, "It wasn't a dream Shortstack, she offered and you said yes. You just passed out before we could leave though."

Leah's eyes went wide as she looked over to Taylor who waved at her, "D-Did I embarrass myself in front of Taylor Swift?" She whispered sounding shy and scared.

He chuckled kissing her forehead, "Of course not Leah, how could a badass like you be fazed by something like Taylor asking you to her house, I was joking about you passing out."

Her eyes shinned as she looked at him, she stood from his arms more confident. "Sorry about him, why don't we head out now."

Ryan's eye twitched as he realized she blamed him for it all, Jade walked up next to him a smirk in her voice, "Ha. Looks like your girlfriend is choosing Taylor Swift over you, better watch out looks like Taylor wanted her."

A vivid image of Taylor on Leah flashed in his mind but he pushed it away, he knew Leah would never be with another woman, but like all growing teens and some middle aged men, his mind went there. Coughing at Jade who wore a bigger smirk as she did it on purpose he walked over and wrapped and arm around Leah as they all began to walk away.

The house was an hour away and Taylor was just going to let them change at her place, Ryan went along for the ride, and although she tried to play it off Jade was excited too joining them.