
Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

Well Ryan is in the world of Twilight now, it's time to see what his adventure can bring. /////// Updates when I feel like it. This Fic has characters from different movies and TV shows, it also does not follow canon a lot, you are warned! Not everything follows Canon so do not get on me about something being different. This is what Fan fiction is for. Also random number of words, usually between 1,500 and 3,500 though. /////// Warning!!! Mention of drugs so read at own cost, I am not promoting it, just using it in here. (Really just Weed) I own nothing but my own ideas and OC, image cover not mine.

Flaming_Lines · Phim ảnh
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70 Chs

Chapter 59): Beach Day!

Chapter 59): Beach Day!

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ advanced chapters on buy-meacoffee/flaminglines, also check out new book You: Oh Joe! for level 2 Members}


The night out with Trina was nice, if Ryan had to put a word on it, but he wasn't really into all the flirting she did, sure she was a nice girl and all but she wasn't someone that he could see himself with. There was also the fact that Jade had been glaring at him most the night because of it, he didn't know why she was but she was really glaring hard at him, well he did know he was playing stupid.

Cat though didn't hold back her flirting or interest, he saw multiple times where she batted her eyes or she outright waved at him, even singing to him sensual as she took the stage with Jade. Their voices together had sent a shiver through him, he liked hearing them sing and could completely understand why they were in Hollywood Arts.

Though he did learn from Trina that Jade only went because she wanted to be a screen writer or actress, while Cat went because she was more interested in costume design. He shook his head hearing that, but he couldn't judge them just because they could sing well didn't mean that is what they needed to do with their lives.

For all he knew they could see themselves talented in the other things then their actual singing.

The night had ended on a positive note when Trina didn't try to kiss him, Leah's words were still echoing in his head, which made him realize he really shouldn't even think of someone else with Rosalie still there. He should probably make more progress with her rather then trying to add in some girls who were still in their junior year and would need a year anyway.

He could only shake his head at all the girls who seemed to keep adding themselves to some list that was going on.


Leah laughed as she grabbed her beach bag only for it to be taken by Ryan moments later, "Are you seriously skipping? What would your grandmother say?"

He sighed while shaking his head, he was already shirtless as they left the room, "It doesn't matter, this is my senior year, I am a straight A student. Also there is no chance of me joining this school, she never said I actually have to go all three days, just visit it."

Leah shook her head as the elevator reached the ground floor, "If that is the way you want to look at it, then who am I to argue."

Ryan smirked as he saw her checking out his abs, there were other women doing the same thing, but he was only looking at Leah since it was just a day for the two of them. He felt as if they hadn't had that in awhile, especially since Bella had arrived things had just seemed less Ryan and Leah and was more Ryan and everyone else.

This whole Spring Break was suppose to be all about them but because his grandmother had asked him to try this school once again other people and become a factor, he wasn't allowing that today.

Ryan scooped up Leah causing her to squeal, "Yes that is how I want to look at it, I would rather spend my day with my beautiful girlfriend then in a boring school."

The smile that he got from that statement caused his heart to momentarily stop, he felt warm on the inside seeing it, the smile was on that he got always when he did the right thing. He really hoped that he would get that smile for the rest of his life, it was a smile that he really loved, because it was full of love and fondness.

It was a smile that let him know despite everything that he was doing something right.

Leaving the hotel Ryan raised a brow because from the corner of his eye he saw Lexi there, she was watching him as he carried Leah out and put her in the car but didn't speak to him. He didn't say anything to her either, they had only met last night for less then ten minutes, and from the way she watched him he was sure she was stalking him a little.

"Alright! Venice Beach, here we come!" Ryan said with a smile as he drove off with a whooping Leah.


Leah was relaxed as she floated on the top of the water, it was cooling and relaxing on her body, of course she could have done this at the hotel too in the pool but a beach day was better. It was just her and Ryan at the moment, there were some other people but not much as it was still a school and work day, the only people here were really walking around.

Ryan had gone off to use the bathroom some time ago so she was just relaxing.

She noticed the guys who had paused to look at her but she didn't acknowledge them, one because they were pigs who shouted some stuff she didn't care for, and two was because they just weren't attractive. Not that it would matter if they were or not, Ryan was the only person in her eyes, although their were multiple women around him he had treated her the best.

Which she was savoring since she knew that Rosalie would be with them more soon, if his idea worked like he wanted it to then there was no doubt that she would do all she could to devote herself to Ryan. Even more so then the mate thing was trying to make her.

"Hey beautiful! Come out for awhile, come join us for some snow cones." One of the guys shouted making her sigh.

Ryan needed to hurry back.

"Hey sexy! Want to grab a frozen Lemonade?" Leah couldn't help but laugh as the voice that called out that time was clearly Ryan.

She righted herself and saw him near the group of guys, they all looked over at Ryan as he was able to get her attention, in his hands were to yellow drinks which made her swim out the water. When she reached the shore she saw his smug smile which made her roll her eyes, "What are you so smug about?"

He wrapped an arm around her waist as she took the drink, "Well they called out to you but only I was able to get you out."

Rolling her eyes she took a drink then looked at him, "Your my boyfriend Ryan, of course I would show if it was you offering."

"Oh good to know, for a second I thought they might charm you with those offers of snow cones." Ryan said while holding his chest with a relieved sigh. Shaking her head she looked around ignoring his antics, suddenly she froze with her mouth hanging open some, "What is it?"

"That...she...her..ahdush.." Was all she could say.

Ryan raised a brow, there wasn't a lot that could make his girlfriend speechless but apparently something had done it, following her gaze he saw a woman who had long flowing blonde hair who was relaxing as she walked along the beach. He couldn't see what was making Leah speechless though, "I don't understand."

Leah was finally able to come back to herself she whispered yelled as she held his arm with a surprisingly strong grip, "That is Taylor Swift!" Her voice dripped with excitement.

Ryan looked at the woman again really looking at her face, using his senses he could finally tell there was hired help following form a distance, the big sunglasses had thrown him off some. Plus he wasn't trying all that hard in the beginning to figure out it was her.

Now he could understand why she was acting the way that she was, while Leah maybe be a classic rock head and like more old time music she was a huge Taylor Swift fan. She didn't display it but in her closet was a shrine to the woman, from every album that was currently out to concert tickets that she had gotten using allowance money.

"Oh." Was all Ryan said though after finding out.

"Oh! That is all you have to say! That is Taylor Swift, my secret idol, you do remember what is in my closet right?!" Leah stressed since apparently he didn't react the way that she wanted him too.

"Yeah, so what?" Ryan said not seeing a reason to get excited as he took a drink of his lemonade.

"Ugh..you I swear!!" Leah growled while glaring at him like she wanted to strangle him, "You don't even try and you have women flock to you, use that magic now!"

Ryan looked at her funny, "Are you trying to pimp me out to meet Taylor Swift? Because it feels that way."

She shoved him kicking him on the butt as she did so, "I swear Ryan, if you don't use whatever magic you use on everyone else to get her over here don't even think of sleeping with me ever again."

Ryan sipped his drink while walking towards the beach, he could feel Leah's glare the whole way, the way she said it just now he knew that she was serious about this. Although then again she might not be serious, she might just be trying to see if he could rope Taylor in, which he didn't really see as ethical, he wasn't trying to rope women in on purpose in the first place, it just happened.

With a sigh he stopped thirty feet away from Taylor, the bodyguards that were nearby while not visible he knew they were watching, sighing he said screw it and walked over to her. Stopping next to where she was watching the water he could feel them move in closer, "Your Taylor Swift right?"

She turned to look at him with a slight smile on her lips, "Yes. Want an autograph?"

Ryan shook his head, "No, my girlfriend is a super fan and believes I have some power of gaining the opposite sexes attention. She wanted me to use it on you."

At first she was curious as he spoke then he heard her chuckle, "Really? So is this you picking me up? By telling me you have a girlfriend?"

He shook his head, "No. I have no interest in hitting on you, not that you aren't very beautiful and talented, but honestly you're just to big of a star. I don't need that kind of attention."

She laughed, when she calmed down she lowered her glasses some, "Alright I'm intrigued, who is your girlfriend?"

Ryan turned which prompted her to follow, he looked over to see Leah nervously biting her nail then looking away quickly as she noticed them looking over, "The one holding the lemonade and pretending she isn't nervous about us meeting."

Ryan's eye twitched as he watched his girlfriend trip over literally from nothing, she was just standing there but the more they looked at her the more nervous she got causing her to trip over the air from just standing there. He shook his head at how silly she was, but he loved her despite it all.

Taylor laughed, "We should go over there, she looks about ready to bite her nails clean off."

Ryan nodded, "Yeah, we should move cautiously though she looks like a frighten doe." Taylor just laughed nodding her head at what he said.