
Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

Well Ryan is in the world of Twilight now, it's time to see what his adventure can bring. /////// Updates when I feel like it. This Fic has characters from different movies and TV shows, it also does not follow canon a lot, you are warned! Not everything follows Canon so do not get on me about something being different. This is what Fan fiction is for. Also random number of words, usually between 1,500 and 3,500 though. /////// Warning!!! Mention of drugs so read at own cost, I am not promoting it, just using it in here. (Really just Weed) I own nothing but my own ideas and OC, image cover not mine.

Flaming_Lines · Phim ảnh
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70 Chs

Chapter 37): But First We Hunt....

Chapter 37): But First We Hunt....

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ Advanced Chapters on Buy-meacoffee/flaminglines}


The rest of the school day was relaxed, he didn't even need to try hard for basketball as they were just watching game footage and Monday there was no practice, he was a little annoyed by the rain still falling though. Walking out to the parking lot he was stunned, sitting there was his mother and she was actually jamming out in the car to Post Malone 'Chemical' was playing loudly even through the closed windows.

His eye twitched as he walked over to the car and tapped the window, he was aware of all the people looking at him as he did so too, he ignored them though like he usually did. His mother jumped but smiled seeing him the window rolled down, "Hey Ryan, I figured you wouldn't want to drive in this rain, do you want a ride?"

He blinked, then blinked again but nodded as he opened the door and got in ignoring his motorcycle, he didn't feel like driving in this rain anyway and knew people would question how he could. The streets were practically flooded after all, if someone rode a motorcycle in this then they are either an expert or something else is going on.

His mother beamed as he took a seat in the car, "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, that song is just sooo good though."

He rolled his eyes, "I could care less about some high schoolers opinion mom, hell I might never see them again after graduation so who cares."

She beamed and nodded, "Alright then."


(Later that night)

"Ryan? Are we going to watch another movie again tonight?" His mother asked a she was eating something before he went out for his hunt, he figure vampires would hunt humans between the busiest times.

"Sorry, I have a lot of homework tonight, but we can do it tomorrow." He said with a slight smile, he was not fully use to her asking to spend time together but he was getting use to it.

"That's fine, I will just catch up on some reality television then." She said waving it off as she walked back into the living room.

His father was still no where to be seen even when he got home, and Ryan just didn't ask anymore, instead he ignored it because the man obviously didn't want to see his own son if he was acting this way. But that was something to maybe possibly not really deal with later.

After finishing his food Ryan went upstairs as he heard his mother laughing at some ridiculous fight that was happening on the television. After locking his door he sent a last text to Leah and Rosalie before jumping out his window, he transformed before he even hit the ground running, all that was left from his landing though as a dust trail.

'Alpha! Do you need me?' Meredith questioned him in his head as he ran through the trees.

'Not tonight Meredith, maybe some other time.' he said as he picked up speed as he caught on to the scent of blood.

Ryan ran to where he was smelling the blood, mixed in he could smell the sickly sweet smell of vampires, unlike the ones he knew this smell choked his sense making him repulsed. Pushing harder he jumped out the trees and saw a scene that caused paused, laying there was the bodies of ten children.

They couldn't have been more then fix or six years older either, in his memory posters of these children were pushed to the front of his memories, they had all gone missing at the same time about two weeks ago. Which at that time he truly could do nothing about it, all he would have been able to do is investigate and hope he wouldn't die, now though that was different.

With a loud howl that shook the trees Ryan pounced, "WHAT THE FUCK!!" A vampire with a bloody mouth shouted right as Ryan reached him.

He had no time to react as Ryan already sunk his teeth into the vampire, his power of draining worked immediately and the vampire began to turn human but Ryan was not letting him go. He tore his arm off like playing with a rag doll, blood flew everywhere while the man screamed in agony over his lost limb.

His partner had been frozen Ryan noticed but when his head full of bloody arm turned to him he ran, Ryan was surprised when he had to crash into a barrier to get to the vampire. He didn't let it slow him down as he weaved through trees to get to the man, it was easy to as he was faster then all the vampires too.

"Please! I am sorry! Let me go!" The vampire cried as he tried to jump from tree to tree staying ahead of Ryan.

Ryan's only response was to growl loudly as he chased after the vampire.

[1/25 Vampires Killed]

That message popped up in front of him which at least let him know the other was dead, he pushed harder jumping right as the other vampire did catching him in his mouth. The vampire screamed for mercy as Ryan's teeth sunk into him, his body turning soft as the vampire venom making him a vampire sucked out of him, his screams grew louder as it happened.

[2/25 Vampires Killed]

Ryan was surprised the man was killed so quickly, when he checked though he saw a big gash across his neck, which was not caused by anything he did, so it had to be how he died. This was actually cool to find out, it meant that this one was saved before it could fully die from its injuries because this was a seriously fatal one.

Dragging the body Ryan took it back to where the other was, he sat there a minute before sighing, digging a hole he took the old vampires away from where the kids were and buried them deeply. After that he decided to tell the police where kids were tomorrow, he marked the territory enough that no animals would come and disturb them before the police could reach them.

Leaving the area behind he went to continue his hunt, his nose was basically leading him at this point which before he caught on to the next scent he was in Seattle making it harder for him to blend in. He was now walking around like a normal human as he searched for them, there was no way he could stay as a wolf and walk through Seattle without being noticed.

Thankfully his nose was still working, although his ears were to as he came across an attack near a bar, rushing inside he saw a one with a sick grin as he held a woman against the wall. Her windpipe was being held so she couldn't scream, Ryan rushed into the alley and snapped the vampires arm cleanly.

The woman gasped as she scrambled back hiding against the dumpster, "Who the fu--" was all he got to say before Ryan twisted his head right off.

He took the body and threw it into the dumpster where the woman hid inside he coat not looking out at them, thankfully vampire venom was so flammable so he only needed to throw a match in.

[3/25 Vampires Killed]

Ryan turned to walk away but the back of his shirt being held stopped that, he looked back to see the woman was no longer hiding under her coat, "Please, don't leave me here." She said softly looking around scared.

Ryan could hear sirens approaching where they were, he knew someone had called the cops about the dumpster fire, "Come on then."

She got up surprisingly fast while wearing heels, he was shocked to see how she was able to move so fast in them, her red hair was disheveled as her eyes looked around frantically for the man who attacked her, "Where is he?" She asked on almost a whisper.

"Gone." Ryan said curtly as he began to walk out the alley, although she wasn't far behind as she refused to let go of his shirt.


"Where am I taking you exactly?" Ryan asked as he wanted to get back to killing vampires then walking randomly with her. Cops passed by them as they turned the corner near the bar.

"Ummm, I was suppose to meet my husband here tonight, but of course he doesn't show up when I called him, probably off with 'her' even after everything we have been through. I mean come on I was almost---" she was ranting.

Ryan's eye twitched as he stopped and she slammed into his back not paying attention to the fact that he had stopped, "Look lady, I am not responsible for you, I helped you out but I have things to do tonight. Where are we going?!"

She rubbed her nose before turning her head up to look at him, she was a good 5'11 in her heels though her green eyes went watery as she looked at him with a jutted out lip, "Why are you being so mean to me?"

Ryan sighed, crying women and children were his weakness, there was just something about it that he couldn't let slip by, he reached out and brought her into his hug which she accepted holding him tight, "I'm sorry. Now, where am I taking you?"

She sniffled as her tears and some snot, he was sure of that, soaked into his shirt, "Ugh, I can not deal with that stupid trailer tonight, no after....well not after what almost happened, I mean I was almost ra--"

She began to choke up again as she couldn't even say what was about to happen to her, though Ryan noticed that she didn't think she was about to be killed but raped. He didn't know if that was worse or better, maybe better seeing as someone normal knowing about the world of supernatural would probably break their reality.

"Look," he said breaking down, "Why don't I take you to my apartment, but if you believe you can't trust me then I can always get you a hotel."

He had noticed that her purse and anything else of meaning was not on her, all she had was her coat which did not look like it had deep enough pockets to hold anything serious. Ryan saw Leah back and think it over, he also noticed that she did not remove her arms from holding on to his own as she moved back though.

She gnawed at her lip her watery.eyes looking at him, "Are you sure that is okay? I mean, I don't want to be alone tonight but at the same time I would really appreciate it."

He nodded as he hailed a cab, "Sure why not, I honestly don't mind. If it gives you a piece of mind too you can use my phone to call someone."

He reached into his pocket and handed over his phone, he knew that even if he did save her life that she would feel more secure if someone knew where she was tonight. After holding it a moment he realized she didn't take it though making him look over at her, she was biting her lip while looking at it.

"What if they ask to see me? I don't think I could see anyone right now." She whispered holding his arm tightly as a cab stopped in front of them.

He looked at her deeply but nodded his head, "Just take it in case. If you want to call them later then you will be able to, you don't have anything else on you at the moment anyway."

She nodded as they both got into the back, Ryan gave the address to his parents apartment in the city as the cab took off.