
Ch.37 Minecraft

I was in my bed and I was sleeping I had a late night I was training with dad and it went on longer than I expected. I was a little tired and just wanted to sleep in, but then dad entered my room and he said "Come on wake up, you have school."

I mumbled in sleep "I don't wanna."

He sighed and said, "Come on Chris, your sister already left, you need to wake up now if you want to make it to school on time. Cat already left for school."

I turned and I pulled my sheets up covering my face and I said: "Please I want to sleep."

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Fine you leave me with no choice."

I chuckled and said, "Yeah, like what are you gonna do?"

He crouched and said "This." He flipped my bed and I rolled out of it like tumbleweed.

I unwrapped myself from the blanket and he said "Get ready, now!"

I sighed and got up from the ground and I started to get ready. I got dressed and I went downstairs and he was warming up the breakfast and I asked him "Hey, when did Bella leave?"

He shrugged his shoulders and placed the breakfast on the table and said "after she made breakfast, she just left, she said she had some project with Edward and that's all I know. Edward came to pick her up."

I sat at the table and was eating and he said "Your sister is upset with you and I know you just want things to be normal as they were, but you need to give her some time Chris. She will come around eventually. Eternity is a long time to be upset with someone."

I sighed and said, "I know that she is angry with me but I just don't know how to make it right, I did what I did so that you could walk again and I thought that I was right to do that."

He looked at me and said "I know son, but right now, is not the time to mop around right now is the time to march on with your day. So go on now."

I looked at him and smiled and said "Thanks, dad."

He looked at me and said, "No, I, he realized need to go like right now."

I looked at the clock and I was super late. I rushed out of the house and got on my bike and I rushed to school.

I reached the school and the lot was empty, I got off my bike and I rushed into the school and I got to my class and I said to the teacher "I am sorry that I am late."

He looked at me and he said "No, need to apologize, Chris come on in. How is Charlie by the way?"

I nodded and said, "He is doing fine, making some fine progress."

He smiled and nodded and I went ahead and took my seat next to Cat. I kissed her and she said, "How are you?"

I sighed and said, "I am sleepy, all the night exercise and after that, I sometimes get the transmissions from dad so that doesn't help at all."

She whispered, "You want me to get you something from Charlisle's cabinet?"

I chuckled and said "No, no, I will be fine. The full moon is near anyway after that I will be able to get some good rest."

She then looked at me and asked in a hushed tone "What have you planned so far?"

I shook my head and I said "Not much, I have just been explaining to dad how the transformation works and how not to fight it and stuff, but if past is anything to learn from Chains are going to do shit all, I am going to need like a cavern or something like a cave."

She thought for a minute and said "I think I might know a place that will be of use."

I asked her "Where?"

She said, "There is a cliff near the Wolves property, there is a cavern below it so we may be able to use it for this."

I nodded and said, "That may be of some use."


It was lunchtime and we were in the cafeteria we decided to sit with others so that we can talk about the cave plan. We went to the table and sat down, Emmett looked at me and said "You look like shit, what happened?"

I sighed and said "Sleep problems."

Alice asked, "How are things going with Charlie?"

I nodded and said, "He is doing better, he stopped growing in height, fortunately." I then said, "I kinda need help with the upcoming full moon situation."

Alice asked, "What is it?"

I told her about the plan and she said "Yeah, we can modify it so that he can transition in there."

I smiled and said "Fantastic, so when do we start?"

Alice said, "Let's start today I guess. After school."

I smiled and said, "Sounds like a plan."


After school ended I informed Charlie that I will be with the Cullens and that I will be back at 7 or something. I told him it was project work. Cat and I reached the Cliff. We got off the bike and I looked down and there was a river next to it. I looked at Cat and asked, "Ah, where is the cavern that you were talking about?"

She smiled and said, "You'll find out." She then pushed me and I looked at her in absolute horror. I turned and I transformed, I busted through my clothes and I landed on my legs, then I saw Cat and I caught her, I transformed back and I said "Not funny Cat."

She giggled and said "Was fun for me."

I put her down and she opened up her bag and she threw me shorts. I wore it and then we both went inside and I got the flashlights and I switched them on and we saw a huge cave, inside was cold and wet and there was moss and algae on the rocks, we decided to go in deep and after a few minutes we reached the end of the cave and the cave was relatively big. I looked at Cat and I said "This will work."

She looked at me and she moved closer to me and she said "You know there is still some time before they come with the supplies, so why don't we utilize this time?"

She put her hands on my neck and I asked "Oh, what did you have in mind?"

She chuckled and said "This." She then proceeded to kiss me.

I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me and we were making out but then I heard "Uh, guys?"

I stopped and I turned and I saw Alice and I said: "Why does God hate me?"

I put Cat down and then we all went outside and took the supplies inside, they have gotten thick stainless steel rods and they were like what like 30 Cm thick and a blowtorch. We then started to get to work.

We took a corner of the cavern and we laid down the rods, we also made a door of the same rods and we were done.

Emmett then said "Only one thing is left now. To test it."

I nodded and I took off my pants Alice and Rosalie looked away and Rosalie said "Pervert."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I only have this pair."

Emmett asked, "What happened to your original clothes?"

I looked at Cat and said, "Ask your sister."

He said "Dude!" I just transform and I went inside and I tried to bend the pipes to get out but I couldn't, they were super deep. I then tested the door, I kicked it and it came off.

Emmett said "Will need to put more rods around it and possibly make it in layers. I transformed back and said, "It could work."

He then threw me the shorts.

We then decided to add more layers to the door and also make like two outer perimeters for safety.

After that was done, we decided to call it a day and I went home alone and Cat went to hers. I got home and Bella opened the door I went inside and I said "Hey."

She said "Hey." She then went to the kitchen and I followed her. She asked, "I heard you guys were making a place so that Charlie could turn?"

I went to the fridge and I got a water bottle and I said "Yeah, I thought that that would be a good idea."

She nodded and she said, "It does sound like a good one."

I then sat at the table and asked, "So how was your day?"

She turned around and she was cooking something and she said: "A little boring, Edward is kinda sad that he can't come and go as he pleases."

I chuckled and said, "It's the same with Cat."

She chuckled and said "Must be tough for you… cause in my case I wasn't doing anything but you guys were."

I cut her off and I said "Oh, please don't"

She laughed and she said, "Fine I won't."

I said, "Thank you."

She turned towards me and she said, "Listen, Chris, I am sorry for the way I acted, I was just scared for him, I mean all this happens and all of it was just too much for me to handle and I can't imagine how it must have been for you, because I couldn't do anything to help him but you did have a solution, I just wished that you would have told me. I am your sister Chris."

I nodded and I said, "I know I should have but I didn't want to take the chance of you saying no." She looked at me and I said "That look in his eyes when he realized what he had lost was so much for me to bear. I would have done anything to help him and that is what I did. I am sorry but I would have done it again I have to."

She looked at me and she said "Let's just hope that it doesn't come to it again."

I smiled and said "Yeah."


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I do realize that the whole isolation thing may seem stupid and it is to us but they still don't yet know the limits of what a werewolf is able to do and it kinda seems necessary because every other werewolf and vampire show does this shit. So I hope you guys are not too hard on it. Bye.