
Twilight: Omega

The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.

confused4you · Phim ảnh
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53 Chs

Ch.30 It’s Vampire season

After the meeting with the wolves, I reached home and it was starting to get dark, Charlie was still at work. He has lately been very busy with the disappearance cases and there is one in particular that he has been worried about.

I wish that I could tell him the truth about everything but it's better this way, he will be protected if he doesn't know. I entered my house and I smelled that someone was cooking.

I walked into the kitchen and I saw Cat. She was making food. I watched her and she said, "It's creepy."

I chuckled and said "None more than you watching me sleep." I walked up to her and embraced her.

She turned around and said, "Well, I have nothing better to do."

I kissed her and said, "I can think of a few things to do." She looked at me and I said "What I mean when I am a little awake obviously." I kissed her neck and said, "Although I wouldn't stop you."

She pushed me away and said "That's enough for now Mr. pervert. I am cooking Lasagna."

I said, "I didn't know that you could cook."

She said "Well, I have been taking lessons from Rosalie and Esme. Seeing that you love to eat, I thought it would be better than your cooking."

I said, "I am offended, I am a good cook."

She chuckled and said, "Your sister says otherwise. Can you set the table?"

I was setting the table and I said "Any update from Alice?"

She said, "Nothing, we need to be on guard." She got the lasagna out of the oven and set it on top of the coster and also got the roasted veggies and garlic bread.

We both sat down and she served me the food and poured some coke, it all smelled heavenly and it looked delicious. She sat next to me and said "Bon appetit."

I took in a bit of the roasted vegetables and they were perfectly seasoned and crispy, the Lagana was amazing, the garlic bread was toasted to perfection.

She looked at me and I said "Oh, it is amazing." She gave me a smile and gave me more food. I ate a lot but remembered to save some for Charlie.

After the dinner was done, we went upstairs and she asked "So like they are outlining Leah? Why?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Who knows, but one thing is for sure their numbers are way too high and although I trust Sam, I don't trust the new pups they have." I opened the door and I started to remove my clothes.

She looked at me and sat on the bed and said, "Are you saying that we may need to move?"

I sat on the bed and nodded "Yeah, cause even if they are cooperating now. I still would like to keep an arm's distance from them."

She looked at me and nodded and said, "We'll move as soon as we graduate."


A few days have passed now, the patrolling of the house started again and the ones that came for the duty weren't all that stoked about it. There would be 2 wolves, at the watch, and out of the two one was constant Leah. Looks like she got the short end of the stick.

Today is the day that they will attack. We had already informed the wolves about this and today the number of wolves had been increased from 2 to 6. Leah was in charge of it all.

It was starting to get dark. I called Charlie and I said to him that I will be spending the night at Cullen's house. So not to wait up.

We were in the forest near Cullen's house. It was on the southeast side of the forest. Everyone was already there. Cat and I reached a little late. I was wearing my shorts and tank top. Emmett said "you showed up. I was thinking that you two chickened out."

I chuckled and said, "Well, it's been quite some time since I had some fun, so can't possibly miss out on this… brother."

He looked at me and said "It will be fun then… brother"

Carlisle said, "If you two are done fooling around, we need to concentrate." he looked at me and said, "You should transform, they will be here any minute."

I nodded and I removed the tank top and I turned into the wolf form. I pointed up and Carlisle said, "Go for the head and do your roar that will stun them for a while for us to take them out." I nodded.

Alice then pointed and said, "They are here."

We turned in the direction that and I saw the army and it was not small. There were at least 17-20 mostly teens and a good amount of adults… I could clearly see them. I also saw a man behind all of them and he was walking but very slowly.

In a few seconds they were in front of us and as soon as our eyes met fear… I could see it in their eyes. I snarled and I roared.

All of the vampires, enemies, and allies alike were frozen and I also heard the howls of the wolves.

I ran towards them. They stood there frozen. I reached a woman and I cut her head clean off with my claws, her head rolled to the ground and I crushed it with my feet.

The other vampires saw this and started to run back. The man behind them also started to run. Cullen also broke from their fear and started to run towards them.

We started to pick them off one by one. The plan was simple: either kill them or send them to the wolf territory.

I was chasing this guy and he was looking back and was running. I jumped at him and bit down on his head. It crumbled in my mouth, it tasted like ash.

Emmet and Jasper had a good amount of kills, Carlisle, Esme, and Alice were behind and taking care of the dead vampires.

Cat was chasing a girl and she finally caught up to her and she was begging and Cat said "Sorry, but this is necessary." She punched her head off and removed her hands.

She looked at me and ran toward me and we were running together and Rosalie was snapping some kid's neck while she said: "Hey lovebirds focus. We have vampires to kill."

They were trying to jump on trees but it still didn't do them any good. As they started to jump from tree to tree we did the same.

I grabbed some stones from the ground and I chucked it at a guy's head and it went through it but he still continued to run.

I grabbed three more and threw at him again and this time they went through his head and a good chunk of his head was blown off.

Cat was very nimble; she was chasing the newborns in the trees and killing them with ease by tearing their necks.

We were getting close and there were now four left and we were closing in but the main guy had already left.

I jumped and tackled another and stomped his head and crushed it to pieces. Cat got another one. She broke one's leg and snapped her head clean off.

Emmett was tearing a guy's head off and said "Last one remains!"

Cat and I saw that we both ran for her and she was going to catch up to her so I started to run on all fours and was able to overtake her but she just climbed on top of me and then jumped and caught the head and twisted it and killed her in mid-air.

She showed me the head and smiled, I scoffed and looked away. She tossed me the head and I crushed it, she chuckled and climbed on top of me and we went to the others.

With the last vampire dead and burnt. We informed the Wolves and they were tracking the main guy. We confirmed the deaths and went to the house for the report.


We were in the living room and Charlise looked a little tense and he said "The newborns that attacked today were the defective ones and the one that Chris saw the calm one at the back he escaped the wolves."

I looked at Carlisle and asked, "What do you mean defective?"

Jasper said, "They weren't up to what a trained newborn should be like, they were rejects."

I sighed and said, "They were sent here to test us."

Carlisle nodded and I said "This is not going to go well with Victoria is it?"

Jasper said "She will most likely create more and will train them more."

I asked "Do we have more excuses to keep my sister away?"

Rosalie said "We all know that as soon as she gets back that dog will go to her to spill. No offence."

I nodded and said "Non taken." I sighed and said "Damn, this is going to get a little bit more troublesome isn't it." Cat held my hand.

Carlisle sighed and said "Yeah."

Emmett said "Don't worry man, we took care of them once, we will take care of them again." He offered his hand

I chuckled and shook his hand and said "Yeah." He grabbed my hand and reeled me in for a hugand said "That's more like it."

They looked at us and laughed.