A man got reincarnated as a Kryptonian in the Twilight universe.What will be his destiny? Author note:- This is my first fanfiction. English is my second language. Twilight or superman dosen't belong to me
Next day After completing his morning routine Alex was about to make breakfast when his super hearing picks up the sound of footsteps with speed that's impossible for normal humans.
Alex disappeared from the kitchen and appeared infront of Alice who was about to enter his house with his super speed.
"Good morning" Alex said placing a kiss on Alice's cheek.
"Good morning" Alice said blushing.
"Wow Where was your shyness yesterday."Alex said only to earn a stomp on foot.Not that he felt it.
" Carlisle asked would you like to visit our home?"
Alice asked with a hopeful look.
"Yes,let's go" Alice was eager to introduce him to her family.
"By the way where is you car?"
"Oh...I forgot.Anyway we can both run."
"Ok, a race then"
" Catch me if you can"Alice said and started run immediately
"That's cheating" Alex said while staring at Alice's back using supervision to its full potential.
When Alice was halfway through the way Alex started run catching up with Alice easily.
" On your left"Alex said passing her.After entering Cullen's land he waited for Alice.
"You are late"
"Hump...I just let you win.Let's go to the house"
When they enter the house they greeted by a ever enthusiastic girl.
"They are here...Mom"Edythe said.
"Don't shout Edythe.Welcome to our home Alex. "
Esme said.
"Did you eat breakfast?"
"Emm... no" Alex replied " Please don't bother it's not necessary"
"Oh...nonsense,Alice help me to make breakfast for Alex"Alice and Esme went to kitchen leaving only Alex and Edythe in living room.
"So you are dating Alice huh...I will give you 9 out of 10"
"Why nine"
"Took too much time .Look at me and Jasper one day I saw him and next day I drag him to bed"
"huh"Alex said unsuring what to say.
"By the way you are teacher right?You know dating your own student quite a taboo I must say. One time I...."Edythe was interrupted by a hand covering her mouth.
"I am sorry.She is just excited"Esme said while dragging Edythe away.
" Breakfast is ready"Alice said.
"Thank you for the food" Alex said starting to enjoy the breakfast which is delicious probably thanks to Esme.
After Alex finished the breakfast he heard sound of a car.Few moments later Jasper and Carlisle entered the house.
"Ah...I am sorry Mr.Creed. I had to go to the Town"
"It's okay just call me Alex"
Meanwhile Emmet and Rosalie come down and join them in the living room.Eventhow he didn't show it Alex was nervous.It was the first time he meeting his girlfriend's family and their relationship just start yesterday.
"Ok guys this is Alex,Alex this is my family this is Carlisle and Esme our adoptive patents and this is Edythe,Jasper ,Emmet and Rosalie my brothers and sisters. Edward is not here tho you have seen him before right"Alice said.
"By the way where is Edward"Esme asked.
" Stalking that girl probably" Alice said in a small displeasure because one of her brothers not being at home when she introduces her lover.
"You are the one to talk.Don't you remember you Stalk this guy almost for week"Edythe said teasingly.
"Waah.....shut up,Idiot" Alice said while blushing.
Fact that he didn't catch the Alice didn't surprised him because most of the time he deactivate his super sense not wanting to overlord his brain with all the information.What surprised him was Alice actually stalk him.
Alex watched Alice trying to cover her face with embarrassment while enjoying her cute antics.
"Ok let's move on to more important things.
Alex,Alice said you have powers can you show us." Carlisle said.
"Ok, let's go outside."
Alex shows them his speed and flight.
"Let's check your strength" Emmet said excitedly.
"Ok ,how about this, we play tug of war. Me vs. all of you."Alex said with a grin.
"Are you sure? "Alice asked.
"Huh are you calling us weak.Jasper get the chain."Emmet said.
After while they got ready to play and Esme acts as the referee.
"Ok...get ready 3,2,1 go"Soon as Esme said Cullens pulled the chain with all of their strength.
Their muscles bulged and they gritted their teeth trying to make Alex moves a single step.Yet Alex held the chain casually.With a single motion
he pulled all of them towards him.
" Winner is alex"Esme said.
" Damn it, What a monstrous strength you have?"Emmet said.
"Hmm...this confirm my suspicion.You are a man form stars." Carlisle said.
"What" Alex said. 'Do they know about Kryptonians.Does this universe have more Kryptonians.'
"When I was living with volturi I came across a ancient record even before the first vampire.It said that a man from the stars came to earth and fight with primordial creatures and killed them.After that he left the earth telling one day someone from his bloodline will complete what he started." Carlisle said.
"Do You think I am his descendent?"
"It's just a feeling but according to what we know your powers awakened naturally without any Supernatural intervene and they are very similar to that man.Or you can be something completely different."
Alex was surprised from this discovery.Thousand of possibilities ran through his mind.
"Alex...Alex"Alice's voice brought him back to present.
"Don't think about it.Who you are or where you are from doesn't matter to me.I am always with you" Alice said while placing a kiss on Alex's lips.
'She is right.It's no use thinking about it now' Alex thought.
"Oh gods...get a room already.I'm gonna die from diabetes and I am a vampire." Edythe grumbled.
Alex chuckled while Alice blushed.
"So what do you want to do now?" Alex asked Alice
" Shopping"Alice replied."Edythe do you want to come too"
"Yah, sure Jasper you are coming too"
"A double date then" Alice said happily.
While two men thought the same thing 'we are done for'.