
Twilight: Madara Uchiha

What would happen if a nobody somehow ended up in Twilight. But that nobody turned into something else or more like some one else the most feared Shinobi in the elementals nations. The Ghost of the Uchiha Madara Uchiha ---------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer I own only my oc's nothing else Twilight is owned by Stephenie Meyer.

CX_Darthsomali · Phim ảnh
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19 Chs



POV (Cullens)

It was a quiet morning, emmet and Rosalie were out hunting, and Edward was in his room listening to music. Alice and jasper were on the living room sofa looking at each other like they were having a conversation. And in the next room was Edyth sitting by the piano pressing a key now and then. Esme walked into the room hand in hand with Carlisle.

"Is something wrong with Edythe she's been at that for the entire night" Said Esme worried.

"Alise do you know anything," asked Carlisle.

Jasper and Alice kept looking at each other when they broke eye contact.

" I...I'm not sure she's been out of it ever since we came back from school yesterday," said Alice.

It was obvious she was hiding something if the stutter was anything to go by, jasper brushed Alice's arm lightly.

"You should say something," he said

"No...I can't" said Alice softly.

Carlisle and Esme seeing this interaction between Alice and jasper knew something was wrong, so they took the seat next to them.

"What is it Alice did you see something," said Carlisle.

"Ding" The key Edythe was playing suddenly sounded louder from the silence of the room.

Alice looked Carlisle in the eye and just when she was about to say something emmet and Rosalie came into the room mouth bloodied from their hunt.

"hahaha did you see the bear babe, it looked like a deer in the headlight hahahahaha" said emmet laughing.

Rosalie who was holding Emmet's arm realized they walked into an important conversation so she hit emmet in the arm for him to quiet down.

"Ow what was that for," he said.

Then emmet looked around and he had the decency to look sheepish.

"Sorry did we walk into something important," said Emmet?

"Ding" The piano key rang out.

Esme and Carlisle already used to emmets antics just looked at Alice and waited for her to say something.

"Edward," said Alice.

Esme and Carlisle looked at each confused, behind them Rosalie and emmet were cleaning their mouths with towels listening for anything important concerning the family.

"Yes what about Edward," said Esme.

Seeing Alice needed help jasper finished.

"There's a new student in school whose mind Edward couldn't read," said jasper.

Esme and Carlisle looked at each other confused.

"O yeah that guy," said emmet loudly Rosalie slapped emmet on the hand.

"Ow, what was that for," he said looking around only to see everyone looking at him, including Edward who had come down from his room after hearing his name.

"Ding" the piano rang.

"Do you know him emmet?" asked Esme.

Emmet seemed to get nervous after the question.

"I mean I spoke to him briefly, we had the same class so yeah..." he said

Carlisle couldn't take the suspension anymore so he looked at Alice and asked straight.

"Alice tell me what this is really about," he said


"H..e.." said Alice.

"He's what,"said, Carlisle


"HE'S EDYTHES MATE," she said a bit too loudly.


Everyone was stoked, not only because of the revelation but to what it meant.

"I...I didn't want to say anything Be....Because of what I saw the first time about him" said Alice

"And also because of what you told us" she continued

In the next room Edythe was listening to the conversation, she had suspected he was her mate but she couldn't be sure because even though she felt like she wanted to get to know him at their first meeting, he seemed bearly interested.

"Okay...."Said Carlisle

His face said everything they needed to know, he was frowning and had his hand on his mouth. That was usually what he did when he was deep in thought.

"Okay this is what's going to happen when you meet him in school today, ask him if he would speak with me," said Carlisle

"Are you sure it's safe?" said Esme worried.

Carlisle looked at everyone's nervous faces and stopped when he saw Edythe standing behind Edward.

"It's just a conversation I'm sure it will be fine," said Carlisle.

Edward who heard what Alice was thinking grimaced a litle and looked at Edythe.

"Well if no one wants to ask him I'll do....ow what was that for," said Emmet only for him to this time get punched in the hand.


POV ( Madara)

The following day I woke up and did my usual morning routine and drove straight to school.

'The sky was once again dark, the usual sight in Forks' I mused.

I got out of my car and I looked around in the parking lot of forks high school only to see an ugly orange pickup truck.

"So she's finally here," I said.

After that, I walked straight to class ready to start yet another day of boring school.


Hey guys

As promised this is 1/3 chapter that I will release today.

A little short but I had to show the Cullens reaction to Madara.

Also, I'm open to any ideas you may have.

Anyway thanks for the support and stay tuned.