
TVD/The Originals: The Original Hybrid

Reborn as The One, the only, Niklaus Mikaelson. Vampire/Werewolf hybrid extraordinaire.

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1106 AD

"Father stop it!" Sigr exclaimed, "I'm serious father!" Her father was currently laughing at her anger having the time of his life by the looks of it controlling all the animals they encountered and making them chase Sigr who was tired of having to keep either killing them and started running away.

"Fine, but just know your no fun." Klaus said like a child.

"I swear father, your just like a child!" Sigr spoke out of breath.

They were currently in Italy, after being all other the world for the past 5 years doing all sorts of things like: fighting in battles, meeting all sorts of different supernatural and natural creatures alike, finding magical teachers for Sigr and also Klaus was challenging his daughter by put her in difficult situations and seeing how she reacted.

In one of these challenges, Klaus had blocked the memories of himself and their family and had let her go of on her own for a couple of weeks before 'attacking' her as if he was going for the kill. As you can probably guess when he returned the memories to her she was not happy that he had been inside her head.

Another challenge was having her powers blocked and going into battle with no superhuman advantage to teach her how to fight with skill and not just brute strength. It goes without saying though if anything were to ever happen inside the battle Klaus would have been there to either heal her if the other warrior was not going for ever the heart of the head. But if they where to go for either of the places, Klaus would have stepped in with devastating swiftness. Saying that there was no for him to step in, she had been trained since she was a child so after an adjustment period she was fine by herself.

After a year or two of war, Klaus had taken them to Buddhist temple in China to teach his daughter about mediation and how to connect better with her mind/wolf. Sigr at first was confused on why he was taking her to learn about this kind of stuff but she got on with it, knowing her father wouldn't lead her to far astray. For the first few days and even weeks she was very impatient so little progress was made but after getting her temper better under control she made progress and saw the benefit of the exercise.

They stayed in China for around 6 months learning from different Buddhists, she had not yet mastered the art when they left but Klaus had been practicing for many years so he would still be able teach her on the subject. The progress she had made so far was being able to enter her mindscape which let her control her emotions better, improved her memory and also let her connect with her wolf better giving her even better control.

The next 2 to 3 years they went hunting for all different types of creatures that were being nuisances giving Sigr experience and Klaus the joy of killing and defeating his foes. When word got out that a vampire and werewolf were hunting supernatural creatures together they all started to hide and be on their best behavior if they were to be spotted. This in turn lead to Klaus and Sigr joining a supernatural hunting organization who specialized in wars and destruction, CHAOS. While apart of the organization they were both incognito acting as if they were just both powerful creatures who loved mayhem.

The group would give them tasks like assassination, exterminations, theft and they were quick to get the good ones after Klaus had implanted into the leaders minds to do so.

With all the experienced gained and lessons learned Sigr was know someone who wasn't so naïve and saw the world for what it was, a disaster.

During the time in CHAOS, they met the leader of the group, Lucien.

"Haha Lucien my friend its good to see you." Klaus greeted him warmly but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Klaus what a surprise, I never thought i would see you here." Lucien nervously said but trying to act normal.

"Oh friend, I though i would surprise you," Klaus excitedly said, "When i learned you had created this organization i had to check it out for myself, a wonderful thing you've created."

"Thank you, but you know what's mine is also yours my sire." Lucien flattered.

"Yes your are correct." Klaus arrogantly replied, "Oh how rude of me, this is my wonderful daughter Sigr." Klaus introduced his daughter who was stood behind him.

Lucien not daring to anger Klaus, give a respectful nod and simply said, "Nice to meet you Sigr, I've heard wonderful things."

"Oh really?" Sigr curiously questioned, "Like what?"

Lucien who was quick witted simply replied, "Oh just how beautiful you are."

Sigr who had not heard many compliments from people since she was mainly around her family turned away in embarrassment before quickly composing herself and acting like nothing happened.

"Don't try and charm my daughter Lucien." Klaus stated "You never know how her father might react."

Sigr quickly butted in arrogantly, "As if he could charm me."

Lucien who had a big ego on the subject of women, since the rejection of Aurora he had charmed many of women with no problem. Although he wanted to disagree, when he saw the look in Klaus's eye he quickly shut the idea down.

"Anyway Lucien," Klaus started, "I like the organization you've built, it has its uses and gives me the perfect place to have a bit of fun."

"Thank you my sire, like i said what's mine is also yours." Lucien quickly replied.

"I will relieve you of all other dutys that you run for me, so in turn I can let you run this place to the best of its abilities." Klaus commanded.

Lucien was about to reply but Klaus swiftly cut over him saying, "Just so you remember Lucien." He menacingly stalked over to Lucien who started to shuffle backwards.

"I respect loyalty more than anything and i ever get the feeling that you are disloyal to myself or my family you will be dealt with accordingly." Klaus spoke in a dangerously low tone, face to face now with Lucien.

"Yes my lord, you can count on me." Lucien anxiously spoke, "I will never betray you or your family. I will always be eternally garteful for what you and yours have done for me." He finished.

"Good." Klaus cheerfully spoke as if he hadn't just been threatening anyone. "I'm glad to hear that, i truly am, you Lucien are one of my finest creations and i would so lose to have to break it." Klaus spoke back in a menacing tone.

Klaus and Lucien discussed a few things while Sigr was told by her father to basically get lost for a while. In private both vampires sat down with a drink and Lucien told Klaus about the organization and all the little details. After a few hours Klaus left and went looking for his daughter finding her talking a vampire, who was female and looked to in her twenties and by the accent from France.

He pulled her away before heading to where they were sleeping so that Sigr could get some rest and Klaus could have a long, fulfilling hunt by himself. In recent years he had come to learn that through hunting supernatural beings he could grow stronger by feeding on their life force, which gave him the ability to drink a vampire dry and take their soul which in turn gave him increased mental powers but also would start to awaken other powers in side him.

After a hunt in which he had been freely switching between his wolf form and his human form he had killed 3 foxes, 5 deers, 7 humans and 2 vampires. Nobody knew of his new founding and he intended to keep it that way for the foreseeable future.

Klaus and Sigr left to Italy when they had heard new of a group of hunters who had started a crusade against vampires, the brotherhood of the four or something stupid like that. And that's where they left of in the countryside where Klaus was tormenting his daughter with the creatures of the forest.