
TVD: a new world

I own nothing but the MC. MC is lesbian. Awakening to a void with God.

Hero_Acension · Phim ảnh
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - New World


"Well? What do you think?" (God)

"I say bring on the wheel, I'll give this a chance since I've been picked" (?)

"Alright, there are 4 wheels, first is the world your going to" (God)

"Right" (?)

I went up to pull the lever as I spun, I saw many worlds such as Marvel, DC, DXD,

Euphoria, and others but it landed on TVD (Alternate)

"Not bad really" (God)

"So what's the alternate about?" (?)

"The alternate means it will follow the same story but some things might be different like there's Vampires and Werewolves stronger than the Originals" (God)

"I get it now so wheel number 2" (?)

"Wheel 2 is for skills or abilities, there ranked from lowest to highest as white is low level and Rainbow is God level " (God)

"Okay" (?)

I spun the wheel as it spins to see a variety of abilities as it stoped to deposit an egg as it was shinning rainbow, Yes! A god level ability!

"Got lucky" (God)

"Are you pouting, you have god level abilities, it's not like I want your job" (?)

"Fine, what skill or ability did you get?" (God)

I opened the egg to show for eyes to show the ability of skill creation (Shinranui Hanten)!

"Yes!" (?)

"That's too much!" (God)

"Hey, you said leave it to the wheel" (?)

"Fine, it's not like you know how to use it" (God)

"You do know I read manga and watched anime right? I'll know how to use it" (?)

"Oh crap! I forgot about that!" (God)

I laughed cause I know what I'm gonna create when I get there.

"Fine! 3rd Wheel will be race" (God)

I spun the wheel as I saw a lot of races but then the wheel stoped at something interesting, Human

"What does that mean?" (?)

"It means your at the starting line" (God)

"Human, I like to start a clean slate" (?)

"That's new but okay so you last wheel be your looks" (God)

I spun the wheel to get the body of Holland Roden.

"Your good to go, good luck" (God)

"Wait, make me rich so I can have a good life with my money plus my new name is Erina Bailey " (Erica)

"Very well" (God)

God snapped his fingers and my vision went dark.