
Tutoring The King of Entertainment

Lisa, our gorgeous hopeless romantic of a female lead is in love with her betrothed, James, rare as that is. She showers him with all her love and affection and aids him to success in the entertainment industry with her precious talent. She lets him shine in her stead, completely blind to the fact that she herself is a diamond in the rough. A musical genius! However, her whole world comes crashing down when James cruelly rejects her after using her to rise to fame! And worse, he intends to continue using her forever! Lisa's heart is shattered. Now focused on her studies and career, she swears she will never be so stupid as to love so deeply ever again! But someone intends to make her break her vow- the King of the Entertainment Industry and soon-to-be greatest Business Magnet in Z state! How does a regular 23-year-old University student wind up tutoring the glorious, untouchable and invincible King of Entertainment!? Well... What if she doesn't know who exactly he is? How on earth does that happen? How many complications can arise from such a situation? And now someone throws marriage into this chaotic mix! Haha! ... Can Lisa gain confidence and rise from the ashes to become the Queen of Entertainment? Or will she sink to the bottom of a cold, loveless world with all these complications? Let's find out ;) Book Cover Credit: https://pin.it/6zN8WJd

Surrealish · Thành thị
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24 Chs

Hot Stranger

Previously, at Lisa's home...


Mr Vince cut into the awkward silence.

"Umm well, that is the standard contract of Platinum Entertainment, but seeing as you are unwilling to take it, I sense that you probably have been approached by some other competing firm. We are willing to double your offer. Platinum will not take no for an answer."

Lisa's ears twitched.

'Double?! The first offer would by far outclass James' offer from Star Entertainment, and now he wants to double it?', she thought, her brain going wild.

Lisa found herself more overwhelmed and dumbfounded. Her emotions were all too strong to express. She wanted to scream, to cry, to laugh, to celebrate, but she was just frozen stiff. Overwhelmed.

Mr Vincent frowned at what he thought was a blatant disinterest and rejection of his offer.

"Fine. I'll triple it! In that case, you will be one of our highest-paid artists.", he declared.


'I have never been refused. I will not be rejected now.', his pride determined.

Lisa still couldn't get her words out.


Mrs Hatton intervened.

"Umm... Mr Vincent, I'm sure Lisa is overjoyed. Perhaps you may let her sleep on it. I assure you, she is a huge fan of your establishment...", she stated diplomatically.

"Please, have some tea...", she added warmly.

"Alright then."

Mr Vincent took a sip of the tea.

'Mmm... this tastes... surprisingly good... Too good...', he thought, surprised.

"Jae, re-draft the contract and send it to Miss Lisa.", he instructed.

"Yes sir.", Secretary Jae replied.

CEO Vince took another sip.

'Mhh... so relaxing... This Mrs Hatton obviously has some magic to her... Maybe I'll try the croissant...', he thought, picking up a croissant.

He bit into it.

'Wow!... She has some extraordinary culinary skills.', he reacted within.


Mr Vince turned to Lisa.

"Miss Lisa, I assure you, this contract we've offered is far above the best any entertainment firm is willing to offer a new artist. I expect a favourable response.", he urged her again with a confident smile.

His handsome features dazzled.

Lisa managed to smile back. She nodded a quick 'Thank you.' in his direction.

Mr Vince chuckled lightly.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mrs Hatton. This croissant is simply divine. You own 'Hatton Sweets' don't you?", he asked with a warm smile.

"Yes, I do.", she replied proactively.

"I would love a batch of your snacks sent to Platinum headquarters daily. We will discuss details later.", he added.

Lisa's mom was overjoyed. Her business strategy worked!

"Wow! Thank you. We are most grateful for your patronage.", she replied with a bow.

"I must be off. Have a nice day.", he said before leaving.




As soon as the guests were out the door, Mrs Hatton jumped for joy in celebration.

She hugged the now thawed out Lisa, swinging her around like a child.

Lisa laughed. Then she got emotional.

"Mom! Mom! I'm gonna be a star!", she cried, hugging her mom with tears of joy.

Mrs Hatton's heart melted.

"Silly girl.", she hugged Lisa closer.

"Yes, you are! And more importantly, we're gonna be rich! Ha-ha!", she declared with dollar signs literally in her eyes.

Lisa giggled. "Mom, calm down. There are actual dollar signs in your eyes! Ha-ha..."

Ruby who had been eavesdropping at the top of the stairs rushed down to the living room with an endless scream.

"Omg! Omg!! Lisa!! Aaaahh!!", Ruby couldn't get any meaningful words out.

The girls squealed with delight and hopped like bunnies again; their default celebration mode.

"Haha! We're back, baby! ha-ha!", Mrs Hatton proclaimed with more dollar signs in her eyes.




Back in the car and on the way to his office...

Mr Vince called Gerrard, Theo's secretary.

"Gerrard my friend, ...a little bird told me it was your idea to sign me up for college...", he started with a sinister smile.

'Oh no!', Gerrard swallowed.

"Mr Vincent, I- I..." Gerrard on the other side of the phone tried to excuse himself unsuccessfully.

Vince grinned evilly.

"Gerrard... Sign me up for extra classes if you want to die!", he said, still smiling.

The temperature rose rapidly.

Gerrard fanned himself. He was suddenly sweating buckets.

He quickly thought of a witty way to escape his predicament.

"I- I'm sorry sir, I- I will explain to master Leonard that the basketball team is not taking in any new members, and extra classes are unavailable to new entries. Please forgive me...", he smartly replied, still gasping for air.

"Good. Good... Very good.", Mr Vince flashed a devilish grin.



The Next Day, at First Class University's parking lot ...

Lisa parked her cute little cabriolet at her usual parking spot. She got out of the car, dazzling in a floral halter crop top and suede mini skirt paired with high heeled boots.

She looked absolutely stunning.

She put on her coat, only wearing the sleeves and letting it hang loosely across her elbows like a shawl. Lisa loved to make a fashion statement.

As she walked towards the faculty building, the first sight that greeted her eyes was James, brandishing his new girlfriend and his new car in the parking lot, just a few feet away from her parking spot. He made a showy scene, signing autographs and boasting of his fame to the crowd of fans and paparazzi gathered around him.

"Ugh!", Lisa rolled her eyes, completely disgusted by the scene. She ignored him and walked into the University building feeling a little sad. She couldn't help it. She had loved the b*stard.

Some of the students noticed Lisa walking into the building.

"Hey! was that Curseword just now?"

"Yeah! I think so!"

"No, Really?"

"Yeah! that's definitely her!"

"Omg! Curseword! Follow her!"

Half James' crowd cleared to chase after Lisa.

James growled with jealousy.


Lisa entered the students' lounge to meet Ruby.

"Hi, Curseword!", a complete stranger waved to her.

She flashed a brief smile and waved back.

Then she spotted Ruby waiting at their usual meeting spot in the students' lounge.

She walked toward her best friend.

"Hey Lisa, how are y-...", Ruby's greeting was cut short when she noticed Lisa's sad face.

"Why the long face?... You saw that idiot James didn't you?", she guessed right.

"Yeah...", Lisa replied weakly.

"I can't help feeling sad Ruby. We were together for a long time.", she sighed.

Ruby threw an arm over Lisa's shoulder.

"Cheer up girl! Forget that trash. He intentionally did that at your usual parking spot just to hurt you. He doesn't matter. You,... are a superstar now! ...With Platinum Entertainment! I'm so glad you signed!", she said the last 3 sentences in a hushed tone, yet shaking with delight.

Lisa smiled.

A passing group of girls waved and smiled at Lisa.

"Omg! hi! Curseword!"

"Hi.", Lisa replied instinctively.

She quickly waved back and then re-focused on Ruby.

"Remember Ruby, we're to keep the signing hushed until Platinum's reveal.", she reminded.

"Gottcha.", Ruby winked.

"Now cheer up! Let him fool himself. I hear Amy, the girl he's with happens to be the daughter of Mr McDollar. He's huge in the Banking Sector. That devil is obviously with her for her father's money.", Ruby added, matter-of-factly.

"Poor girl.", Lisa genuinely pitied the new girl.

"Alright. Gotta head to my faculty. See you later, Lisa.", Ruby hugged her friend goodbye.




Lisa turned around to head to class only to find a surging crowd of fans coming after her.

"There she is!"

"Hey! Curseword!"

"Omg! It's her!"

"You're so beautiful!"

"I'm a huge fan!"

The crowd bubbled with excitement.

Lisa stared blankly at the crowd, only realising now that the students' lounge was filled to capacity with Curseword's fans.

'Ah! Strangers! So many strangers!', she panicked.

"Hi everyone,...", she greeted, trying hard to stay calm.

The fans grew wild!

"Omg! You're so beautiful!"

"Can I get an autograph?"

"I love you!"

"Date me, Curseword!"

"Marry me!"

"Here, have my gift!"

"When are you going to perform again?"

Lisa laughed nervously, getting overwhelmed. She knew she would be popular at school, but never expected she would be this popular overnight. She was so not prepared.

"Th- Thank you so much. I'm honoured. It's almost time for class... I have to leave now, ... I'm a bit claustrophobic.", she said, backing away slowly towards the exit, away from the steadily increasing crowd.

She managed to slip out through the exit just before it was blocked by fans.

They followed her!

Lisa tried to get away.

They chased after her!

'Oh wow! This is bad! Someone please, save me!', Lisa thought, quickening her steps into a run.


"Stop! Please!"

"We just want to get to know you!"

"I want a picture with you!"

"Please sign me an autograph!"

The fans screamed as they chased after her.

Lisa ran faster, searching for a hiding place as she ran.

Suddenly someone whisked her into an empty broom closet!




In the broom closet, Lisa found herself crammed in the small space with her rescuer,... A man.

The dim light revealed his features...

He was tall and well-built, with silky blonde hair.

He looked incredibly handsome and intimidating.

He had her carefully backed up against the wall and face-to-face with him in the tight space.

His sculpted body towered over her, hovering just an inch away from hers.

His strong arms were placed protectively against the wall on either side of her body.

She stared at his perfect build...

His flawless face...

His parted lips...

Faint clouds of hot air escaped from them to caress her bare shoulders.

The air in the tight space grew increasingly hotter.

She noticed his eyes...

Those deep green eyes... They sucked her in like a whirlpool in the centre of the merciless oceans.

She found herself slowly getting lost in them...

Lisa gasped.

She tried to look down, tried to look away from him...

Then she noticed her hands were still on him. One on his shoulder, and the other on his ripped chest...

Her fingers had somehow slipped through the unbuttoned part of his silk shirt to touch his heated bare skin.

She could feel his heartbeat!

Lisa tried to move her hands away from his mind-blowing body.

"Don't move. They'll hear you.", his deep, sexy voice filtered into her ears.

Sudden chills ran down her spine.

She could feel the heat of her blood surging upwards to redden her cheeks.

'Wow... That voice...', she thought with a hopeless blush.

Her body tingled all over.

Lisa gulped.





********** TKE Q&A **********

Surrealish: Hello viewers! We're back live on,

Crowd: T! K! E! Q&A!!! Wooo!!! (Applause)

Surrealish: That's absolutely right!

We have our FL right here in the studio!

Crowd: (Applause)!!! Wooo!!! We love you!!!

Surrealish: Lisa, our viewers want to know, how do you feel right now?

Lisa: ... (blushing and growing dangerously redder by the second)

Surrealish: Wow! that doesn't look too good...

Suddenly Lisa bursts into flames!!!

Crowd: Gasp!

Ruby: Omg! Douse her! Someone douse her quick!

Mrs Hatton: Rushes to the scene with a bucket of water and empties the entire thing over Lisa's head!

Crowd: ...Yaaaay!!! Wooooo!!! (Applause)

Surrealish: Wow! Thank goodness!

Mrs Hatton, ladies and gentlemen!

Crowd: Woooo!!! (Applause)

Surrealish: And don't forget, you can get Mrs Hatton's delicious snacks right now at Hatton Sweets, Now on sale, 50% off!!

Crowd: (Applause)

Surrealish: And now, our big question for today:


a) Teach him

b) Reject him

c) Kiss him

d) Use him

Surrealish: Mmm... And the answer is...

Coming to you in the next chapter!!! Stay tuned (wink)

********** _________ **********

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