
Tutoring The King of Entertainment

Lisa, our gorgeous hopeless romantic of a female lead is in love with her betrothed, James, rare as that is. She showers him with all her love and affection and aids him to success in the entertainment industry with her precious talent. She lets him shine in her stead, completely blind to the fact that she herself is a diamond in the rough. A musical genius! However, her whole world comes crashing down when James cruelly rejects her after using her to rise to fame! And worse, he intends to continue using her forever! Lisa's heart is shattered. Now focused on her studies and career, she swears she will never be so stupid as to love so deeply ever again! But someone intends to make her break her vow- the King of the Entertainment Industry and soon-to-be greatest Business Magnet in Z state! How does a regular 23-year-old University student wind up tutoring the glorious, untouchable and invincible King of Entertainment!? Well... What if she doesn't know who exactly he is? How on earth does that happen? How many complications can arise from such a situation? And now someone throws marriage into this chaotic mix! Haha! ... Can Lisa gain confidence and rise from the ashes to become the Queen of Entertainment? Or will she sink to the bottom of a cold, loveless world with all these complications? Let's find out ;) Book Cover Credit: https://pin.it/6zN8WJd

Surrealish · Urban
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24 Chs

Too Much Fun



Lisa was suddenly whisked into a tiny broom closet.

In the broom closet, she found herself crammed in the small space with her rescuer,... A man.

The dim light revealed his features...

He was tall and well-built, with silky blonde hair.

He looked incredibly handsome and intimidating.

He had her carefully placed, back up against the wall and face-to-face with him in the tight space.

His sculpted body towered over her, hovering just an inch away from hers.

His strong arms were placed protectively against the wall on either side of her body.

She stared at his perfect build...

His flawless face...

His parted lips...

Faint clouds of hot air escaped from them to caress her bare shoulders.


The air in the tight space grew increasingly hotter.

She noticed his eyes...

Those deep green eyes... They sucked her in like a whirlpool in the centre of the merciless oceans.

She found herself slowly getting lost in them...

Lisa gasped.

She tried to look down, tried to look away from him...

Then she noticed her hands were on him. One on his broad shoulder, and the other on his ripped chest...

Her fingers had somehow slipped through the unbuttoned part of his silk shirt to touch his heated bare skin.

She could feel his heartbeat!

Lisa tried to move her hands away from his mind-blowing body.

"Don't move. They'll hear you.", his deep, sexy voice filtered into her ears.

Sudden chills ran down her spine.

She could feel the heat of her blood surging upwards to redden her cheeks.

'Wow... That voice...', she thought with a hopeless blush.

Her body tingled all over.

Lisa gulped.


Lisa wasn't alone.

Theo felt it too. The heat of their contact.

Her touch had triggered some long-ignored need in him.

Her movement worsened it. He had to keep her still...

'This enchanting red-haired.', he thought, drawn in by her beauty.

His right hand instinctively moved with his voice to keep her still.

With the hand that previously propped him up now on her waist and his head lowered in his whisper, the inch between them was now all gone.

He could feel their sensual closeness...


Lisa remained still, obeying the command of a complete stranger.

Then she noticed with dread that his right hand had moved from the wall to her waist!

Her moving had made matters worse!

His wide palm held her tiny waist possessively, yet gentlemanly.

His gentle fingers teased the bare skin beneath her crop top and the borders of her skirt.

Heat from their burning contact travelled through her body like electricity, sending more chills up her spine.

'Omg!', Lisa's breathing sped up.

She noticed that in her movement, the hand that was on his shoulder had slid downwards and was now on his enormous left pec!

She could feel his rippling muscles rise and fall to the tune of his heartbeat.

The longer they remained in that position, the hotter it got.

His eyes stared deeply into hers.

His sensual pheromones enticed her

His scent teased her mind.

Lisa's heart raced wildly.

'Too close! He's too close!' an alarm went off in her head.

She bit her lip.


Theo's eyes automatically fell to the assaulted lip.

'Why would she bite her lip now?...

D*mn. This woman...', he thought, entirely seduced.




Outside, Lisa's new fans searched for her.

"Where is she?!"

"Don't tell me she got away!"

"D*mn! How disappointing."

"We better head back..."

The fans resumed their regular activities.



All was quiet.

The coast was clear.

The broom closet, silent, except for the sounds of pounding hearts.

At this point, Lisa was completely sucked into Theo's deep green pools.

Her sparkling green eyes were narrowed in a dreamy haze.

Her full eyelashes flickered slowly, inviting his prolonged gaze.

Her long, silky red hair teased his fingers.

Her glossy pink lips blew enchanting clouds in the air...

Theo was tempted to kiss them.

He decided against it.


"They're gone now.", he whispered, letting her go.

His voice awoke her from her dreamy haze.

He straightened up.

"Ok.', Lisa answered with a small voice, withdrawing her slender fingers.

She let him go, a little disappointed, but absolutely relieved.

'What kind of attraction is this? My goodness! A minute more and I would have kissed him!', she marvelled, ashamed of her sudden attraction to the hot stranger.


It was time to part.

The pair came out of the closet.

Lisa took a good look at her rescuer. He stood before her in all his perfect glory, looking cool and composed. His hand in his pocket. His silk maroon shirt enticingly clung to his carved muscles. He intentionally threw her an irresistible expression.

'He's even more perfect in full light.', she thought, completely captured by his charm.

"Thanks for saving me. I'm truly grateful.", she said shyly, still a bit flustered.

"You're welcome. You should be more careful. You're pretty popular now.", the stranger advised.

"I know. I just didn't expect this to happen so soon. I'll do something about it.", she replied, averting her eyes from his dominant gaze, but still blushing.

"What's your name?", she asked, looking away.

"Theo. Yours? Curseword sounds great and all but-", he joked, trying to make her feel at ease.

Lisa laughed nervously.

"Ha-ha... Th- that name wasn't thought through haha... Lisa. My name is Lisa."

"Lisa... Nice to meet you.", he greeted with a warm smile.

His smile sent a dart through her heart.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well.", Lisa replied, smiling endlessly.

She checked her watch.

"Woah! look at the time! I've got to meet someone now. I must be on my way...

Thanks again, Theo. Have a nice day.", she said, hurrying off.

Theo waved goodbye.

'Gosh! That Theo looks like trouble. I better avoid him! I've never seen him around here before. He's probably a visitor. That's good. We'll probably never meet again.', she thought, walking away.




Lisa met Mrs Jennings at the door of her office.

"Good morning Mrs Jennings, ma'am.", she greeted, panting from her rush.

"Ah! Lisa! It's great to see you. How is your health now?"

"Much better Mrs Director ma'am. My mom told me you called. I apologise for missing the last meeting.", she replied.

"Oh, it's no problem! I'm just glad to see you here today, healthy and strong.", Mrs Jennings truthfully stated.

"Thank you ma'am.", Lisa nodded politely.

"Now, I'd like you to meet the new student you'll be tutoring for the rest of the year." Mrs Jennings ushered Lisa into her office as she spoke.

The moment Lisa stepped into the office, she froze at the sight before her.

Mrs Jennings introduced,

"This is Theo. He's the latest addition to your faculty. Now I know the semester is already far spent, but he will be taking a 6-month crash program in the Performing Arts. Hence, he has requested the help of our best student..."

Theo sat comfortably with his legs crossed, his fingers interwoven and his lips slightly tilted in a mischievous smirk.

He was amused by the look on Lisa's face.

Lisa couldn't believe her eyes.

'Th- The hot stranger! This could be a problem... No, this is definitely a huge problem!', she thought, her heart pounding. The alarms in her head blared wildly.

Theo got up from his seat and walked toward Lisa and Mrs Jennings in a gentlemanly fashion.

"Theo, This is Lisa Hatton, your new tutor. She's the best we've got." Mrs Jennings introduced.

"Hi. Nice to meet you, tutor. I believe we've already met.", Theo greeted with a friendly smile. He stretched out his hand for a handshake.

Lisa took a minute to unfreeze.

"H- hi.", she managed to say, taking his handshake.

"Oh? You've already met? Where?", Mrs Jennings asked a dangerous question.

Hot images from their first meeting just a while ago flashed through Lisa's mind.

The temperature in the room suddenly increased 10 times.

She gulped.

Theo smiled at her. Mischief in his eyes. He explained,

"Well, it was quite funny, you see we met at-"

"A- at the hallway, coming here... just now... hehe.", Lisa cut in. She was burning red hot from embarrassment.

'Jeez! This shameless guy was going to tell Mrs Jennings where we actually met!!', she thought, alarmed.

Theo smirked. 'This is good punishment.', he thought.

"Good. Good. Then there should be no problem. Theo, I leave you in her capable hands.", A relieved Mrs Jennings said, happy to pass on her troubles to Lisa.

Lisa was screaming inside, 'No. No. No! God No!'


A dark blue-haired, piercing blue-eyed man shook his head in the corner. He had been sitting quietly by Theo's empty chair, watching the scene with amusement.

"I can't believe the famous tutor is Curseword!", he muttered under his breath.

Mrs Jennings continued,

"Theo will be joining special classes from 9 am to 12noon daily, after which he must go to work. You both can decide on a suitable time for the tutelage. Of course, you will be rewarded with extra credit, Lisa...", she motivated.

"Y-yes. Thank you ma'am.", Lisa answered shakily.

'I think I need more than extra credit for this!', she thought, distressed.


Theo introduced his friend.

"Uhh... Tutor, This is Ralph. He's a friend of mine."

"Hello. A pleasure to meet you.", Ralph greeted, looking more charming than ever.

'Handsome pair.', Lisa commented within.

Theo continued,

"He'll be majoring in Arts, Entertainment and Media Management."

"Really? That's my best friend, Ruby's course.", Lisa replied, pleasantly surprised at the coincidence.

"Oh... Interesting. What a coincidence.", Ralph gave Leo a suspicious look.

'This devil obviously wants me keeping her friend busy while he spends time with her! Clever fox!'

"Yes. I'll introduce you. Ruby will be happy to show you around.", Lisa innocently fell for it.


Theo gave Mrs Jennings a look.

Mrs Jennings resumed with a spark.

"Oh! Lisa, we must discuss another important matter. Seeing the recent rise in your popularity, the school is concerned about your safety. Therefore, we've decided to appoint a bodyguard to watch over you and escort you everywhere on campus.

"What?!", Lisa's face crumpled.

"No. I don't want that. I'll just look weird. James doesn't need bodyguards and he's even a bigger star than I am.", she countered.

"James can handle himself. You are a fragile girl Lisa, you cannot.", Mrs Jennings would have none of it.

"No. Please.", Lisa begged.

"You must be guarded. It's the rules.", Mrs Jennings held firm.

"I've never heard any rules like that.", Lisa was puzzled.

"Well, you must... unless..."

"Unless what?", Lisa needed an exception.

"I can watch her. I know a few things about being a bodyguard.", Theo interjected.

Ralph nearly jumped out of his skin. 'What? Now this fox wants to keep her to himself! Poor girl.', he sighed.

Lisa considered the option.

"Well... it's better than a bodyguard...

Alright.", She couldn't believe she was agreeing to this.

"Good. Henceforth, you will attend special classes with Theo. He will watch and protect you. You cannot leave his side while he's at school.", Mrs Jennings summarised.

"What? That's a little too much...", Lisa mumbled.

'Hmm... This sudden turn of events seems a little suspicious...

But Theo's just a regular student who's trying to help me. He couldn't possibly influence the school right?', Lisa thought carefully.

"Alright then. I accept.", Lisa surrendered her freedom.

Ralph facepalmed in the corner.

"Good. Lisa, you are excused from classes today. Get Theo acquainted with the school and the learning environment.", Mrs Jennings instructed.

"Of course. Thank you Mrs Jennings.", Lisa bowed respectfully.

Theo gave Mrs Jennings a thumbs up from behind Lisa.

'My work here is done.', Mrs Jennings sighed with relief.

Ralph shook his head in the corner.

'This will definitely be an interesting year.', he thought.

