


y/n's mom- Y/N come down fast! your breakfast is ready! You don't want to be late for your new school do you??

Y/N's pov

I heard my mother call me early morning to have breakfast then I remebered it's my first day to school!

Y/N-Oh shit! Oh shit! I will be late on my first day.

Author Unnie's pov

Y/N used to live in Sebuk but as her father had some business to deal with in Seoul, they had to settle there. Y/N's father is a big businessman, so ofcourse our Y/Ninee is a spoilt princess {not her behaviour, she is kind and polite}. And her mother works in her dad's company and because both her parents go to work Y/N is alone at home with just her maids.Only in the morning before her parents go to work she can spend time with them because they come late at night.

-End of Author's pov-

Y/N's pov

Ohk YN lets fresh up fast! I brush my teeths and take a nice cold bath and comb my hairs. *thinks* Shall I go with a Balbina Blouse and Dress with brown plaid or a preppy cute dress? Hmm...Lets wear the balbina blouse and dressand a loght touch of makeup and lets keep my hair open.Done!Breakfast time!

Author's pov

Y/N wears a beautiful balbina blouse and dress with brown plaid which makes her look even more attractive. Her beautiful brown eyes,plump pink m-shaped lips and brown long hairs just makes her look like an angel.

-End of Author's pov

Y/N- Morning eommawa appa (mom and dad)

Y/N's Parents- Good Morning honey!

Y/N's mom- Are you ready for your new school?

Y/N- yes, I'm so excited!!

*Y/N finishes her breakfast asap*

Y/N- eomma appa I will get going...erm dad *smirks*

Y/N's dad- Oh my little devil. Here *hands her the car keys*