
True Story: MHA

“I have a story to tell I bet this you none of you ever heard of social media celebrity Aliyah Sheresko or famous Japanese and black pro hero Angela” “Now what makes this story different is that it tells the true none of that reincarnation or one shots NO!! this story is all about the daughters of All For one who became heroes” “This was the story about did something no one expected,” “No one would’ve ever expected that a 14 year old girl and 22 year old would not only be fighting for their life but for the entire countries life.This was the story of how they not only controlled All For One but how they became true heroes. This was there ‘True Story’ ” “I wouldn’t wish for a better companion other than you” Angela says

FoxLover0615 · Tranh châm biếm
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Side Stories #5

9 years ago when Aliyah was only five and was in first grade

"Hey look at Deku so stupid," Bakugou says

Bakugou and his gang poured water onto Deku and he was soaked

"How about you blow dry yourself off?" Bakugou says and suddenly Deku was blown across the room with someone's quirk

The three started laughing and Aliyah caught him

"Quirkless loser," Bakugou says to him and Deku just smiles

Aliyah was always a to herself girl but after that she needed answers

"Hey, broccoli boy, why do you let them bully you like that?" Aliyah asks

"Bully? Well he and I are friends so we're doing what friends do," Deku says and rubs the back of his head

"Oh really well this is what I'm gonna do to them," Aliyah says taking a useless blade and breaking it in half

"Woah you must be really strong," Deku says

"No I'm just violent," Aliyah says and smiles

"What is violent?" Deku asks

"Let me show you," Aliyah says with a smirk as he eyes turned yellow

Aliyah sped over to Bakugou and stood in front of him

"Hey bully I heard you like bullying kids huh? Well guess what I'll show what it feels like," Aliyah says and kicks him in the stomach

Bakugou went across the room

Bakugou was pissed off and sent explosions her way

Let's just say they both got in trouble and the principal involved

While Bakugou's family was sitting together the only one that was with her was Emily

"Ms. Sheresko where are your parents?" The principal asks

"Parent you mean. *sighs* Avery doesn't wanna come so I'm replacing her," Emily says correcting the principal

The principal wasn't having it

"What do you mean by she doesn't want to come?" The principal asks

"Do you have ear wack in those mouse ears of yours I just said she don't wanna come how about you ask Avery why your own damn self," Emily says

"L-l-l-language Em-m-mily," Aliyah says and Emily rolls her eyes

"Both of you injured so many kids because of your fight. I should expel you both for what you two caused but I won't because you all still need to learn to control your quirks," The principal explains

"Okay but they should at least be punished I mean albino over there caused her my sister and natural disaster here attacked him for bullying how about you punish both of them for causing problems," Emily says crossing her arms

"Yeah Katsuki does need more discipline for what he did," Mitzuki says

"E-E-Emily please stop calling people rude names plus I don't think he's an albino," Aliyah says and Emily rubs her shoulder

"I'm sorry Aliyah but I'll do what I want when I want," Emily says to her

"Child shouldn't you be in middle school what are you doing here," The principal says

"Excuse you but you Betta listen closely and correct yourself cause I graduated from high school last year and I'm currently in college on a holiday break. You got one hell of a nerve to be me a kid when I'm more mature than you." Emily says and putting her hands on her table

"I will not accept such disrespect from a child who wants to act like she is grown," The principal says

"More grown than you'll ever be," Emily says and walks away from her

"Come on Alexandra we're leaving," Emily says and realizes what she said

Emily was frozen by her mistake

"Oh god and you don't even know your own sisters' name," Bakugou jokes and Aliyah throws a knife at his head and it barely missed him

"She means Al-l-l-lexandra sometimes when she's mad since that is m-m mid-dle name. She might sometimes c-call me Al-l-lexandra or Aliyah but at least she knows who I-I-I am," Aliyah says getting out of her seat and leaving with Emily

"I'm so sorry for what happened everything was almost revealed," Emily apologizes

"I-it's okay e-e-e *breathes in* *breathes out* everyone makes mistakes," Alexandra says and Emily was surprised

"Wow you're taking what I said to heart," Emily says

"Yeah I guess it's w-w-working," Aliyah says

From then on Bakugou and Aliyah became enemies but also the greatest friends

Aliyah also became friends with Midoriya but sometimes bullied him too by calling him, broccoli boy

Since Aliyah and Bakugou live close by they get to hang out more

Aliyah used to walk to Bakugou's house and ask to hang out with him

For example this

"Hey Bakugou's I'm so glad I get to speak with dynamite boy," Aliyah said with hearts in her eyes

Aliyah hugs him and he tried getting her off of him

"Stop calling me that," Bakugou says

"Your blushing so I know you like it like how you like me," Aliyah says

"I don't like you ew get off of me," Bakugou says

"Fine if you don't like hugs from me then I will go on and hug broccoli boy," Aliyah says crossing her arms

"No don't hug Deku," Bakugou says

But something terrible happened a few years later

Two years later

Aliyah came and was with Emily who had bruises all over her face and a burn mark on her arm

Emily was spamming the doorbell button and was terrified

Once the door opened it was Mitzuki and Masaru were there

Emily barged in holding Aliyah and told them to Lock the door

They locked it

"Hey, Emily what's wrong?" Mitzuki asked and she was still holding Aliyah in her arms

"If you see a black 5'9 lady who's a fire dragon don't tell her we're here," Emily says and takes her to the bathroom

The two were so confused

Bakugou was walking by when she saw The two zooming into the bathroom

"Hey what's wrong with Aliyah?" Bakugou asked

"She just needs a few bandages," Emily says taking her into the bathroom and locking it

Meanwhile, someone came to the front door and Mitzuki opened it

"Have you seen my children?" Avery says as a literal fire dragon

Avery stopped being a fire dragon and saw how Aliyah and Emily looked a lot similar to her

"I'm sorry but we haven't seen her at all," Mitzuki says

"Oh really then how come there are white feathers on the staircase including purple blood the same type of blood as Emily and Aliyah," Avery said with a creepy smile

"She said she hasn't seen her that's that," Masaru says standing tall

Avery laughs at an evil one

"Ooh. But happens if I report that you two hurt my children I mean you have evidence written all over you. Give me back those bitches or else I'll burn or drown you I don't care," Avery getting into Mitzuki's face and she could smell the alcohol through her breath

"Back the hell away from my wife and get the hell out of my house," Masaru says Avery's smile disappears

"Oh well I didn't want to have to do this but okay," Avery says and pushes Mitzuki out of the way and turns into a water dragon flying up and towards the bathroom

"Okay Aliyah listen to me I will give you this quirk for you to feel better," Emily says and touches Aliyah's hands

"Aliyah Sheresko I will give you the quirk Energize so you will never feel weak or tired now use this for the good or great," Emily says and both of their eyes turn purple

For some reason as the quirk transferred into her body, she only heard a few words

"Hero," Aliyah says as her eyes turn green again

"What?" Emily asks but the door flew open

Emily stopped holding Aliyah's hand and Avery dragged her away

"Get away from me," Emily says but it was too late

Aliyah saw that Emily left her future telling cards behind

Aliyah flipped it and saw it was her but older

Aliyah was shocked it looked like Aliyah was a teenager and was in a hero outfit

Aliyah had her black wings out and electric currents were seen as well as her purple eyes

It was only then that she realized this was probably her destiny

Aliyah kept the note in her pocket but was too weak to leave the bathroom

6 years later

"ALIYAH SHERESKO!!!" The teacher shouts and Aliyah comes out of her trance

The other students laughed at her

"I said come up here and tell me your hero name," The teacher says and Aliyah walks up in front of the class

" When I was a kid I was asked these words "who do I want to be?" And of course, I said hero not realizing that wasn't the right answer to that question. The right answer was this…" Aliyah says and flips her board traveling the words

The brisk hero: Briskess

"This is who I want to be," Aliyah says and smiles