
Chapter Two

Tom fell in love with Becky at first sight in the small town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. Becky, who was a new girl in town at the time, was at her cousin Jeffrey's house when Tom first saw her and was introduced to her at school. He then got engaged to her, and they promised to love nobody else but each other. But this is where Tom messed up. He said that he and Amy Lawrence were together by accident. That made poor Becky very upset. She ran away from Tom with tears rolling down her face. "What have I done?" Tom asked himself.

Becky would not talk to Tom Again. Until... at school, she got in trouble for ripping the schoolmaster's anatomy book and was about to be whipped, but Tom took her punishment, and regained the lover he longed to have. "Tom, How could you be so noble?" She asked him.

Later, Tom was invited to Becky's picnic, along with other boys and girls who were also invited. The town judge, Becky's father, led the congregation of children into the cave, where Tom and Becky wandered from the group to explore more of the cave. As they went deeper and deeper into the cavern, the couple realized that they were lost. Becky and Tom were stranded in the cave for several days, without food or clean water. Becky became very weak, for she was starving. Tom knew that Becky's life was in danger. He searched for any openings that were nearby. He then found an exit, went back to Becky, lifted her up into his arms, and carried her out of the cave. When Tom came back to town with Becky, he became a hero. Huck Finn found Injun Joe's treasure, which was worth over a million dollars. Tom shared his wealth with Huck, Becky, Aunt Polly, and Judge Thatcher; and Huck was adopted by the Widow Douglas. Tom and Becky had been together ever since then.