
the first day of their lifes

As they cuddled, both were pulled in the deepest recess of their mind before reviving each other childhood. Surprised at first, Alex relishes the experience of deepening his understanding of Rei character, slowly starting to know her. While he was delving into her memories, Rei was experiencing a similar situation. As none could peek on the other thoughts, CS and the system existence stay hidden.

The phenomenon pushed the two to seek the other personality actively if they wanted to understand them rather than reveal the other.

After a few minutes, Rei snapped back first, having to go for fewer memories than Alex, as she surprisingly re-discover him younger than her.

Alex opens his eyes to a curious Rei, studying him. Licking her nose, making her sneeze, Alex chuckles, sending a throaty sound, before morph back to a human appearance, followed by Rei. Having to stay long enough in the bath, Alex took her hand, guiding her, knowing she would need time to get used to her once again enhanced strength, just after waking.

Like Shizuka, Alex rapidly dried them and roamed his hands on her form, making Rei lightly shudders at the touch and the feeling of the fabric crawling on her skin. Rather than a regular bra, Alex rapidly crafted a corset, englobing half of her breast and the rest of her ribs, in a light blue. Charming the garment feather-light and sticking to her skin, Rei eyes widen as she felt their burden vanish without disrupting her balance.

Rei marvel at the unrestrictive garment that resolved all her future back pain. Alex chuckles at her expression, making her pout and playfully slapping his shoulder.

Returning to his task, Alex dressed her with the same type of reinforced pair of black jeans, a light green t-shirt followed by a red jacket with dark blue motifs. Like Shizuka, the jacket had a turtle neck to protect her neck, but unlike her, Rei could choose of zipping the jacket entirely or let it slightly loosen. Alex kept to her previous hairstyle, a loose bun pulling her hairs at the top of her head, letting the rest fall freely behind.

Like Shizuka, he finished with a pair of sturdy knee-high boot with nearly no heel to prevent any unnecessary risks.


'I hope the simple reinforcement would hold for now, but I will need to enchant those later to made sure they are protected.' Frowned Alex at the thought of the undead rise in strength. Shaking his negative thoughts, he extends his hand to Rei, who hastily took it before both vanished back to the school.

Appearing back in Rei room, still holding hand, they returned to his room. In the corner at his desk, Alex saw Saya and Shizuka looking through the food supply to prepare something. Most of the sandwiches had vanished; waking made them famished and wolfs through a significant part of their reserves.

"Go with them; I will look at the other and have some matters to resolves."

"Hmm!" Nodded Rei before cupping his face and kiss him before rejoining his two girls.

Exiting the room, he rapidly looked at the other's state, but none show particular change other than lightly dimmed glows. Closing the doors back, Alex threw a simple ward on them to warn him as soon as the door would be open from the inside.

Popping back to the kitchen, he stored the remaining food and several other appliances, bunsen burner, gas bottles and electric kettles. Alex then appears in each room. He remembers seeing survivors left ten times more than their number in food portions and the means to cook them. The food was put under a stasis ward to prevent it from spoiling until they awake.

While he won't actively seek to help everyone he came across, he wasn't about to abandon them to die without giving them the means to fend of their starvation.

Done with his food distribution, he trapped all rooms containing undead eggs under severals wards and strengthen the walls. If he couldn't move them, he would make sure they wouldn't be able to exit the room before he took care of them.

Regretfully, none all the undead outside the buildings were together. Most formed condensed pocket, but some didn't keep alone or in restricted groups of three or smaller. Leaving those stranglers alone, he built structures around the larger groups before warding and strengthening them like the rooms.


"What now?" Asked Saya once they're finished their meals.

"There no need for us to stay here. I have warded the others room and will be prevented as soon as their open their room doors. Until then, I won't have you three stay here." Responded Alex while looking at each of his three mates. "Bring your things here; we will relocate to the island."

Hearing his words, Saya brightens before rushing out. Having already been there, she was most than eager to go back home, and it's comfort, rather than stay cooped in those small rooms with nothing to do, surrounded by gloom and death.

Shizuka perked at the words while Rei was eager to discover the rest of the house other than the bathroom. As Alex had already packed their belonging, Rei and Saya just need to bring them here, while Shizuka had no clothes other than those gifted by Alex on her.

While the two goes to fetch their things, Alex stored the food and all amenities in the room before taking out a large piece of wood. Alex turns the piece into a flat 2*2 meters long square surface before raising a pole with a wheel atop for them to hold on. Runes appear on the wood, carved from the wood itself before filled with magic steel. Unseen to all, the pole's central part was replaced by a magic steel pole filled with runes.

His platform created, Alex builds a second one before sending it to the island via Portkey. On the side, Shizuka assisted gleefully at her first proper sight of magics and was awed by her mate ability to mould matters.

It's taken him only less than a minute each, just enough for the girls to look around and see if nothing was forgotten before returning. Saya stays silent at the drastic change operated in the room, already used to Alex feats, but Rei looked around curiously.

"Alright ladies, hop on!" Instructed Alex while taking their trunk in his storage. "Step on the platform and grip on the wheel."

Following his instruction, Alex nodded before taking a gem from his storage. Putting it at the top of the wheel, he took the time to correctly etch the runes before sending a pulse of magic in the magic steel. All three look with attention as the diamond at the top brighten before a flash englobes them.

As the light receded, Alex saw the confused gazes of Shizuka and Rei." Evans retreat is on Evans island." After sharing the secret with the two unaware mates, their gaze cleared, and both turned from their position, discovering the house in their back. "Welcome home!" Said Alex to them warmly.


What followed was a quick tour around the house, starting from the underground floor, with its two rooms and its library; the ground floor was fast, as made of a single, open space, safe for the sitting room at the front, they already crossed. Upstair, Alex showed they the bedroom they would all four share from now on and the bathroom for Shizuka, only one to not have seen until then.

"What behind this door?" Asked Rei, pointing at the second door of the floor.

"My workshop, it access is strictly for me. Inside are magical artefacts, and since it seems that I'm the only of the four of us possessing magic, I don't want to take any risks. You wouldn't be able to enter anyway, as the wards would block access to anyone other than me. I will take you there to visit another time, but not now."

All three nodded, happy that explain things rather than hide the truth. Alex didn't see the need to do so; they were his mates. As long as they asked and weren't in danger, he would hide nothing for them. Instead, the fact of hiding things from them could push them to venture inside to seek answers. He would instead tell them upfront and show them later and avoid any incidents.

After the house, Alex showed them the storage area behind the house. Unlike the one under the house, this building was solely for material rather than food. Again, Alex hadn't shied away to use expansion charm, turning the seemingly 12*5*5 warehouse into a 1200*500*150 meters ample space. Most of the available space at the back was empty. Still, the front was filled with shelves full of crates containing inbuild shrinking and feather-light charms, augmenting drastically again the warehouse's capacity of yet unseen proportion.

When Alex built it the first time, he had in mind to turn it into a primary construction site for him. With magic available for him, those type of building were child play and would adapt to anything exiting them, be it cars or planes.


Needlessly to said, the girls stood stunned at the sight of the gigantic storage structure. The only rivalling with it were planes factories, but Alex only used it to store materials. It only now that they started to take in mind his twisted sense of reality. With the ability to mould matters and magic at his side, what most would found impossible, time and money-consuming, only took Alex hours to do, as long as he can make his hand on the materials.

They now understand why he didn't care for money or even gold and gems, their simply meaningless for him as he could do everything on his own!

After giving them their belonging back, Alex left the girls to relax in the house by reading and watching films. Thank to his previous creation, Alex had easily transferred the existing movies to a different hub and allow them to visualise them on the large flat screen. Again, thank to privacy and expansion charms, Alex turned the underground floor into an open movie theatrer. With the charms, one could look at a movie while the person on the side could read a book without being perturbated by the playing movie's sound.

While his mates were relaxing, Alex entered the warehouse, retrieving several tagged crates. Standing on the right side of the house, on the other side of the pathway leading down the mountain, Alex retrieved several Rorik Demise blocks. Assembling the foundation of the building, Alex crafted back the Dojo existing in the house below. The initial 10*5 surface was expanded ten times larger and warded with the same house and warehouse protection. Done he refurbished the inside, crafting several other mats and adding training spears for Rei to continue practising her Sojutsu as she wishes.

Above the dojo, while still keeping the traditional exterior, Alex started to work on a medical bay. For the first time in a long time, Alex faced a true challenge, needing him to create magical amenities but accessible to non-magical practitioners. Unlike wizards, Alex wasn't content to just count on potions to heal. What he wanted was a perfect mix of existing machinery with the efficiency of magic. In combining both, he would obtain a similar result without the drawback of radiation from the X-ray machines and the like.

For now, Alex could only craft the basic of the basic, expended glass displays, optical microscopes, comfy bed and auscultation tables. After then, he crafted all the surgical tools Shizuka would need, cold units, and transfers the school's medical supplies and those he brought previously.

Surgical rooms were made, along with the most simple machinery he could think of; artificial respirators, dialyser, and the like soon litter the charmed sterile rooms' space.

While he was far from satisfied with the lack of machinery, his medical bay was already a rank above most medical cabinets. Before the outbreak, even some of the worst hospital wasn't as furnished as his medical bay was. He finished the building by creating an extensive library above the bay, putting hundreds of books on the different trades he gathered fews days before.

In this time of apocalypse, the island was slowly turning into the last fortress holding humanity advancement through the ages, ironically propriety of another race.


Seeing that night was slowly starting to take over the second days after the outbreak, Alex exited the building, entering back in his house and happily discover that the girls were already working on a proper meal, using his stored ingredients.

After a hearty meal, Alex brought his mate out, showing the building he made for them. All three were in tears at his forethought and kindness. The dojo had everything they could wish to keep in shape and train for Rei. The medical bay would allow Shizuka to exercise her talents to their utmost, and all three could further their educations with the wealth of book present above.

Alex was still thinking about expanding the building underground and creating a bar, several games like darts, bowling, and the like, along with a true movie theatrer. Until this day, he had never need of this, but with his growing family, he could now put his knowledge to use and, more importantly, pass quality time with them all.

After the day's excitation, discoveries caught them; Alex leads them to the bedroom and shed his clothes before entering the bed. Shizuka immediatly follows, before taking place on his left, using his shoulder as a pillow, and imitated by Rei, on his right side. Left with little choice and unwilling to lost to the two others, Saya crawled under the sheet until resting on his chest, using Alex as a mattress, all four naked as they were born.

Wrapping his arms around his mates, Alex wasn't long to fall into sleep, filled with a feeling of warmness, physically and mentally. From this day on, Alex knows that he would share the rest of his life with those three and eagerly await the day he would be reunited with his two other mates.

All four were fast asleep, all sharing the same smile on their face, feeling one for the first time in their life.