
22. A familial meeting

R: Sylvia Werner.

L: Marcus, Driver, Gran, Dad, Kira, Katy, Ethan, Sabrina.


Narration: Sylvia shuffled trying to shift some of the bags at her feet. Marcus looks at her interestingly and shakes his head.

Marcus: I did tell you to leave those bags in the boot but you insisted on bringing them inside with you and now you are squirming.

Sylvia: But not complaining. Besides I kept those which were meant for the boot in the boot but the ones in this bags are sensitive and don't need to be shaken up.

Marcus: And you think that your feet isn't doing what you are trying to prevent? You can place them on the car seats if you like.

Sylvia: Oh really? Are you the person who washes the car?

Marcus: Not really, why do you ask?

Sylvia: Well then, I prefer them at my feet instead of staining the seats and giving the poor soul extra work to handle.

Marcus: You know, sometimes I wonder how you think.

Sylvia: Like a considerate soul. I hear the company was your father's before yours.

Marcus: More or less, why?

Sylvia: Then you probably had it easy your whole life. Having people at your service and feeling on top of the world but I know what it is like to work for someone and have people trampling on your back on their way to greatness.

Marcus: And that is why you are so considerate of servants, because you understand them?

Sylvia: More or less, I suppose.

Marcus: Well, I am not impressed or convinced. I pay them for their services so they don't have any reason towards compassion.

Sylvia: I always knew you were cold since I met you down that alley so I am not surprised.

Marcus: Well, I can be pretty warm sometimes…only to those close to me.

Driver: Sir, we are here.

Narration: Sylvia opens the door on her side and climbs out of the car then she carefully carried the bags out of the car. The driver opens the trunk and she carries the rest of the bags leaving the man empty handed.

Marcus: Stay here in the car. Hopefully I won't be long.

Sylvia: Marcus, I am hosting the dinner. Why doesn't he come in and eat something before getting back behind the wheel?

Marcus: You can come in.

Driver: Thank you very much Miss…

Sylvia: It is Sylvia… no title.

Driver: thank you… Sylvia.

Narration: Sylvia walks up the porch, opens the door and invites Marcus and the driver into the house. She walks into the living room and sees everyone home except from Ethan.

Gran: Just in time honey, looks like you had a busy day shopping. Hope you still have strength to prepare dinner?

Sylvia: Yep, I will be in the kitchen when I drop these bags. Dad someone wants to see you.

Dad: Who is it?

Sylvia: My new boss.

Narration: The room went stiff and silent as Marcus walked in with his driver. Sylvia nods to her father and climbs up the stairs to her room.

Narration: She hurriedly changes into a decent cloth and climbs down the stairs to see her father and Gramps in a deep conversation with Marcus. Her father nods at her and she walks straight for the kitchen to help her gran.

Gran: So you decided to finally invite him to dinner?

Sylvia: Well, yeah I mean… wait a minute, what do you mean finally?

Gran: Well, being the Personal Assistant of such an influential man requires him coming home to your folks and promising to take care of you while you stay at his place.

Sylvia: So you guys knew all along that I was going to move out?

Gran: Well, that is how the system works, doesn't it? We were mainly waiting to see you bring him home.

Sylvia: He had actually told me that he was going to come over but I declined until today.

Gran: What made you change your mind?

Sylvia: Well, I wanted to prove to Ethan that he was wrong about what he claims. Didn't even realize that I was even meant to.

[the doorbell rings]

Sylvia: I will get it.

Narration: Sylvia moves for the door and open it only to see Kira and Katy standing outside.

Sylvia: Girls! What are you guys doing here?

Kira: Your Gran called. She said you brought Marcus over for the Official dinner and as your best friends it is customarily important that we must be here.

Katy: Besides, she said she was making Poached Salmon… I can already smell them from here.

Sylvia: Well come in.

Narration: The three girls walked straight for the kitchen without interrupting the men as they discussed.

Kira: You know, Ethan is meant to be with your Dad and Gramps discussing with Marcus.

Katy: Yep, though I doubt if he would be on the positive side of the discussion.

Sylvia: I ran into him and Sabrina at the mall today and I had Marcus with me. He sparked.

Kira: What were you and Marcus shopping for in the mall?

Sylvia: Clothes.

Katy: So you are now his newest fashion designer?

Sylvia: Don't be ridiculous, I was choosing classy outfit for myself after all, my wardrobe isn't actually what people wear for fundraiser.

Katy: So what was he doing?

Sylvia: Well, it was his idea and when I declined, he said it was company policy and that the company would be funding the shopping.

Katy: So he was handling the bills?

Sylvia: Obviously. With the clothes I picked, if he didn't pay I would have given up on it

Narration: The front door opened and Ethan walked into the house with Sabrina. He looks at Marcus and growls then he walks straight into the Kitchen with Sabrina after his.

Ethan: What the hell is he doing here?

Kira: Is she meant to be answering that question?

Ethan: Didn't asked for the opinion of a spoilt Kid.

Gran: Et, what has gotten into you? She was meant to invite him over ever since she got the job as his Personal assistant.

Narration: Ethan growls and storms off to his room.

Sabrina: Kira, don't get frustrated, he was just angry and…

Katy: Just being a jerk.

Sabrina: That too. He will get over it, when he sees that there is nothing he can do.

Sylvia: Thanks for coming Sabrina.

Sabrina: It is my pleasure to be at your official dinner. Just let me go get that boyfriend of mine to his senses. I will be right back.