
23. At the official dinner

R: Sylvia Werner.

L: Gramps, Ethan, Dad, Marcus, Sabrina, Gran, Katy, Kira.


Narration: Everybody was seated at the dining table some looking gloomier than others. Food was dished out on plates and placed before everyone. Everyone ate in silence till after dessert when the wine was poured out for everyone.

Gramps: Attention everyone, and please don't stop eating. I have talked with Mr. Silverdore who had offered my daughter a job as his Personal Assistant and I have to say he is a capable young man. I can't be more convinced that my granddaughter is in more capable hands.

Ethan: Please you are making this sound like a marriage.

Dad: Ethan, shut up!

Gramps: Well, this is an official dinner and everyone is here to witness the fact that my Silver would be moving out to his house where she will serve him till she is retired or worst case scenario sacked. Now let us hear what the young man has to say.

Marcus: Thank you so much Mr. Werner. Your Granddaughter Sy…Miss Sylvia was given the post of my Personal assistant for reasons that I am sure you will see reasonable.

Ethan: Please, we would like to hear them…and don't hold any of it back.

Sabrina: Darling…keep it down.

Marcus: I have been known as a cold and strict man but the day of Miss Sylvia resumption, she amicably turned down the offer to be my Personal Assistant and also saved a lot pf people from losing their jobs even before she had been given the job. I was amazed of how she had run a sack list and saved a lot of people their jobs and still yet chose to be a simple tech staff. After two days, I managed to convince her to accept the job.

Dad: That is reason enough. So since you will take Sylvia under your wing, I hope that she will not come to any harm in your possession.

Sylvia: Please, don't give him the idea that owns me.

Dad: Of course. I just hope that she comes to no harm for your sake.

Marcus: I assure you sir.

Gran: Left for me to say anything, I can only say that I am sure that my Daughter didn't accept this post without a very good reason and since she accepted the job on her own, I am sure she is certain that she is in good hands.

Sylvia: One correction, I have to agree with Ethan, you are making it sound like a marriage. That I am staying at his place doesn't mean that I am in his hands. He can keep his hands to himself, I have mine.

Gran: As I said, I am convinced she took the job for good reasons.

Gramps: Anything you have to say son?

Ethan: Me, I can only say that all of you have been brainwashed. You guys can't see what I see in this man?

Sabrina: Ethan, sit down before you make this worse.

Ethan: How worse? I am sure there is something going on between the both of them.

Sabrina: Ethan; sit down please. God, it was a good thing Sylvia invited me to keep a check on you.

Ethan: What! Sylvia you asked my Girlfriend to come to a dinner because of me?

Dad: Ethan! Keep yourself in check. Am so sorry Mr. Marcus. He isn't this paranoid.

Marcus: No need, Ethan and I are acquainted.

Katy: All right. Ethan, take a sit and stop behaving like a jerk… no offence Mr. Werner.

Sylvia: Ethan, side bar now.

Narration: Sylvia stands up her face red with annoyance and embarrassment. She walks over to the kitchen and stands at the door.

Dad: Ethan, your sister sent for you. Go answer her.

Sylvia: Side bar Ethan.

Narration: Ethan grunts and walks away into the Kitchen.

Sylvia: What is wrong with you? This is my official dinner and you are making this family a mess.

Ethan: So this is about me now, is it? You are the one running after influential men in the name of job.

Sylvia: Since when did you start to see me as a whore? You heard what Marcus explained out there.

Ethan: And for all I know you both rehearsed it at the mall. You know, I made it out as a joke but after think of how one day you are a staff and the next day you are a PA, and then seeing you both at the bar, it made sense.

Sylvia: None of this makes sense. The bar was a coincidence why can't you see the truth in what I am saying?

Ethan: I see the truth but not in what is coming out from your mouth. What about at the mall? I suppose you met him there coincidentally too.

Sylvia: I went to update my wardrobe. If I am to follow a man for fundraisers, I should be dressing up to fit in with the crowd.

Ethan: That explains the clothes but doesn't explain his presence.

Sylvia: Et, you don't possibly think that I will just change my wardrobe because of a new job.

Ethan: Well, I don't possibly see how what you said answers my question, besides I don't even know what to think of you anymore.

Sylvia: It was a company policy and the company was overseeing the shopping. He was just there to pay the bills.

Ethan: So he was just paying bills for clothes just because of your new job or because of whatever services you had rendered to him.

Sylvia: I don't even see where this conversation is heading, I haven't even started to work as his PA, what services would I have rendered to him?

Ethan: You tell me you are the one he is buying the clothes for and obviously the one going intimate with him.

Narration: There was a loud sound that attracted everyone at the dining table to the kitchen to see Ethan with his hand over his cheek and tears on Sylvia's face.

Sylvia: I can't believe that you would say something like that about me and worst of all to my face. You are unbelievable.

Narration: Sylvia stares at all of them watching her and runs up to her room. Katy and Kira looks at Ethan and runs past him after Sylvia.

Kira: You deserve that.

Sabrina: Mr. Werner, Grandpa and Grandma Werner, thanks for dinner but I will have to take my leave.

Dad: You are welcome here anytime Sabrina.

Sabrina: Really Ethan You are unbelievable.

Narration: She turns and walks out of the house while Ethan Stands and watch her leave.

Dad: Mr. Silverdore, please this way. Ethan, you can go up to your room.

Gran: Nope, Et, come here. We need to talk.