
Treasure hunt

In the dim and ancient tombs of Western Xia, who has waited for whom for a millennium! Amidst the beauty of the land and the allure of heroes, a fateful encounter by the Crescent Spring under the moonlight a thousand years ago destined an entanglement that time could not erase! Yet in this life, born into an era of warlords during the Republic, a...

jojokria · Huyền huyễn
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73 Chs

059 Yang Rou Pao Mo

When a train roared by, Lin Li was excited.

"We're going to take the train to Zhengzhou, right? That's great! Watching the train thunder across the plains makes me so happy!" 

"Yeah, I'm always happy when I take the train!" Jian Yumei said.

The carriage moved slowly but that was all they could do.

"Master, can't we go faster?" Lin Li said.

"Miss Lin, don't worry, there's no rush, we'll arrive in the provincial capital tonight! Since you can't catch the train today, just enjoy the scenery!" Coachman Lao Liu said with a smile.

"No hurry, no hurry, Lao Liu, just drive safely, my sister is impatient!" Jian Yumei said with a smile.

At this moment, he felt a touch on his waist, but he dared not speak, just smiled bitterly and turned around.

Lin Li looked at the sky, appearing as if nothing had happened.

The carriage continued on its way and finally arrived in Xi'an before dark.

After the carriage arrived in Xi'an, when it pulled Jian Yumei and Lin Li to a large inn, Lao Liu said to Jian Yumei, "Master Jian, this is the largest inn in Xi'an. You'll stay here tonight!"

"Lao Liu, thank you, why don't you stay with us, I'll pay for your stay!" Jian Yumei said.

"No need, I have to hurry back, I'll head back now!" Lao Liu said.

"You haven't eaten yet, why don't you stay and eat with us later?" Jian Yumei said.

"No need, I brought some baked cakes with me, haha, you guys take care of yourselves, and next time you come back, take my carriage!" Lao Liu said.

"Alright, Lao Liu, take care!" Jian Yumei said.

Jian Yumei and Lin Li got off the carriage with their luggage and watched Lao Liu rush off. Jian Yumei smiled.

"Let's go, Sister, we'll stay here tonight!" Jian Yumei said.

"Okay, is there hot water here? I feel all dusty and I want to take a bath!" Lin Li said.

"There should be, in such a big inn, there should be dedicated bathhouses!" Jian Yumei said.

They entered the inn, which was bustling with people coming and going.

"Brother, we need two good rooms!" Jian Yumei said.

"Alright! Sir, I'll arrange it for you!" the big brother at the front desk said enthusiastically.

He quickly handled the formalities and led Jian Yumei and Lin Li upstairs.

"Brother, do you have a bathhouse here?" Sister asked.

"Yes, after you settle in, you can go downstairs to the side, where the bathhouse is!" the big brother said.

"Okay, thank you!" Lin Li finally relaxed.

After they settled in their room, they each went to the bathhouse to wash off the dust from the road, then decided to go out for dinner.

By this time, night had fallen, but Xi'an was still bustling with activity.

"Brother, it's so lively here! I like it!" Lin Li said.

"Yeah, it's very lively here. Let's go to Muslim Street!" Jian Yumei said.

"Where is Muslim Street? Is it ahead?" Lin Li asked.

"Yes, you just follow me!" Jian Yumei said, smiling as he led Lin Li through several alleys to Muslim Street.

"Wow, this place is magnificent!" Sister said, looking at the Drum Tower, the holy place of culture and martial arts.

"Yes, this is a building from the Tang Dynasty!" Jian Yumei said.

"So ancient, it looks really nice, is that over there the Bell Tower?" Lin Li asked.

"Yes! That one is from the Ming Dynasty!" Jian Yumei said.

"Ming Dynasty is so far away too, but it looks really nice here, this place is really bustling, what should we eat, Brother? I see lamb paomo everywhere in the city, should we go eat that?" Lin Li said.

"Yeah, the lamb paomo here is the most authentic. Look at all the shops around. Let's see which one is better than the few in our county!" Jian Yumei said.

"Okay, let's do that!" Lin Li clapped her hands, then she saw people looking at her and felt a little embarrassed.

"Brother, do I need to be more composed? After all, I'm also a female swordsman. Do I seem too... rustic?" Lin Li said.

"Old-fashioned!" Jian Yumei blurted out.

"You, you, you silly monkey, you knew it and still said it, did you see such a beautiful old-fashioned girl!" Lin Li was almost embarrassed to the point of anger.

Jian Yumei burst into laughter.

After that, Lin Li was basically very calm. Every time Jian Yumei said something, she just nodded reservedly, as if she knew everything.

Seeing her like this, Jian Yumei wanted to laugh, especially when he saw her wanting to ask but holding back, Jian Yumei pursed his lips tightly, afraid to laugh.

When he tried to control his laughter, he suddenly felt a kick on his shin.

He turned his head and this time Sister was looking at the sky as if nothing had happened.

"I said Sister, it's already dark, what are you looking at?" Jian Yumei said with a big laugh.

"I'm looking at the stars, what's it to you!" Lin Li said.

"I said Sister, there are no stars now, didn't you see?" Jian Yumei said.

"I want to, you can't control me!" Lin Li said.

Jian Yumei burst into laughter.

They arrived at Muslim Street and saw many shops with signs hanging lamb paomo, all doing good business.

"Brother, which one should we eat at, you say!" Lin Li said.

"Eating at a restaurant is quite particular. When you're in a strange place, you have to go to the one with the most people. You have to trust the judgment of the masses!" Jian Yumei said.

"The masses, what's that?" Lin Li asked.

"This is a new term from the Republic of China. Don't you understand? It's the common people, it's everyone!" Jian Yumei said.

"I see, good, let's go to the one with the most people!" Sister said.

"But I and my father have eaten at several places before, and I'll take you to the best one I've found!" Jian Yumei said.

"You silly monkey, you're teasing me again!" Just as Lin Li was observing which place had the most people and the decoration that best suited her taste, she heard Jian Yumei's words and felt depressed.

"Haha!" Jian Yumei burst into laughter.

They arrived at the restaurant Jian Yumei had mentioned and sat down. Lin Li felt that it was very clean and had an antique style, with carved wooden decoration and redwood tables and chairs, very tasteful.

"Boss, two bowls of paomo, and twenty skewers of lamb skewers, two side dishes!" Jian Yumei shouted.

"Okay, wait a moment, it'll be here soon!" the waiter responded.


 Yumei looked at everything familiar and remembered the scene when his father first brought him here. Suddenly, tears welled up in his eyes.

"Brother, what's wrong, do you miss your father?" Lin Li looked at him concernedly.

"Yeah! It's okay, it'll be fine in a while!" Jian Yumei smiled at Sister again.

"Yeah, Brother, you have me now! I can accompany you!" Lin Li said.

Jian Yumei felt a warmth in her heart.

At this moment, the boss brought two large bowls and four white breads to their table.