
Treasure hunt

In the dim and ancient tombs of Western Xia, who has waited for whom for a millennium! Amidst the beauty of the land and the allure of heroes, a fateful encounter by the Crescent Spring under the moonlight a thousand years ago destined an entanglement that time could not erase! Yet in this life, born into an era of warlords during the Republic, a...

jojokria · Huyền huyễn
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73 Chs

049 Zhang Tianshi descends to earth

When Jian Yumei opened his eyes, the great python had already departed, leaving only the two crowned king serpents to accompany him.

He beheld the two crowned king serpents with great delight. Smiling at them, Jian Yumei softly spoke, "Thank you both, without your presence, tonight might have been a lost cause for me!"

Observing the serpents bobbing their heads, Jian Yumei chuckled. Feeling the need to continue his meditation, he addressed the serpents, "I intend to meditate further. Perhaps you could rest as well?"

The serpents continued their rhythmic head movements, conveying their consent. For some inexplicable reason, Jian Yumei felt a profound connection with these two spiritual serpents. He smiled faintly at them before assuming a cross-legged position on the ground, commencing his meditation.

Tonight's serendipitous encounter felt significant to him. Despite the dangers he faced, obtaining the spiritual pearl promised a transformative journey, a sensation of rebirth and evolution coursing through him.

Slowly, Jian Yumei focused on guarding the spiritual pearl, patiently awaiting its rotation within his lower dantian. Sensing a kindling fire, akin to a flame of cultivation, he felt it ignite.

As the pearl spun, its radiance enveloped his entire being, baptizing and magnetizing every cell. Gradually expanding, its luminous aura illuminated Jian Yumei's entire body, catalyzing a profound physical evolution.

The radiance extended beyond, reaching towards the vast expanse of the universe. Jian Yumei sensed himself expanding infinitely, his being merging with the cosmic energies.

From this moment forth, Jian Yumei knew he had been transformed. If the journey of ordinary practitioners involved a transition from quantitative to qualitative change, tonight marked his moment of metamorphosis.

Amidst this convergence of cosmic energies, Jian Yumei could hear and see beyond the ordinary. A mysterious smile graced his lips, reminiscent of many revered practitioners.

He realized he could achieve feats he once deemed unimaginable. Actions previously beyond his reach were now within his grasp.

With a gentle gesture towards the sky, a beautiful lotus flower appeared in his hand, pure and flawless. Jian Yumei brought it to his nose, inhaling its fragrance before placing it on his palm. With silent intention, the pristine lotus vanished.

Next, Jian Yumei extended his hand, summoning a peach wood sword and several Taoist talismans. Uttering incantations aloud, guided by mysterious voices, he immersed himself in their teachings.

Following the instructions in his mind, he visualized the applications of the peach wood sword and the talismans. As he brandished the sword, the talismans materialized around him.

Jian Yumei understood that henceforth, he need not draw symbols, as the essence of these talismans resided between heaven and earth, at his beck and call. However, he acknowledged the importance of mastering the arts of talismans from his master, for the ability to inscribe and recite them was a valuable skill.

With the peach wood sword, he directed the talismans, rehearsing their use repeatedly while mysterious incantations echoed in his ears.

When every incantation became second nature, the voice vanished, leaving Jian Yumei to ponder its return. Suddenly, it spoke, "I am Master Zhang. Witnessing your sincerity, I have descended to impart knowledge upon you. Once you master the incantations I've given you, you'll reach the realm where the peach wood sword exists and yet does not, possessing it at will. Then, you shall become a master of this art!"

Jian Yumei nodded in gratitude. "Thank you, Master Zhang," he said with a smile.

"Farewell. Call upon me if you have need," replied Master Zhang.

"Very well, and thank you once again!" Jian Yumei felt a deep fondness for the celestial master.

In no time, the voice vanished without a trace. Jian Yumei noticed the peach wood sword and Taoist talismans had also disappeared from his hands. He bid them farewell personally. Today marked his first borrowing, and he knew these were the implements of great masters from the past. As he held the peach wood sword, its ancient engravings caught his eye, bearing the seal of ancient characters that read, "Banishing evil and capturing demons."

Jian Yumei knew this sword had been wielded by an esteemed practitioner. Since it had been lent to him, he must be of considerable cultivation. When the need arose again, he was confident he could obtain it once more.

Gradually, Jian Yumei felt a radiant glow enveloping his surroundings, a white light casting its brilliance around him.

He entered a state of meditation, as the stars in the sky watched over him.

As Jian Yumei awoke from a series of dreams, he realized dawn had broken. To his astonishment, he found himself seated atop an ancient tomb.

Surveying his surroundings, he recalled yesterday's encounters with fox spirits and numerous adept practitioners, an overwhelming spectacle that left an indelible impression. Jian Yumei had always known the universe was mysterious, but he hadn't fathomed its depths.

The two small serpents remained, as if standing guard for him throughout the night, evoking a deep sense of gratitude within Jian Yumei.

Gazing at the tomb amidst the forest, he sighed deeply. Yesterday seemed like a dream. Jian Yumei recalled his encounter with Hu Meinian on the mountain path, reminiscing about the moments that tinted his cheeks crimson. She was a good girl indeed, and Jian Yumei vividly remembered her shy expression as he massaged her body.

He also remembered how she tried to drive him away, feigning sternness yet failing to conceal her anxiety. She wanted him to leave then. But Jian Yumei knew, was leaving the best choice for Hu Meinian and her elder sister? Surely the elder sister would coerce Hu Meinian into doing things she didn't wish to do. In that case, what would become of Hu Meinian's future?

And then there was the elder sister. Jian Yumei knew he had given her something precious, his first time, but he didn't regret it. In his moment of peril, the elder sister bravely rushed to his aid.

It was all because of love.

With these thoughts in mind, Jian Yumei felt compelled to erect a monument for the two women, a place where he could pay his respects in the future.

He searched the surroundings, hoping to find a suitable stone for the monument. Finally, he discovered a suitable slab of rock in the forest, just the right length.

With a gentle force, Jian Yumei's palm functioned like a precision tool, swiftly shaping the stone into the form of a tombstone.