
Traveling Through the Multiverse as a Chimera Ant

Black_Paladyn · Tranh châm biếm
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50 Chs


I watched as the island faded from view before I looked over my new ship, while it wasn't the biggest of ships it was a good size and would serve me well until I could find a bigger ship. I needed to become a famous pirate as soon as possible, the more fame and money I had the more people would want to try and take me down. As I had nothing to do for now I opened the shop and bought several weights and dumbells, while they were small the metal they were made out of were extremely dense so each ended up weight 2000 pounds each.

The manuscript I found also listed several exercises that could strengthen my body, cracking my neck I sighed as I started to train.

For several days I trained on the deck of the ship, through blazing heat and pouring rain I could be seen lifting weights or punching a large stone pillar. It was an expensive item but it was worth it, the light blue stone had the property of returning 50% of the force behind each strike. One day I sat in the blazing sun shirtless as sweat ran down my body, steading my breathing I closed my eyes and concentrated.

Picking up a pebble I threw it into the air, instead of falling to the ground there was a loud sucking sound as the stone stopped in midair. If someone looked from the correct angle they could see that the air around the pebble was slightly tinted, along with training my body I had also started to use my devil powers.

Using my knowledge of matter I could control the vibration of atoms controlling the state of matter of objects, the first time I used my power I almost killed my self by fazing through the wood of the ship. By vibrating my molecules I could phase through solid matter, releasing my control over the air it quickly turned back into gas. This was only the bare minimum of what my powers could do, standing up I flexed and a sound like a gunshot rang through the air as the sweat flew off my body.

Sighing I opened my status page to see how my training had affected my stats.

[Name: Hiko]

Race: Chimera Ant ( Pseudo King )

Titles: Proud, Waves Person

Lvl. 1


Strength: S+

Dexterity: S

Consitution: A

Intelligence: SS

Wisdom: SS

Charisma: B+


Karada wa bukidesu Lvl.3

Pinpoint Strike Lvl. 1

Training increased my stats and passive skills but didn't affect my active skills, so I would still have to fight people but that was always apart of my plan. For another hour I continued to sail towards my next goal when I heard a cannon shot rang through the air, the shot was several miles away and I wouldn't make it in time at least on my ship. Quickly throwing the anchor off the side of the ship I started to swim towards the chaos, in just a few minutes I arrived to see a pirate ship boarding a fancy yacht no doubt laden with rich people.

Seizing the opportunity I dove underwater before remerging against the hull of the pirate ship, using my powers I phased through the wood of the ship. I appeared to be in the cargo hold luckily I was behind one of the crates so the men carrying the loot from their ship didn't see me, moving out from my hiding spot my figure blurred, and one by one I took out the ships entire crew. Taking some rope I hogtied the pirates together, jumping I landed on the yacht and started to look where the pirates had no doubt captured everyone.

As I walked down one particular hallway I saw a large doorway with its doors blown off its hinges from within I heard sounds of laughter. Looking through the doorway I saw a pool of huddled figures who were dressed in the finest of clothing, the cause of their fear was the twenty pirates who loomed over them.

Moving my eyes over their figures I couldn't find their captain, turning away from the pirates I looked over the citizens once again before I found who I was looking for. Though he tried to blend in I could sense an aura of bloodlust coming off of her. My observations were stopped when what I assumed was the captain faced the crowd, " Your all lucky I'm feeling generous today, normally we would kill you and loot your corpses, but today if you hand over valuables I'll let you live "

Before anyone could respond I walked through the doorway and everyone's eyes turned to look at me, " I thought you mugs said you got everybody on the ship. Aye, you over there get over with everyone else if you don't want to die. " Stopping in my tracks I glared at the pirate while letting out my bloodlust, I grinned as the pirates face turned pale, " I'm going to have fun killing you "

Before anyone could speak my figure blurred again as blood started to spray against the walls, in a few seconds the pirates were cut down one by one all of them lost a limb or more. When I stopped moving the only sign that I had been involved in the fight was the blood dripping off the tip of my tail.

The hostages started to cheer and I watched as the woman with an aura about her ran over with her arms wide open. While her looks would make any other man hesitate I could see right through it " Thank you, Hero, without you who knows what those evil pirates would have done. Do you have any injuries I know a little bit about treating wounds- ."

I was ready when the woman reached behind her back and pulled out a hidden knife, she leaped at me stabbing at my heart. She was stopped midair as I grabbed her by her throat, the grin of her face disappeared and a look of dread took over, " But...h-how " smiling I clenched my fist shattering her spine and killing her.

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