
Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

What would you do if you could travel after horror films? This option would be easily rejected by others, but what if it were your only option? Follow Henry who woke up in his favorite series but with a special golden finger. . - (This novel won't have an MC who comes to power out of nowhere just because he gains power, it will be more realistic and full of tragedy and plot, and things won't go as the MC plans. This novel won't have an MC who knows everything, can do everything and thinks of everything. If you're looking for a novel with a gradual evolution, where you can see the MC's personal improvement, this novel is for you. No harem, by the way. The MC will have friends and companions, this romance won't have a super-powerful and lonely domineering MC who only has slaves!]

MRCAT66 · Phim ảnh
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65 Chs


Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm opening a poll in the comments on two questions.

As you've seen, the novel went on hiatus for weeks, and unfortunately I was undecided as to whether I wanted to continue or stop altogether. However, I'm thinking of returning this weekend with 4-5 chapters released on Sunday.

However, I'd like to know from you whether you'd prefer me to continue this novel or write one much more focused on pure terror and psychological fear.

This horror novel would be focused on horror movies, but with a slower development and exploring all the possible scenes and fears, darker and with the mc struggling to face his fears. By the way, the beings would have powers referring to the movies and Wikipedia, no buff.

Would you prefer me to write this novel or continue with Supernatural? Let me know in the comments.

By the way, what did you think of the boys' novel? As far as I can tell, it wasn't very well received and had a lot of criticism, so I'm going to stop with it for now.