Not expecting a tragedy, Alex's happy life comes crashing down. Offered a new chance at life, he takes it with one goal in mind. To live the life that was taken too soon. His wish granted, under the promisse of his service to the gods. First world: GAME OF THRONES Second world: ****** *** **** ********* disclaimer: I own nothing :p
~~~Jon Arryn POV~~~
It has been three months since the tourney of Harrenhal. And so far things had been getting better.
I was originally skeptical of Lord Sieghart when he offered to remove the mountain clansmen from the Vale. But with the recent news that had reached him, things seem to be moving along the way the young Lord wanted.
He had first approached the peaceful clans around. The Sons of the trees, Sons of the Mist, Howlers, Redsmiths and Milksnakes. And for each clan that he visited, they all followed him, like sheeps to the shepherd.
After a month in the mountains, all of them marched down to the Bloody Gate together. Their arrival I admit caused a lot of panic from the masses of the nearby villages, but all settled down when they realise they did not come to attack.
Upon their arrival to the Bloody Gate, I then received message of the clan elders' desire to speak with me. Several of my Lords came with me, not liking their presence at all. I was surprised by the sheer number of their people. There were 8000 men, women and children all together, all from the combined numbers of the five clans. A third of them are capable men from what I saw.
After reaching the elders, wearing an assortment of leather, fur and wool. All of whom were all holding a weirwood cane in their hand. We were presented with an offer. They will leave the Vale and never return in exchange for one thing but before they could voice their condition some of my lords immediately reacted negatively. Hurling insults at them for being so brazen. Names like herrtics, heathens, savages, murderers and other degrading names. Through it all the five elders stood stoicly, as if their words were nothing more than wind. Noticing their lack of reaction the others soon quiet.
One of the elders spoke. "Our ancestors have been in this lands long before you discovered your gods Andal. Even you know that. So do yourself a favor and stop making a fool of yourself."
Lord Belmore bristled at that along with the other lords. Though insulted, even I had to bite the inside of my mouth to stop the smile that threatens to pour out of me. But I agree, we are the invaders of this lands. That is why No Arryn dare complain in the face of war against the savage clans.
Yohn Royce then pushed the topic forward. The elders demand was simple. In each of their tribes' lands stood a weirwood tree. So long as those trees stand. They will not set foot upon this land uninvited. The pious ones of' course were against it immediately, demanding the tree be burnt. The elder simply chuckled and said.
"We have stood against you for thousands of years, what's another thousand years more."
That bought silence to everyone, mainly cause it was true. Time and time again the Knight's of the Vale have tried to remove their tribes from the mountains, time and time again they failed. A conflict that has endured of countless generations. After seeing nods of acceptance from the majority of the gathered lords, I agreed, knowing I may never have the same chance for peace once again.
We went to one of their Weirwood trees with all the Elders and The Lords of the Vale. There we found a heart tree but what surprised us was the seven statues surrounding it. The Seven who are One.
"You will ALL swear to our gods and yours as we will swear to your gods and ours."
Though surprised we agreed, though I can see reluctance in a few, namely Lord Belmore and Grafton. But this was the most peaceful option, and so I used my title as Lord Paramount of the Vale to make them agree. For to swear to the Old gods is one thing, To swear before the Lords of the Vale AND the gods is another. Any form of deception is to be labeled an oath breaker. A title no lord wish to ever carry or even be mingled with.
As the oaths were sworn they soon left The Vale under the watchful eyes of of Lord Grafton ad Lord Royce. They will be heading to Gulltown where several ships will be waiting to take them. The men on the other hand is a different matter entirely for they will be going to the other tribes and wipe them out. Turns out this tribes are far from peaceful neighbors. The 'Savage' tribes, should they ever fail a raid or too drunk in success attacks a nearby clan to take out their furtrations on them or lay claim to more than what they have already taken. This always leads to a bloody conflict. But the savage tribes are just that, mindless beast in human skin. An organized tribe like the Howlers who specialise in Animal husbandry are well equipped with tough leathers. The Sons of the Trees are the most feared hunters in the Vale, capable of whittling down a large group of knights down to nothing. Or the Redsmiths who are experts on smithing, mainly copper equipments, some iron and very few steel but still far above what other tribes had in hand. These tribes are more than capable of fending them off. The Redsmiths are even known in Redfort to be a clan that returns those who were kidnapped by the savage clans and the Sons of the Trees don't attack anyone that doesn't enter their territory.
Right now, I am simply waiting for word from the Bloody Gate, regarding Ronan Sieghart's departure for his campaign. Still I can't help but be reminded of Yohn Royce's words.
"So much capable men, hunters, leather workers, herbalists, fishermen and even smiths. By the gods, if I knew there so much capable men in those mountains I would have treated with them years ago." said Yohn.
And he was right. I can't help the pooling regret in my gut, as if I had thrown away a stone only for someone to pick it up and it turns out to be a jewel.
'Such a waste' a waste indeed. Blinded by years of conflict and bloodshed has rendered us fools to the other's potential. Still there is good news to come around. Wheather the savage clans are wiped or not, there will be a long period of peace for the Vale. And the hearts of the people will grow lighter with this news. All that with little to no cost to the people.
My attention turned to the door due to the frantic knocking. Putting my hand on the hilt of my sword leaning on my table, I allowed the person entry.
A messenger entered with panic in his eyes. " lord the... lords....*phew*..."
"Slow down lad, take a breath." The messenger followed my instructions. "Now, tell me what message you bring."
"My lord, both Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark has not been seen for two days now."
I raised my brow at that. This is normal for Robert but Ned aswell?
"We believe they may have joined Lord Sieghart on his campaign!"
~~~Elesis POV~~~
"Open fire."
"FIRE!!!" yelled the Captain.
I watched as several ballista bolts flew from our ships towards the pirates that has been chasing us. As expected it all exploded upon impact. We have been at Sea for a month now, after stopping to Braavos and then to Pentos to check on our products, checking their production and delivery. Then the workers, their performance, pay and health both physically and mentally are kept within MY standards. And then ensuring that our trade continues, contracts are kept and debts are paid and collected. We soon set sailed once more to Sothoryos. We have already passed the Stepstones a mere five days ago, where we fought our way through. I was right to bring more men from Pentos.
I had expected to be attacked. Our ships are after all, impossible to resist by sheer size alone. So I had thought to bring more men. Three hundred more to be precise. Mainly for them to occupy the subjugated pirate ships. And there are indeed plenty. Those of course that went for my ship are sunk, No exceptions. That included our own ships. Our sailors are aware of this. A precaution in the off chance that they be infiltrated, a mutiny occur, a prison outbreak or simply the ships be taken. Though we have counter meassure for those, that doesn't mean that these sailors knew them. I doubt they would sail this ships if they knew it will explode if ever stolen.
Right now we sail for Sothoryos followed by fifty subjugated ships. We do have a bit of a cargo in the form of two hundred slaves but they are manageable. It would take us two more months to reach our destination but it will be worth it.
Feeling my baby stir I looked down to see her yawn cutely. I smiled seeing it every time. Her golden eyes matching mine as with the specks of her father's blue hair. 'Our little princess.' Seeing her play with my red hair had me laughing.
I looked to the captain with as much seriousness as I can and said. "No prisoners captain."
"Aye mi'lady." Seeing him nod fully aware of who he is currently hosting on this ship gave me some small comfort. This men knew full well their deaths will be far from painless if anything were to happen to either me or our baby.
I went back to the cabin. As I walked I notice her looking around. I smiled apologetically at that.
"I'm sorry baby, Papa isn't here right now."
She oh'd, squeeked and babbled a reply. "Don't worry princess, he will join us soon."
Arriving at our cabin, I played with her on the fur carpet. Seeing her smile and squeeling happily made me tear up a little. If only he was here. This would have been a perfect day. I imagine myself in a grassy field, patches of flowers around us, underneath the shade of a tree. Just me, him and her. Just us. Really bought a smile on my face.
The loud noise surprised my baby and she started tearing. I carefully cradled her up. And spoke softly "shhh, it's okay sweety, it's okay. mommy's here."
"What is it?"
"My lady it is urgent, a ship donning a three headed dragon on it's sails is following us. They are hailing us to a halt."
'Again!!! Can he not just leave us alone!' I seethed. They have tried on Braavos only for them to be stopped by the IronBank, again a messenger in Pentos. If anything I was glad I left Pentos early, for only a day later, I received word that that fucking prince actually arrived there. And now this. 'I won't let them.'
"In that case.... refresh the Captain of my orders." I said to the firstmate.
"At once mi'lady." she nodded.
~~~General POV~~~
Pulling a valyrian glass candle from her inventory. She lights it by conjuring a flame upon the tip of her fingers. She then creates a circle made up of the smoke, and then once again allowed her magic to float like embers towards the smokey circle, that inturn created a reddish vision in the middle. Finally, she could see and hear the Captain.
"Have we given a signal of warning to them?"
"Aye captain! They ain't responding to our hails Captain!"
"So be it, signal the rear guard of it's hostile intent. No survivors."
"Aye captain!"
She moved her view of the scrying spell towards the ship serving as rear guard. She could see the crew load the ballistas and then aimed. The Targaryen ship tried to signal a white flag but was ignored. The crew waited patiently for the ship to enter firing range. But before the ship could enter within range, it suddenly slowed down. Looking closer she saw the livid expression of a man at the bow of the ship as he gritted his teeth and watched as her ships sailed away. His clothes showing the coat of arms of House Tyrell. Seeing his expression bought a small smile of satisfaction on her face but also a small pout that he was still alive.
Seeing the images she started exploring beautiful views and landscapes as Elizabeth laughed at what she sees. She saw little lion cubs playing around and laughed, she squeeled seeing butterflies, babble incoherently in the face of a horse.
And then *ROOAAARRRR!!!*. The image showed a majestic red dragon. It had four limbs and a pair of wings. It's scales are like flames with a golden hue at it's edges. Black claws, along with an array of black spikes going along the spine, starting atop it's nose, ending to a pointed tip of the tail. And two pairs of black horns adorned with golden rings just like it's four limbs. Elizabeth clapped and laughed, she even opened her mouth with a *yaah* as she tried to copy a Dragon roar.
Elesis laughed loudly at seeing her reaction. "It has been some time since we've visited. I'm sure they miss you too."
The day passed as Elizabeth slept after playing with her mother to their hearts content. As Elise laid down next to her baby she whispered softly. "Maybe I can make you say 'mama' before your father returns home. That'll teach him a lesson about leaving us for too long. What do you think?" She smiled as Elizabeth breath softly through the night and her baby lips curled up to a smile for but a moment. "Yeaaahh... you're right, it's too much."