
Traveling Across Realities

Not expecting a tragedy, Alex's happy life comes crashing down. Offered a new chance at life, he takes it with one goal in mind. To live the life that was taken too soon. His wish granted, under the promisse of his service to the gods. First world: GAME OF THRONES Second world: ****** *** **** ********* disclaimer: I own nothing :p

Exelia · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

Chspter 23: Life in the Vale 3

~~~ Ronan POV ~~~

Me and 500 men treck the forest between the castles Ironoaks, Redfort, and Runestone. Where the first of three settlements could be found. The Stone crows. This one we will wipe out. They have no form of acceptance of defeat but death. One they extend to the other two peaceful tribes here. The Howlers and the Redsmiths.

We saw the wooden huts, located at a muddy clearing. Just the very image of the camp is enough to send men into fenzy. Skulls decorating their fences. All shapes... and sizes... children killers. Based on the screams of women coming from deep within, they had just finished a raid it would seem. We surrounded the settlement. And I then I moved in.

I drew blood before any of them could notice me, sending 3 heads rolling as I performed a wide swing. This gathers their attention. I continued to cut down as many as I can as I ran, making sure to slow down to allow them the illusion of catching me. I killed as I ran and their failure to catch me bought rage unto their faced. I led them to the edge of the clearing. Once there they charged at me, I stood my ground as they came closer. Once in enough striking distance I raised my sword and pointed at them, from behind me arrows rained down culling down their numbers to manageable heights. This savages numbered around a thousand, after the arrows had ended we had killed 300 to four hundred of them. And so I began to thin them down even further.

Holding my greatsword at my left, I unsheath a bastard sword, and held it in my right and charged first, killing two more with my greatsword, I guarded against three spears with the flat side of my greatsword and shoved them back putting them on their asses. Another swing and two heads rolled once more, the third took a swing at me, I dodged to the side while closing the distance and slit her throat with my other sword. I noticed the men has gotten into it aswell, killing any savage they could find.

As the fight went on some tried to escape when their defeat became apparent, but none of us allowed it. The battle lasted for 5 hours but in the end we were victorious with no survivors from their side.

The Stone Crows were no more. On to the next one.

~~~Ned POV~~~

I side stepped an attack cutting him through the guts. Raised my blade to guard from the front. I kicked him then jumped back to avoid and attack from the side. When the attack missed I cut the out stretched arm. Raised my sword to defend against another attacker. I then kicked my attacker to the knee then run my sword across his neck as I stepped passed him. I then locked swords with a bigger man, I waited until he put most of his strength in an attempt to overpower me, I stepped back suddenly putting off balanced, I quickly slipped to his side as I decapitated him.

Noticing no one coming for me, I gathered my wits.

I breath a sigh of relief as I looked around. There is fire everywhere, the ground littered by blood and corpses though most are notably, not our own.

I see Robert roaring as he swung his Warhammer caving a mans skull and then hit another man to the chest causing the man to fall on his back, and to ensure the kill, he swung downward to the man's chest once more.

Though none compared to the carnage left behind by Sieghart himself. He was like a whirlwind of swords. His sword gleams through the light and his blue cloak though singed in the edges with flames continue to flow with the wind. His very fight continues to invigorate everyone. I heard Robert roar as if sensing my excitement, we gave a nod to each other, and continued the battle. 'It has already gone on for 3 hours, what's another 3 hours more.'

~~~Line Break~~~

This is our fourth skirmish. We currently stand at the darkness of the forest at night. Before us lies another enemy camp, Burned men. Unlike most they do not panic in the prescense of fire, so no need for a sabotage. Beside me currently stand Sif. One of Sieghart's new squires. She is indeed a very capable warrior. She is lagging just behind Lyanna, but from what I remembered of my sister, the two are becoming a force to be reckoned with.

Now if only Robert would stop recruiting her to be Lyanna's handmaiden, this would be more bearable. Luckily he seemed to have learned a good lesson after Sif broke his nose.

A rustling of leaves breaks me out of my stupor. Currently with a crude bow and arrow in hand I stand at the edge of the forest. Sieghart and Valka stands before us. They will rush forward to kill as many as they can and draw their attention, leading them to us, and then shooting down as many as possible. The objective of the rest is simple, shoot the enemy.

Robert intially wanted to be part of the initial attack but Sieghart is right, he isn't fast or nimble enough.

Just looking at the two of them tells me a guaranteed victory already. And then they moved. Fast, very fast, I only saw the swing and before the head could even roll, and he has already gone through two more. And all that without breaking stride. 'Incredible'

Dame Valka is also very skilled. Not on the exact same level but still above our skills. I gripped my bow a bit tighter. The desire to be a better warrior continues to grow in sme as I watched.

Minutes later shouts, screams and roars of men could be heared. The two soon came into view. I nock the arrow and aimed. They are still killing as they retreated towards us. I saw a spear headed for Dame Valka's blind side. Only for said spearman to have a throwing knife inbedded on his forehead curtesy of Ser Sieghart.

I noticed they were about to get overwhelmed until, Ser Sieghart then stepped forward crouched low midspin, once Dame Valka was out of his range. He spun in a wide circle as he stepped backwards swinging his greatsword in a large arc, releasing a gust of wind.

The outcome was an arm to the ground, three spear shafts broke and a gut spilled along the side of another man that tried to leap at him only to lose his legs.

I noticed they were nearly close enough. So I focused on my aim, and then "Loose!". Letting the arrow fly, it hit someone in the neck. I fired the other four arrows in quick sucessionas well. They hit, causing damage to a couple people more but not enough to kill.


"RRRAAAHHHHH!!!" I raised my sword charged alongside Sif, and joined the melee.

I decapitated a man on my left and then cut off the legs of another on my right, I clashed sword with man on the front, then seeing another charge at me from my left, I slid my locked swords sideways putting our blades against the newcomer. I kicked the new one on my left in his knees bringing him down. I then hit the one my right with my head, he stumbled backward I then shoved the sword forward the kneeling man in his chest, killing him. I yanked it quick and with a swing clashed steel with the previous one. I felt him waver. With a quick shove, I stepped forward as he stumble and I ran my blade across his guts. My instinct kicking in, I quickly spun and locked my sword with another.

Before I could retaliate, I then suddenly saw a blade stick out of his chest from behind him. As the body slid down I saw Sif bloodied aswell as surrounded by three corpses. She gave me a nod, as I gave hers. And continued forward.

As I ran and kill, I saw an untouched hut. I decided to go checking to see for enemies, what I saw instead sent me enraged.

There was Dame Valka, kneeling before a baby and from the looks of it is already dead. Across him was four men. Three of them had no trousers. All dead. And two women. One had her clothes torn but looks unharmed and chained to a wooden post. But the other laid across a table with her throat slit. With her state of undress and the bleeding from her orifices, it was a cruel reminder of this men's atrocities. I saw Valka go for the young woman in the corner. And cover her in fur blanket, telling her she'd come back for her.

Once we stepped outside, I finally realised why Sieghart was adamant that there be no survivors. And so I went back into the fray.

As I battled I saw Dame Valka fight with such ferocity, but her movements showed finess. Her swings were wide yes, but there was no room to counter. Each attack of hers is fatal, And with the strength exhibited adding that to her fast paced swordplay. The only way to go was to deflect the attack which inturn always kept her enemies on the back foot, not giving them the option of retaliation. The same with Robert and his warhammer. As I stopped I saw more men pouring in towards the middle of the small town.

Sif was showing all skill, speed and acuracy with her two bastard swords. She attacks as she guards, evades as she attacks and her attacks were opening her enemies for another attack.

But despite their incredible display all pale in comparison with Ronan Sieghart. Showing unseen skills with his Greatsword and bastard sword. But when needed. . .

Ser Sieghart plants his bastard sword to the savage's chest beside him, he then grips his greatsword with both hands and with a mighty roar and swing. I saw six men fly across the camp and as they rolled to the ground it showed they had been split in half.

'Truly incredible.' I was bought out of my stupor as Robert and I saw more savages and re-entered the fight with renewed vigor.

I heard Dame Valka beside me, "Let's finish this."

And so the battle raged on.

~~~Time skip • Elesis POV~~~

Looking at the clear blue sky, and feeling the breeze of the salty winds of the sea and despite the calming sounds of the waves, I can't help but be worried. It has been eight months since I had last seen my husband. Last I have heard of him was during his hunt against the savage clans of The Vale. I had just recently received six thousand women and children that he had recruited. Luckily for me, the preparations for their welcome and lands to manage has been prepared just three days ago. I have already sent a book to the elders regarding the laws of the land and the scope of their respective territories and with that done I left the rest to the 'Teachers'. A group of drones imbued with the necessary knowledge to teach them the required level of education to be part of our growing kingdom. They will serve as guides for the new locals to help navigate their new lives on this new lands. Still all of this will be temporary anyway. Something I made sure they were informed.

I currently stand at the battlements of the finished part of the seawall the drones had been building just eight months ago. It is fifty feet high and twenty feet wide and completely reinforced by magical means, mainly enchantments and runes. Making this seawall three times stronger than any stone wall in this world. Looking over the waters I can see pirates sailing towards us. A total of thirty ships and just looking at the deck showed it is near filled to the brim with men. They are headed straight towards a shallow area we had piked on with sharp rocks just beneath the waters. I don't blame them for not seeing it, as I had placed a thick layer of mist just above the water surface. Making it impossible to reach the shore without the necessary knowledge on how to.

I know what they are after. It is impossible for them to take this wall and I doubt they were that stupid. Which means land isn't their target, no, what they wanted is simpler. Ships. Just to my right is 25 large white ships. They are 50 meters long, sporting their three mast, each donning their sky blue sails. Each is a galleon ship armed with 15 ballistae on each side. They are ancored at the nearby port, with a small city filled with houses and homes made of white stones located not far to my right. The white city coupled with the misty seas does make those great white ships look too tempting.

I knew they would fail but even before they could try they were attacked first by our own ships coming from the east. With a loud *BANG!* one of their ships was blown off the waters right in the middle and the bodies of pirates were falling around in pieces.

Three warships came from their flank. The Ships of the Line. Sixty meter long, three decker ship, three masted ship with white sails. Each is equiped with fourty ballistae on each side and one high powered ballista on the deck. Around the hull of the ship is metal reinforcement with it's ice breaker on the bow.

But the most notable was the one leading them. This one Eighty meters long, Two high powered ballistae on the deck and fifty ballistae on each side. It has an Ice Breaker on the bow of the ship and sharp as a blade. Not only is this ship the most impossing of the three but also the most luxurious. Black ship with gold railings, the metal reinforcement around the front is looking more like silver than steel. The ship has the mother in prayer as it's figure head with branches and leaves carved across the sides of the ship.

As the ship grew closer, I began to feel the fear from the pirates all the way from where I stood. Victoria. The first ship of the line, modeled after HMS Victoria of 1859. And she was gliding across the waters. Two shots came from Victoria and blew apart two ships of theirs with the crack of thunderous explosion. Then three seconds after, two more shots were released and two more sunk to the sea. Out of fear some actually tried to turn around but Victoria was too fast. A ship was cleaved in half as she powered through it as it tried to turn and leave. As Victoria passed their ships they retaliated with arrows and some trying to board them only to be shot midair by crossbows and those that landed were cut down too soon. As the pirate ships got close, gun ports suddenly opened and the pirates were then placed face to face with the steel tip of the ballistae within. The horror and realisation of their doom flooded the air around them. But before they could beg for their lives, Victoria then began firing. Each of the ballistae releasing explosive arrows. That doesn't count the crew shooting with crossbows from atop the ship to those who were still alive and swimming in the waters.

No Survivors. As much fear, regret, anger and resignation they emitted. I felt nothing towards them. No, I have someone far more important than their collective lives to protect.

Soon the explosions stopped and all that was left of them were pieces of wood and tattered sails. Seeing the battle finished and the clean up beginning, I then summmoned my wings making them appear in a flash golden flames. I stretched my wings and soon began flying. I flew first towards the port city. This will be the only city here, as the lands is too poisonous to live in. But it is enough as a trading city. Bringing goods to and from Sothoryos and a place for the people who will be working here to settle down. A safe haven if you will.

Looking down I can see several people pointing their fingers at me some even are kneeling in prayer. 'I will need to put a stop to that at some point.' I hovered in the air looking down and did my best to ignore their wide eyed and reverant expressions as I looked for their leaders. I soon saw the elders huddled together slack jawed not far from the edge of the port. As soon as I landed infront of them, they immediately kneeled.

'....maybe I can put this to good use?' is what I thought.

Holding my head held high and straightening my back. I spoke. "Greetings elders. I hope your accomodation is to your liking."

"Yes your majesty, it is a fine a city as any. Your very prescence here gives us more assurance than any army." said an elderly woman.

I raised my brow at that. "I can see you are the eldest amongs you, what is your name?"

"Sybelle, your majesty"

"Sybelle. A fine name."

"Thank you your majesty."

"You may all rise, Sybelle, walk with me."

Though surprised and reluctant she followed. She is older than any person we have met in this world.

"...Tell me Sybelle, I have heard from my husband you were able to recognise him. That despite meeting for the first time. Are you a greenseer perhaps?"

"Yes your majesty, it has been a great blessing for my clan. This had allowed us to escape and retaliate against any attack from the Andals."

"Tell me what you know of me and husband."

"Not much milady, only that the gods themselves has sent you. The moment you defeated the Doom, the winds began to whisper, the waters sung, the earth rumbled and the Sun rejoiced!" Her words becomin more lively. "The world was FREE! once again. We, the elders of the mountain clans, we all felt it. And then in our dreams we saw it, our collective dreams and wishes, come to fruition."

"Ice and Fire" she said with such reverence as she pointed at my hair with a wide smile.

I laughed softly at her childish display. "Seeing as you kept calling me your majesty, it is safe to assume you have seen what we intend to build for ourselves." She nodded at that. "Does everyone know?" again she nodded. "Good, I look forward to working with you." I stretched my hand for a handshake.

But instead she held my hand and tilted it, with my palm facing downward. She let go as she bowed and brushed her lips to my ring instead.

I was surprised at first but simply accepted it. I gave a small nod and then flew off to the nearby mansion at a neaby hill. I flew arround to the back and landed on a balcony. There I saw Elizabeth sleeping soundly on the bed surrounded by pillows as five of my Ruby Knights stood guard inside her room. As I laid down next to her, hearing her soft breath, her warmth, those red cheeks of hers. I found myself at peace. All my worries and fear washed away and I felt reinvigorated. Brushing my lips against her cheeks. I slept beside the very treasure I had always wanted. 'Now if only he would come home. He has a month! After that I will teach Elizabeth to call me 'mama'!'