

WARNING: MATURED CONTENT.... Do you love me Lockshay?.... Lockshay blinked severally.....he captured her lips again and her whole being stilled... Lost of words at his actions and beautiful kisses she just like this new side of him...

Peterson_89 · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

He's upset

"Good day Mr Huo, this is a wonderful party...

"good day Mr Jing yang..what a pleasure* Carlos said

Mrs Lala welcome to the party"

Lockshay watched as he greeted his business partners.

"please this is my fiancee.. Lockshay Luo, Lockshay....

Lockshay who seemed lost didn't realize that she was been called until Carlos tug at her

"where is your mind? say hi to them" Carlos said and and Lockshay offered a warm smile

"nice to meet you" she said as she exchanged handshake with his business partners

"uhm.. Lockshay I would be right back, let me get my uncle" Carlos said and left immediately.

"uhm.. Lockshay" Mr Jing yang suddenly called her and Lockey turned


"you have a really wonderful name" Jing yang said as her came closer to Lockshay suddenly he stares at her and questioned her

"um why Carlos? he is always angry, what did you see in him? he asked

"uhm I don't know" Lockshay looked confused

"look I promise am a good man, Carlos would leave you in the end, please just come to me" Jing yang said as he slowly walked closer to Lockshay "stop please!!! Lockshay said and quickly left and she suddenly bumped into a man in his early 40s, the man got really upset

"are you blind?

"No I am not, but I think you are" Lockshay said and his eyes gleamed and Lockshay saw how dangerous he is.

" damn he is definitely among some group" Lockshay thought but she didn't flinch

"uncle!!! Carlos suddenly called and the man turned,

"his uncle? Lockshay was shocked

"uncle, this is Lockshay, my soon to be fiancee, infact we are getting engaged tomorrow" Carlos said and stared at him intently...so stop trying to rule over my companies, hope you understand from my point of view" Carlos said and left linking hands with Lockshay.

Eric couldn't believe it, he was contemplating.. how is it even possible? it seems like he was flashing back on a recent action and biting his lips in regret before he stormed out in anger.

"yeah! call him Eric" Carlos said and Lockshay nodded afterwards it looked like she suddenly remembered something and she turned quickly to Carlos

"uhm..I think your uncle is a member of some powerful group" Lockshay said and Carlos smiled

"yeah, I know that...he has some dark magic, he's one of the dark prowess" Carlos said sounding serious and Lockshay gaped at him.

The party continued smoothly, Carlos greeted some more people to buy some time..he planned to surprise Lockshay with a gift but suddenly seeing as Lockshay sat alone refusing to eat or drink anything, he became worried.

He slowly walked towards her and stared at her

"are you not having anything? i mean, are you not hungry? Carlos asked

"I am.... Lockshay replied

"then go have something to eat"

*uh Carlos you know I can't eat here when I don't know how it is been prepared" Lockshay said and Carlos frowned

"you don't have to worry about that, please...come! Carlos dragged her and brought her to the canteen, he quickly placed an order for some food for her.

"come I will feed you"

" No thanks, I can do it myself" Lockshay declined but Carlos refused

"yes I will feed you" Carlos argued with her and Lockey bit her lips as she succumbed to defeat.

Nina Juh suddenly hugged Carlos from behind causing the food he held to spill on lockshay's dress

.. oops!

"let go of me, look what you caused" Carlos said

"No! I Know you intentionally did it to grab my attention" Nina laughed

"stop been cheeky" Carlos groaned

"I am not" Nina giggles

Lockshay stared at them for a while as they talked like some couples in love and Lockshay didn't know why it hurts" she quickly left when she noticed that the discussion wasn't ending yet.


"Darn it, Carlos she did it purposely and you still let her hold you that way" Lockshay said as she turned on the tap.

"urgh!! the stain won't leave, I can't stay here anymore" Lockshay said

suddenly someone walked into the bathroom quietly and rolled a camera on the top of the sink.

Lockshay was busy with the last piece of stain when suddenly someone hugged her from behind and Lockshay froze in her tracks

"it's me Yu Chen" he said and kissed her cheeks

"Y..Yu Chen? who the heck are you? let go of me" Lockshay screamed

"please I love you....I need you,....

The man was using all of her physical strength to suppress her, Lockshay felt like using her powers on him but she couldn't risk exposing herself to him.

"Mr Yu...let me go"

He suddenly began to kiss her nape as her planted trails of kisses down her neck. Immediately Lockshay pushed him violently

*do not ever try this.. how dare you... she pushed him, who do you think you are to kiss me like that? do I know you? Lockshay laughed "next time you repeat this, you won't like me" Lockshay said and quickly left. Yu Chen smiled to himself as he got his phone and saved the video he made and he quickly edited the video.

Lockshay arrived at the party and she suddenly bumped into Nina who stalked her...

" what? Lockshay asked

"what have you done? what did you do to Carlos that he fell for someone like you and decided to get married to you? Nina asked furiously

"why not figure it out yourself! Lockshay said wanting to leave but Nina dragged her back....