

WARNING: MATURED CONTENT.... Do you love me Lockshay?.... Lockshay blinked severally.....he captured her lips again and her whole being stilled... Lost of words at his actions and beautiful kisses she just like this new side of him...

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

I think I lost him

"Now listen to me, Carlos is mine..stay away from him" Nina whined and Lockshay laughed she just couldn't imagine what the fool of a girl was up to and she offered a warm smile as usual

"ok...fine you can have him then, just stop bugging me, please give me a breathing space....is Carlos the only man on Earth?.. move... Lockshay said and pushed her out of the way as she left, Nina grunted in frustration as she watched the girl leave.

Everyone talks about business as the party progressed, Mr Eric kept glaring at Lockshay smiling broadly as he proposed a business plan to Carlos and his partners. Him glaring at Lockshay became suspicious because Lockshay herself noticed him "what the heck is making him smile that way? she wondered...

"The conveying architecture should be there in about a week or so... by then the construction should be done, the building should be structured 4metre to the top.. I have a video of what am talking about" Eric said Yu Chen got out a projector and Lockshay froze seeing him. Seems like something was off but she watched to see where this was heading to.

immediately Eric projected the video and suddenly everyone was shocked at such unbelievable sight to behold... Lockshay and Yu Chen been intimate with each other, the video was well edited that it seemed as if Lockshay actually allowed Yu Chen touch her she even kissed him back in the video but none of that really happened

"what!.... Lockshay's eyes widened they were really getting intimate with each other in the bathroom.

Carlos suddenly became stiff seeing the video

"what insolence! Eric barked, the video played and replays with no one batting an eye.


"Turn it off! Carlos screamed, he had ran out of his patience, infact he already lost his cool "Lockshay what is the meaning of all this? Carlos asked and lockshay was surprised

"I beg your pardon? she asked back... she didn't believe that Carlos would believe that video

"Lockshay! I can't believe you can do something like this!!!!!!

"Get out!! Now!! Carlos said his anger directed towards Lockshay and the girl paused and before she could make a move Eric dragged her out and in no time she was outside the company.

Lockshay stared at him for a while, with questioning look,

"Next time don't come back or I would make another video of you" Eric said and it was then that everything became clear...

"hold on... so...you purposely sent Yu Chen to assault me? Lockshay asked and smiled Eric was surprised "someone I framed and tarnished her reputation is smiling? is she insane or what? Eric wondered suddenly her eyes gleamed with something powerful

and Eric was taken aback

"dark prowess!!! Lockshay called and Eric stiffened

No one dares call him dark prowess, unless they no longer want to live again...he would kill them, well except Carlos he was the only one that calls him that and Eric couldn't do anything because Carlos was more dorminant than he is Carlos could kill him without him even realizing it...

"I will kill you... Eric threatened

"do your worst, Lockshay said and her hands gathered strange light which formed into balls as her Iris turned pure white and those pure white Iris pierced deep into his soul and Eric shuddered but all of a sudden the serious girl in her died

"ok good bye...I would see you soon enough" Lockshay said and walked away. Eric was baffled

"who is she? is she also a prowess? No!...she is not....He kept contemplating but he quietly walked into the company.


Lockshay was already done with her work that morning and she got ready for college, she ate her breakfast real quick, she had her first class by 8am...she wipes her mouth when she got a text from Davi on WeChat that she was already waiting for her at the bus stop..

She opened her her door, and closed it from outside and when she turned she saw Carlos who was really upset .. Lockshay today's our engagement and I cannot go through with it after been intimate with another man" Carlos said

"you can destroy the contract!!! Lockshay said and threw her house keys in a flower pot close to her door in her front porch. She stared at the man who's face was registered with shock

"I have class by 8am and I don't have any more time to waste" Lockshay said about to go but Carlos dragged her back

"why are you so arrogant? Carlos suddenly asked and lockshay fumed "go and ask your uncle...oh and, don't forget to beat Yu Chen to a pulp so that he would tell you the truth, he assaulted me in the bathroom, took a video and edited it, and Eric couched it, please ask them and stop bothering me" Lockshay said and left.

Carlos stood Frozen for a while, he should have realized that his uncle could do anything to stop him from having a wife, so he could take over his companies... Carlos dark iris's suddenly became translucent...he should have known that he wasn't happy when he introduced Lockshay to him

"damn...I messed up...I messed up big time...fuck!! Carlos said and he quickly left.