
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Tranh châm biếm
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69 Chs

Ch.9: Red Light.


"Aw, really....that.. That doesn't surprise me.."

He hugged her while patting her back really hard. 'Yeah, your cold blooded lady. When we was walking thorugh the park yesterday, I felt your killing intent when I was looking at a little girl. Pause. Nah, it ain't even like that. I was watching her because she was soooooo...cute! Ah, I want children(Don't have 'em until your old enough people). They said that a child's first laugh creates a fair. You know, fairy's are actually pretty ho-'

"So...why make such a big deal out of it?"

"Well, just don't kill innocent kids, okay?"

'Smh. Your one to talk.'

"Yeah, okay. No innocent kids.."

He then pushed her back as she was becoming too invested in the hug. 'I wanna fuck too, but at the moment, I'm busy with things. Like how the fucking survive this event?! Power over Pussy. Am I right?'

No one agreed with that.

"Aye, to be fair though.."

He spoke outloud. After a long pause, she finally spoke back.

"To be fair though, what?"

"Hm? You said you wanted to go take me to someone who gives out Sigil information...? That's so sweet of you..."

It was expected to have such an information broker, right? 'I wonder if their are any shows where a villain has my kind of power. What do they do? Ravage the streets, touching everyone or something?

I'd do that if I wasn't so nervous around women or men. Cute men. Feminine men. Femboys. Ah, shit! My thoughts... Why do they wonder...'

'There was an idea... to bring together a group of remarkable people, to see if we could become something more. So that, when the time came, we could fight the battles that they never could... Yeah, let's join up guys. What the hell am I thinking?!'

"I-I do know someone like that, but they won't meet in person. Over the phone is fine though.."

"The phone? Quick, take my call virginity! I want you to be my first caller!"

He quickly dialed her number as her face puffed up. 'I-I see! I'll gladly take such an honor!' She answered the phone with a smile as a moan sounded out on the other end.

'God, I'm disgusting. Feels good...'

She laughed at that which brought a smile to his face. 'This is nice to hear...' Her laughed replayed over and over in his head. 'Wait, do I actually like this woman? Huh, oh yeah, I've only been attracted to her body until know.

I know, L mans, but you can't blame me. I never felt love from a woman ever since I killed my father. I have a right to not understand what love really is,...right?'

"Hey. I think I love you, Tory. What do I do now?"


From white to red at the speed of light, her face changed colors.

"Yeah, I want to hear your laugh. I think I love you. What do I do now?"

She fell to the floor while covering her body. 'L-L-Love?! What's he saying?! That idiot... Mh... Jeez, I-I can't think straight..' Kazemi then went up to her and princess carried her.

"I shall be the one to conquer this body. Me!"

He threw her onto the bed as he jumped on top of her as well. 'Read enough porn to know that I take the condoms out and tell her to put it on with her mouth..' As he thought that, his eyes slowly started closing.

'The fuck? Ah, I see. This body has a built in folding mechanic, huh? When in the presence of a girl and your aroused, you go to sleep. Nah man, what the fuck is this?

I guess... I guess I was going too fast their. It's only day 3 after all. Let's have a spaghetti dinner first like intended.'

'Oh, no, what..happened?'

She stared at his sleepy face. She was beet red and was rubbing her legs together. 'He's...too weird..' From his weird movements and funny faces, he was an over all weird guy. Just imagine if she could see the inside of his head.

Like a circus in their. One moment he could be talking about God and by the times hes finished, you'd know more about paint then you'd do God.

'I-I like him too though..'

She fell in love with his profile picture and even more in love with the real him. She wished she wasn't attracted to such a guy as she thought she wasn't enough, but now that things seem mutual, shes happy.

"I'd just wish...that he'd not keep secrets from me.."

She slightly frowned as she rubbed his back. Her chains felt the slight flux in brain wave activity when they touched him, sending a thought back to Tory that he gave up a power for another one.

"Oh well, we all have secrets, right?.."

She deviously smiled as she licked the inside of his ear. 'We all do, right, Kazemi...'


"And then, your just sitting their like, 'What am I'm supposed to do?'"

Kazemi and Tory were inside of place that only served milkshakes. Right now, he was telling her a story that was bound to make anyone laugh.

"Uhm, what are you talking about? You suddenly just started talking.."

She tilted her head at him. She almost choked on her drink from him just speaking aloud like that.

"Huh? Did I. That's odd.."

He sipped on his mint flavored milkshake. 'Thought it was pretty funny in my book. Hey, its chilly in here, right? Nah, I think I'm still on the perk. It's been 4 days though.. How strong was that? And why is my brain so big...'

He threw the milkshake at the wall, making Tory jump a bit. 'Oops. Reflex..' Tory coughed a bit while shaking her head. She was now fully used to him or so shes been saying for the past day.

He would do something new...like every second. Tough to keep up with, but worth it in the end as it made her closer to him. 'You know, this is whole thing is crazy. The world, my power, this milkshake that's on the wall.

Like, you see the milkshake repeatedly clashing into the wall, right? Ah, of course you don't. Because I don't either(lies). I've been seeing things like this ever since that bottle hit me up side my head. I would also sometimes see people as sperm cells..'

He drifted off, his eyes dilating without him nor Tory knowing. 'Like I'm... My hand it's so hairy.. Hairy, scary, like like a canary. Explain my logic..and you'll be seeing her. What the hell am I even thinking...'

He jumped up, making Tory spill milkshake all over he dress. 'Fucking hell mate... I must have gotten something from that loose woman... Man..., yeah she was a man..

I lost my virginity to a guy... Fucking A. Still felt good though.. She did kiss me and something did go into my mouth. I think... the effects are kicking in now..'

Seeing how Kazemi was starring into nothingness, she sighed and got up to go clean herself up in the bathroom.

'Red light? The drug that said to kill 99,999 out of 100,000 users. Man, so I'm really gonna die, huh? I didn't even get to take Tory out on the spaghetti date. And Hirito,... I would have like to free him to so he could show me his moves..'

He laughed at nothing.

'Take. Copy. Take and Copy. Never Paste. Copy a Sigil by bonding with soul, replicating the Sigil and making the bond with said person go away... Fuck, I wanna eat cheese. Hey, where's my brother?! Where are you?! Oh yeah, I'm on a different planet, about to die from a different planet drug...'

He slowly looked to his right and stared blankly at the bathroom sigh for the women. 'I wonder...if she likes cosplay? Bondage? Roleplay? Wait, those are the same, right? Drowning, Frowning, Clowning,.. HUH?!'

His pupils became normal as he sniffed really hard. So hard that some off the pain on the wall got into his nose. 'HOLY SHIT! MAN, THAT FELT GOOD!..' He smilef while laiying back.

'I ain't called lab rat for nothin'. My resistance towards drugs is so high that I'd could could take everything and be fine. I'm a crack baby after all..'

His weird thoughts and actions started to clear up. He was still iffy but not like he just was. 'Fuck, I wanna eat the grass..' Yeah, that's as normal as it can be.

Just then, his phone went off, causing him to check it. 'Its..begun..?' As he thought that, he felt like a part of his body just disappeared.

'Meh, it's just the side effects probably..' He continued reading the rules and name of the game, not knowing that he was inside another room.
