
Ch.10: Misunderstanding.

"Scahavenger Hunt? What the hell is that?"

Little fact about the Mc. He..doesn't have an education. Shocking, right?! Nah, but he can't read that well. Actually, him saying the word was only possible due to being in this body. In his other one, pronouncing that word would be equal to solving equality.

You can't.

'I actually can't read half of this. 'Find rings...japan..'' He quoted. By using his S their logic, he assumed that he was supposed to find rings around japan. 'One..five...zero? That's a big number ain't it? Is that the amount of rings I have to find? Jeez..'

If he could read then he'd know that he was suppose to find only one ring. Also, if he kept reading past that then he'd see that 300 people were participating.

'Okay, so I'm in a tall building..'

He walked up to the window and looked down. He could see almost all of japan from here. Or the parts of this worlds Japan that hes explored already.

'And I have to find...whatever number that was of rings. Yep, I'm screwed. Wait, I'm not the only one in this thing, right? Yeah, I'll just rob someone of their rings. Yeah, look at me..'

He laughed while rubbing his hands together. There are 300 people participating in this scavenger hunt. There are 150 rings around this prefecture. Each person must bring in atleast one ring to survive. If the requirements aren't met in 3 hours then the ones without rings will die.

'The difficulty was medium so it shouldn't be too hard. It's just that that was a big number of rings and I don't know if I can find them all.'

He then turned around and looked at the door. The room he was in rivaled a basic hotel room. 'Why the hell...is someone watching me?' Through the peep hole, a grown man was watching as Kazemi looked in his direction.

'In order to obtain a ring, you have to first kill someone. From their, rings become a physical object that anyone can take..' The man sat on the ground and pulled out sewing equipment.

Kazemi turned invisible at that, pulling a gun out that he brought from D-Game's shop. Tory recommended him to do this, seeing as hes very good with weapons.

Kazemi could handle almost any gun with perfection, weapons included. He did a series of jobs that involved movement of weapons and such and he happened to learn a thing or two.

'When I kill you, just know that I'm throwing your body out that window... Tory said that in events, the body of dead people stay and not pixelate like they usually do. Wait, what's your Sigil..'

He made his way to the peep hole. He would then see that the man was making a doll while starring intensely at the hole, seeming to be ready for Kazemi to appear at any time.

'To see through a peek hole while sitting down is a hard thing to pull off. You must have some sort of Sigil that effects your vision..'

The man made finishing adjustments and started laughing. 'No, for a world of pain!' He took a needle and stabbed at the arm of the doll. What happened next was pain on Kazemi's left arm.

'Hm? Shit, I'm still on Red light? Sheeit...'

He sniffed hard while shaking his head. The man didn't hear any sound of agony so he continued stabbing at the doll, more pain going over Kazemi's body.

'Wait,... Oh! Its him... I see. He can...make a doll thats linked with me so I feel the pain that he inflicts upon the doll too? Ah, my brain hurts..'

His girp tightened on the knife as he quickly unlocked the door and flung it open. The man jolted up to stab at air. What he didn't know was that Kazemi backed up, ran at him, jumped over him and..


A knife was in his side as he slowly looked back to see the one who put it there. What he saw next was a hand getting bigger and bigger as it eventually rested on his face.

"Man.. I hope I don't get hand bumps from your terrible acne.."

Kazemi pulled his hand back as the man fell onto his butt. 'Why the hell... Why the hell..' Kazemi was then hit with information of the mans Sigil.

[Voodoo Doll: By looking at a person for 5 seconds, the user can create a doll of said person and cause damage to the doll, only for the person to feel pain as well. Weakness: Terrible Acne. Cheap Shots arent allowed... Otherwise, you'll feel pain back.]

'What a boring power. I'm not finna sit down, pull out my grandma's childhood and start making a doll mid battle. Wait, is range limited? Or if I get a Sigil that allows me to have enhance vision then I could be 10,000 feet away from someone and it'll still work? Hm... Sigils are quite an interesting power, isn't it?'

"What's you deal?! Why did you touch my face?!"

The man was black,..or African American becuase I have to say it like that. Otherwise, they might come after me.

Anyways, he had dreads and a military type figure. The acne really was his kryptonite.

"I don't know actually. I just felt like touching an acne faced person.."

Kazemi placed his foot onto the knife handle, making the man cough out blood. 'Hm? Oh, your the quiet type, huh? I like your kind. Wait, I didn't mean it like that. I like the kind that thinks I can't break them.'

"You see, I need to find...a lot of rings, making my day get worse. You doing this only made it worser."

No education.

"So, I'll make this easy for us both.."

He increased his force on the handle which made the man grunt more. 'Your a big guy. Just hit me once and I'll fly back..'

"Get off me bastard.."

The man grabbed his leg and bit it. 'Kinda weird man..' Kazemi put his hand out at his face, a gun becoming visible. The last thing the man saw before going to hell was a evil grin that made satan himself flinch.

"Your wife and kids are next when I get out of here by the way.."

Kazemi laughed as he pulled the trigger, red paste splattering into his hotel room and on his hotel door. The man had brain matter all around as his left eye ball hanged out.

"God, I hope you have a wife and kid. Would be a pretty lame finisher line if you didn't. Shi... It was lame in the first place, I know..."

He sniffed while shaking his head. 'Hm? Aw, your so sweet. You gave me a ring before dying. What a nice man..' He saw a golden ring in the center if the bleeding chest.

'I'll cherish it forever..'

He kissed it, dragged his body to the window, shot out the glass and threw his body down. Kazemi couldn't help but laugh as he saw it skid down the building.

'A little less than a lot more left..'


Her eyes was almost coming out of its socket as she watched Kazemi shoot the guy in cold blood. 'We... We have a monster! No, this can't be good.. He can take powers and hes cold hearted as well?!'

The girl with 5 monitors thought as she was standing on a chair. She heard a small groan and decided to check it out via the peep hole. What she didn't expect to see was Kazemi laughing manically as he stood over the body of a dark skinned man.

'N-No one has ever lived to know about his power... and if someone exposes him, then I fear for them..'

She zipped her lips as the idea of telling his Sigil to the D-Game world went away. 'It'd be better..to make him an ally. With us two, we can basically run japan..' She knows every Sigil there is and could help Kazemi more power.

"That is...if I'm not too scared to speak to him.."

She saw him dragging his body away, their eyes locking for a split moment, causing her to fall back and onto the sniper case on her back.

"I-I gotta pee.."
