
Transmigrated: Patrick's Marvel Adventure

After being mysteriously transmigrated into the world of Marvel, Patrick finds himself amidst the chaos of the battle between the Avengers and the Chitauri Army, led by the menacing Loki. As he struggles to understand his new reality, he discovers three cards in his possession, each containing the abilities of powerful characters from different movies and anime. In the midst of epic battles and earth-shattering confrontations, Patrick must navigate his way through the conflicts and challenges of the Marvel universe, all while coming to terms with his newfound abilities and the impact he can have on the world around him. With the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, Patrick's choices will shape the course of history and determine the ultimate outcome of the battle between good and evil. Moreover, he is also presented with the opportunity to travel to multiple worlds, each holding its own unique challenges and adversities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be an AU MCU. Moroeover the story won't change much till the plot of the 'Age of Ultron' movie. Consider yourself warned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing except the main character of the book. The Marvel Universe and the upcoming worlds to which the MC would travel to belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

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14 Chs

12. Feelings

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


Few minutes ago....

The Avengers watched as Patrick prepared to guide the nuke into the portal, a mixture of concern and admiration evident on their faces. They had all been skeptical when the young man had appeared out of nowhere, claiming to have powerful abilities and offering to help them in their fight against the Chitauri aliens.

But as they fought alongside him, they had witnessed his strength, courage, and unwavering determination. Despite his youth, Patrick had proven himself to be a valuable ally, and they couldn't deny the sense of camaraderie that had developed between them.

As Patrick focused on the task at hand, Natasha couldn't help but worry about the dangers he was facing. She had seen firsthand the destructive power of a nuke, and the thought of Patrick being in such close proximity to it filled her with a sense of dread. She had seen too many young lives cut short in the line of duty, and she didn't want Patrick to become another tragic statistic.

Steve, too, felt a twinge of concern as he watched Patrick prepare to carry out the dangerous mission. He had seen the determination in the young man's eyes, but he also knew the risks involved. Steve had a natural instinct to protect those around him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that Patrick was too young to be shouldering such a heavy burden.

Thor, his mighty hammer Mjölnir at the ready, grappled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he admired Patrick's bravery and willingness to risk his life for the greater good. On the other, he couldn't silence the doubts that crept into his mind. How could a mere mortal possess such abilities?

On the other hand Tony watched Patrick with a complex expression on his face. He couldn't deny the kid had skills, especially when he had single-handedly taken down a group of Chitauri with a display of power that even Tony couldn't quite comprehend. But at the same time, Tony couldn't shake the feeling that Patrick was just a kid, and the thought of him risking himself to save the world didn't sit well with him. He thought that it was supposed to be his job, however with Patrick's abilities he could complete the job with much more surety than what Tony could do.

To be honest, Tony didn't want to admit that he had hesitated when Patrick offered to throw the Nuke in the portal. He could have taken the job upon himself without giving it to Patrick, but he wasn't sure if he was willing to risk his life for others. As much as he wanted to be the one to save the day, there was a part of him that hesitated when it came to putting his life on the line. And seeing Patrick, a young and powerful individual, willing to do just that, it made him question his own resolve and sense of duty. It was a conflicting feeling, one that he wasn't quite ready to confront.

Meanwhile in the Helicareer...

Nick Fury and Agent Hill stood in the command center of the Helicarrier, watching the events unfold on the screen in front of them. The tension in the room was palpable as they observed Patrick's daring move to guide the nuke into the portal. Fury's eye narrowed as he followed Patrick's every movement with a critical gaze, his mind racing with a mixture of distrust and grudging respect.

"He's doing it," Agent Hill murmured, her voice filled with a hint of awe as she watched Patrick's display of power and courage.

Fury remained silent, his expression unreadable as he continued to monitor the situation. His mind was filled with doubts and suspicions about the young man who had suddenly appeared claiming to have extraordinary abilities. Fury was used to dealing with secrets and hidden agendas, and the emergence of someone like Patrick raised all kinds of red flags in his mind.

"He's just a kid with powers we don't understand," Fury finally spoke, his tone gruff and skeptical. "We don't know where he came from or what his true intentions are."

Agent Hill nodded in agreement, her eyes never leaving the screen. "But he's helping them. He's on our side," she pointed out, her voice tinged with a sense of confidence in Patrick's actions.

Fury grunted in response, his hand clenching into a fist at his side. He couldn't deny the fact that Patrick had proven himself to be a valuable asset in their fight against the Chitauri, but that didn't mean he trusted him completely. Fury had seen too much betrayal and deception in his line of work to take anyone at face value, especially someone with such unknown and potent abilities.

As they continued to watch, Fury's thoughts churned with unease. The council was already breathing down his neck about the Avengers' actions, and now the emergence of a mysterious individual with powers beyond their understanding was only adding to his mounting concerns. The council was sacred of the unknown, and Patrick embodied that fear in a way that made Fury uneasy.

"I need to know more about him," Fury muttered under his breath. Even when he had searched all the background of Patrick he didn't think that was enough. He wanted to know the character and personality of this kid. He wanted to meet him in person and judge where his actual intentions lay.

Agent Hill glanced at him, her expression betraying a hint of sympathy for the burden that Fury carried. "We'll figure it out, sir," she reassured him, her voice steady and resolute.

Fury nodded, his jaw set in determination. He may not trust Patrick completely, but he knew that for now, they needed all the help they could get. The stakes were too high to ignore the potential threat that Patrick represented, and Fury was not one to take chances when the fate of the world hung in the balance.

Nick Fury and Agent Hill watched from the command center, their eyes fixed on the monitor displaying Patrick's daring mission. As the young man guided the nuke into the portal, a tense silence enveloped the room, broken only by the beeping of the control systems. When the nuke disappeared into the alien portal, a collective cheer erupted from the agents and military personnel in the room.

Nick and Agent Hill exchanged a triumphant glance, their expressions reflecting a mix of relief and admiration for the remarkable feat Patrick had just accomplished.

"Well done, kid," Nick murmured under his breath, a relieved smile tugging at the corner of his lips.


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