
Transmigrated into One Piece world with a Gift Pack

An ordinary soul from Earth mysteriously transmigrates into One Piece World. What's more, he was presented with a Gift Pack from God. Follow his journey, from being a slave to an extraordinary existence that everyone fears.

FanficMortal · Tranh châm biếm
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277 Chs


New World,

On an unknown Island, A fierce battle was ongoing between two all-stars of Beast Pirates and Commanders of Whitebeard pirates. On one side, King the conflagration was seen fighting the third Division commander Diamond Jozu.

On the other hand, Jack the drought fought the fifth division commander Flower sword Vista. A little away from them, the subordinates of both factions could be seen battling.

Blaize and his unit reached the island just a few minutes back, they docked the ship away from the eyes of the pirates and observed the battle from distance.

He has been strictly told by Sengoku to not engage them as it will very well escalate the situation. With the Marines' strength, they can't afford to anger two Emperors of the sea at the same time.

Blaize stood on the deck of the ship watching the battle while his eyes listened to Regis's report. "Blaize-san, I got a word from Headquarters that Kadio made contact with Whitebeard.

Right now, they are fighting. Headquarters has sent Admiral Akainu and Admiral Kizaru to oversee the situation and make sure nothing happens!"

Hearing it, Blaize smirked as he can perceive the situation clearly. Kaido's battling Whitebeard to stop the latter from going anywhere so that his underlings can successfully seize the devil fruit.

Unlike Beast pirates who are strong and fight every battle by themself, the Whitebeard pirates depend on the strength and reputation of their father, Whitebeard.

And as he expected, Jozu and Vista showed signs of exhaustion after three or so hours and couldn't stop King and Jack from leaving with the devil fruit.

Blaize's task this time is to find the devil fruit and monitor whichever the pirate crew has it. They have to prevent the devil fruit from falling into the hands of an Emperor as it will only increase their strength.

If it's some ordinary devil fruit it doesn't matter but what if it's some rare kind. Since both the Emperors are showing interest in them, it has to be a rare one.

Blaize ordered the soldiers on board to follow the Beast Pirates' ship since they are the ones who have the devil fruit.


A huge pirate ship with Beast pirates jolly roger left the Island and sailed towards North. The ship was at least four times larger than the Marine Battleship.

Moreover, the ship was armed with high-quality, long-ranged cannons capable of hitting enemy ships from afar, most possibly manufactured in Wano's factories.


"Big Bro King, what is this devil fruit that even Kaido-san shows interest in?" Jack asked.

Jack looked the same as shown in the original series, there's no difference in his appearance aside from the fact he's slightly younger now.

He is massive in stature, standing close to 27' feet in height which is even taller than his governor-general Kaidou.

On the other side stood King, who's slightly shorter around 20' feet in height and is better-proportioned, well-muscled, and had broad shoulders.

What set him aside from others is his dark uniform that exposes no skin and a plume of fire that burns in his back, thanks to the Lunarian race bloodline.

"Jack, are you really training well? Look at the sword wounds on your chest, you should be ashamed. Even after eating the Ancient Zoan, you are still getting injured."

"I am sorry, Big Bro."

King then opened a wooden box that they just acquired from the Whitebeard pirates, revealing a devil fruit that had a weird shape. From its appearance, it should be Zoan type.

"Inform Kaido-san that we have the fruit," King ordered his underling and closed the box.

At that moment, a beast pirate ran forward and notified. "King-san, Jack-sama, a marine has been following us since we left the island. They are keeping the distance from the very start."

"Is there an Admiral on board?" Jack asked. Even though they are not afraid of Marine Admirals, it would be troublesome to fight them on the sea.

"No. It's just a normal Marine battleship. I think they are sent to monitor our movements."

"Jack, sink them. How dare they stalk us?" King grunted in displeasure.

"Yes," Jack then ordered the underlings to prepare the canon and aim the Marine ship. As soon as they are ready, Jack commanded. "Fire!"


At the same time, Blaize called Sengoku and informed him that the Beast pirates have the devil fruit.

"Wait...don't do anything stupid like last time. I am sending Kuzan over. Most of our troops are sent to the Whitebeard territories to keep an eye on the battle between Kaido and Whitebeard." Sengoku spoke rubbing his temples.

"Well...I don't think I can wait, Sengoku-san, the Beast pirates have started firing at us. Do you still want me to stay put?" Blaize casually asked as Beast Pirates' ship fired their cannons.

As the other party's cannons are long-ranged and highly accurate, they perfectly came at the target. On his side, Regis and Rosinante prevented the cannons from hitting the ship.

"Ahh..." Sengoku who sat in his office rubbed his temples and said, "just don't do anything stupid, ok?"

Sengoku knew how strong Blaize is, it's also the reason why he's worried that the latter would do something reckless again. If it's in normal time he won't bother, but right now Marines are dealing with a lot of things.

If his actions provoke Kaido, there's a ninety percent chance that madman would attack Marineford as he did last time. It would affect the lives of a lot of soldiers.

"I will try my best," Saying these words, Blaize ended the conversation and ordered the soldiers on board to get ready to fight.

"What are you all doing dillydallying? Prepare the cannons, increase the knots and steer the ship to the left and start firing."

Blaize then came to the front deck of the ship and saw Jack on the opposite side commanding his underlings while King just watched everything like a bystander.

"You guys, move back." He said to Regis and Rosinante. He then breathed, inhaling air while his lungs expanded.

Seconds passed as Blaize took his time to gather a huge amount of Solar energy in his mouth before releasing them as golden flames of destruction.

"Breath of Sun!"

A huge sea of flames blasted forth scorching everything in its path while the sea directly below the flames instantly vaporated. Unlike Kadiou's Bolo Breath that's concentrated on a straight line, Blaize's attack expanded covering a wide area.

The sudden attack caught both King and Queen off guard while King's expression changed feeling the intensity of the flames.