

A young man gets transmigrated in twilight franchise. With mysterious background, see the mc in twilight world with power of strongest vampire. ALUCARD.

Free_Treat · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

chapter 7.

"Its getting quite boring , really"

"What are you talking about Al" Lissa said as she observed Alucard who has a frown on his face. Sometimes she ponder about the longing look on alucard , like he is waiting for something , something big.

"OHh its nothing much , its just…as we are immortal we might live forever if something unexpected doesn't happen, but living for so long will kinda get boring" hearing Alucard's words both Zol and Lissa gave it a thought .

"Yeaah , even after all this years we gained knowledge and strength , there will always be a void in our heart which cannot be filled with thrill and excitement as we would have already experienced all off the things this world can offer." Said Zol

"You are right, but that topic is for another time , Zol baby we need to train remember , come on lets head to the basement" said Lissa as she and Zol left the living room .

After almost two hours went by , Alucard can be seen laying on the couch with his eyes close "I think I will not be able to sleep today" Sighhh…..(Shrrhharhh, creekkkkk…..) Huh.. someone is here but I should have sensed earlier , maybe iam being to careless nowadays . lets see( ssmmmhshhhh….smelling the air) WHat is she doing here….


I don't know what am I doing , but today's conversation with Alucard didn't gone as I expected . I have been waiting for the night but I have to sneak out of house or make some excuse .

I have waited for Edward to leave towards Bella's house. First when I saw him I thought it was kind of creepy , but the funniest part is that I have gotten inspiration from it and I will visit Alucard …..Kyaaa.. imagining him sleeping in his bed with his cute face makes me so excited!.

3rd /POV.

After reaching Alucard's house Alice went to look for him . She carefully placed her steps towards their balcony, moving window curtains she saw Alucard sleeping in the couch. Wind started to pick up and it cause the curtains cover her view . But when she slide the curtains again to enjoy her sightseeing , ALucard was gone . A second ago he was there and now he is gone. Alice seeing this confused , made her steps through the window .

"Where is he"

"Right behind you miss"

This cause Alice to almost jump , she saw behind her was Alucard with Stoic face glaring at her with his glowing red eyes.

"H..Hhi" she said hesitantly .

But Alucard kept glaring at her. Seeing this she became nervous and started to make whimpering face. She was so embarrass , in her entire lifetime she didn't experienced this kind of situation.

Alucard seeing this couldn't help but smile. Seeing her whimpering face and nervousness a small chuckle escaped his mouth . It ease the awkward environment . Alice mood suddenly changed 360degree . Her nervousness was replaced by giggles..

Alucard : "Come have a seat, you are not deciding to stand there forever do you?"

" off course not !" said Alice and took the seat opposite to Alucard.

Alucard: SOoo.. why exactly are you here , and at this hour .

Alice: Rrright.. I wanted to know more about you…i ..i mean more about your family .

Alucard : Mhmmhm.. more about my family…. Please Explain.

Alice: Your family is really an enigma … I know that you all are not human . Sooo can you tell me what are you!.

Alucard: *chuckle* Well that was quick . *Chuckle* soo why don't you say first about yourself .

Alice: Mmmm… I don't think there will be a problem since you guys are certainly supernatural…weeelllll… iam a vampire!.

After saying that quickly she closed her eyes waiting for his response , only to hear his chuckles . she look in his eyes which shows amusement. She was confused and tilted her head.

Alucard: 'She is cute though' *Cough*…well that's good . (said awkwardly).

Alice: You might be thinking that iam weird right?

Alucard: OHh No ,n that's not what iam thinking and in fact I already knew you were a vampire.

Alice: Sooo.. will you tell me about yourself. (Said expectantly) .

Alucard : Very well … As you told me about yourself it is a common courtesy that I Shall tell you about mine.

"I am not a human…..(now Alice was paying extra attention to her mate)


(***************silence************************)(Play track - I know what you are)

Now Alice was confused from what he meant. She was sure he was not a vampire , nor the rest of The Hellsings. And she was also sure that he was definitely not a human. So what is he?

Seeing her dazed face, Alucard decided to her confusion.

" Iam The Vampire…, Vlad the impaler , Son of The Dragon …..Dracula". Said Alucard. With all seriousness.

"No, they are just myths, there is no one like that ". said Alice with nervousness .

Hearing her words Alucard closed their distance in an instant , wrapped his arms around her waist and jumped through the open window. He changed into swarm of bats and flew towards the night sky while still carrying Alice .

Alice was stunt, a second before she was sitting in the chair and now she was flying . She saw that she was held by four bats in each arms and legs and the rest of the swamp is just flying around with them.(end the track)

Fast cold air touching her face ,not carrying about anything , she began enjoying the moment , well who would blame her , it is every person's dream to fly and in addition to this night sky with twinkling stars and glowing moon ,this was probably one of the best moment of her life.
