

A young man gets transmigrated in twilight franchise. With mysterious background, see the mc in twilight world with power of strongest vampire. ALUCARD.

Free_Treat · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter. 8

Few days went by and the canon storyline is progressing as it should , since no major event occurred yet. OH now me and Alice often talk to each other , I mean we both now that we are each others mates but we are keeping our relationship at best friendship level. I was a very shy type of person when it comes to girls and relationships but during all these years it somewhat diminished up to manageable level but its still not enough.

Since that night when I reveled my secret to Alice , she start visiting me regularly every night . We didn't exchange words much , just stargazing at the rooftop with comfortable silence and enjoying each other company.

As usual I reached school in time, while parking my car , from corner of my eye I saw Bella and Edward heading towards the forest. 'So it is the time when the real plot starts' .


"So you don't drink human blood?" asked Bella . She and Edward both are soaked in rain , as now they are under a tree though It didn't help . "No , we feed on animal blood, we have learned to control our thirst, its like eating tofu everyday , you didn't get satisfied". Said Edward .

" And what about Hellsings , what are they". asked Bella caused she knows that they are not normal, call it a hunch.

"Even we don't know everything about it but from what Alice told us is that they are also vampires"

"B.But they are not , how could they be , I saw them in school when the sky was clear , but their skin didn't glitter like you".

"HEehah Glitter ha.., well they are different from us but I don't know how much , when we try to ask Alice , she didn't budge , and she didn't let those thoughts come in her mind , so that I can't know much about them". said Edward .


Alucard was laying in his bed facing the ceiling , " Everything is going smoothly as it should but why am i feeling uneasy…."

"well… you should be feeling uneasy" said a voice

Being caught offguard , he stood up quickly , spread his senses to determine who is the intruder but he found none. Pain started to invade his mind , not being able to resist he fell unconscious on the floor.

(A Few Moments Latter…..)

As Alucard regained his consciousness, all he can see is black void that didn't seem to end "Wh..Where am i..ii".

Then a bright light shown in the darkness blinding Al . It started to take somre humanoid shape . Forming is hands , legs , head , face . and it turns out that Al know the guy's face.


"Man what are you doing here , where are we" says Al with confused face.

"Sorry Al , but iam not your friend , this face is familiar to you that's why I thought it will be easier to discuss things with this face….. and also we are in your mindscape".

Alucard: "So...who are you ..?"

Person: "Ahhh it's the million dollar question. Iam the one who reincarnated you". Said with a kind smile but it didn't last long as the air around him suddenly changed and now his face show extreme seriousness. " I want you to be my champion. You see... there is infinite amount of people in this omniverse, with infinite possibilities. A persons current decision can shape his upcoming future. Likewise certain types of decision which can lead to utter chaos in omniverse are prevented by me and like that life goes on and on....But thinks aren't this simple.

Every one and half billion years , A season comes where the minus entity or the Dark, satan,death,yang,shinigami…whaterver you like to name him….starts to interfere, where he pave paths to peoples decisions , what decision his subjects will take it doesn't matter to him, what he wants is the persons decision should bring chaos in mutiversal or omniversal level.

"Don't misunderstand , destruction is as much as important as creationand it surely will happen. But as an embodiment of preserver of this omniverse , my duty is to preserve life as much as possible .Many life will be loss before their destined time which will cause huge disturbance in the upper realm."

"All I want is for you to stop the champion of The Minus and preserve as much as destruction as you can."

Alucard was now in a tough position , he didn't know what to say. His thoughts were in a rollercoaster ride.

Alucard: " At least you could have slowed down a bit. You literally narrated everything in one go. WUUPHHhff….this is huge….i mean…its like when you open the door and the person says that after few minutes an atom bomb will be dropped in this area...….."

After thinking for a minute …." Okkk I will do it , but with a threat of that level, will I be able to stop him?".asked Alucard .

"Who knows …., maybe you can maybe not. Its upto you now , become strong , and also I will give you a gift , not some power ups , its for you and your upcoming allies....and don't worry , the situation may start around 2 years so you have some time…..good luck Alucard Hellsing.


(Somewhere, Some place or some world...)

Everywhere is total destruction ,as far as someone can see. Burned lands and forests , huge craters , dead bodies etc…

In a middle of a barren land a dead can be seen, the dead body has long black hair, black damaged pants and shoes . He has no upper body clothing , and cuts and burn marks can be seen all over the body. Its nothing but a mere dead body....

"OHHhh.. he will be perfect, lets kickstart your heartbeat" said a voice..

And suddenly the body opens his left eyes, which glowed red, and his whole body disappears .

The barely alive men now found himself in a suppose underground cave.

"This was unexpected….,I guess we cant have our drink even this time my friend" said the now alive man while having a longing look.



Author: Wait.. wait I know okay, this was suppose to be a simple in twilight reincarnation, it will be like that so don't worry for now. This book will continue as twilight ff and the other add up will go on but in different book. There will be massive crossover but mc will be in twilight world and the rest of the plot of different worlds will be in different book .

Question: So anyone can guess , who is the mentioned "The now Alive man" is??

(sorry for grammar)
