
Transmigrated in the World of My Wife is a Beautiful Ceo

MC will transmigrated as Yang Chen. My first fanfic so constructive criticism is welcome. This novel Isn't serious ,I'm just bored and doing this for fun. By the way the cover does not belong to me.

CrummyBread · Khác
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78 Chs

Notice :(

Sorry for not uploading for the last couple of months. At the time I had gotten a second job so I was extremely busy. There was also the fact that I couldn't progress the story at the time due to the whole Seventeen nonsense. But I had gotten rid of that obstacle and even wrote like 10 chaps while rewriting the previous 2. I did progress on the story but felt discouraged to upload it since it had been a long time. People would've forgotten what even happened in this story. I'll be honest, I kind of lost motivation writing this fanfic as well. I don't think it's a good story but it was my first ever fanfic so I really tried to improve.

But recently I have picked up writing again since I quit my second job a short while ago. I like writing since it's fun for me. But now, I don't know what to do?

Should I upload those 10 chapters and have slow updates? Or should I just leave it as it is?

I have recently started another fanfic that I would like to focus more time on, but then again I still have a job IRL.

I know I said I wouldn't drop it or put it on hiatus but I was naive then since writing takes so much time and I don't like to half-ass things.

This is also a hobby of mine and I can't set aside my priorities.

I will still write my other fanfic but do let me know, what do you want me to do with this one? I could continue it, but as I said, it will be difficult and you shouldn't expect much of it.

But if you do decide that you want this story to continue, I won't half-ass it and give up on it since what would be the point of picking it back up again? I also still know how I want the plot to continue so it wouldn't be that hard picking it back up, but the stability of chapters will be the main problem.