
Trapped without a question mark

I got pulled out of my dream with a 'wakey wakey' of a voice I recognized. I opened my eyes and looked straight into the blob's face.

I smelled a weird smell which caused my head to look around to see my surroundings. I shouldn't have done that.

I was on what looked like an old Roman marketplace, with a giant statue in the middle of it. Everywhere I looked was death and destruction, and the voice of the devil reached my ears through the screams of the slaves that were being held imprisoned. I asked my lovely kidnapper 'Hi, thing, what are we doing here?'. 'First of all, my name is Boggie,' 'Jude', I said. 'I know. Second of all: you're being sold here, on the slave market.' 'As a slave?' 'No as a vegetable.' 'What-' 'Sorry, sarcasm. I'm in a bad mood today.'

Boggie picked me up from the ground, and then took me to one of the market cages that wasn't empty yet. 'Wait, you're actually gonna sell me here?', 'You thought I was joking?' 'Well, it is kind of hard to read your face since you have none, so yes.' 'Well, I wasn't. Now get in here.' He opened the gate, and he gestured that I had to go in. Of course, I wasn't just gonna let this happen, so I kicked him in what probably was his belly, but his body moved along with my foot, he hadn't even blinked. I mean that as an expression, of course - he had no eyes. 'Can you atleast explain what is going on?' 'No.' 'Why not?', he then remained silent.

The boxes were made in such a way that people on the marketplace could see the slaves, but the slaves couldn't talk to each other. Boggie hanged a sign on me with my good and bad qualities, but they were all made up since we just met, there was no way he could know me already. I couldn't read what he wrote, though, I just knew he did it cause I'd seen earlier today that all of the slaves had it.

After about five hours I realised how stupid I was. I'd been so tired that I hadn't even recognized it, like it was just a dream. But none of the creatures around me were human, or even animals. Everything here seemed like something that didn't exist on Earth. The only thing that was Earth-like was the decor, which had a Roman style, as I said before.

After eight hours (probably, I didn't wore any watch) a man came. He was the most human-like-thing I'd seen today, except for the fact that his skin was blue and he had bunny ears - five of them. He looked like a mutated smurf. He touched me, on which I recoiled. He babbled something I couldn't understand, but it sounded comforting. He spoke about the same as the two other voices I'd heard on this weird trip so far, which was enough for me to assume it was the general language in this place, but it didn't sounded like anything I'd ever heard on earth. He turned to the one that was standing beside him, which was probably his wife, cause she looked exactly like him but female. He pointed at me with his ocean looking hand, and babbled something to his wife, the wife agreed by nodding her head. The couple then walked to one of the supervisors that were - obviously - supervising the entire thing. After they talked for a bit, the supervisor walked to my cage, putted the key in the lock and opened the gate. He babbled something to me - for some reason everyone here thought I could understand what they said -, then took my arm and led me to another wheeled cage, with the same giant-eared horses Boggie had. I then got knocked out.

short? yes, definetly, but there was not a lot to tell. next chapter will be over 1k words alr

caswithoutcapitalscreators' thoughts