
A new queen

Side Note: during this scene, and in many others, the creatures that are having a conversation are talking in a language that Jude will later ca

Dalea stood in the middle of her favorite place of the country, her own tavern. It was the only place to exist here where she could be alone and that means also that it was the most human place in this inhuman place. Not inhuman as in cruel, though, inhuman as in nothing was human. Except for her, of course. But all of that was gonna change today.

Dalea watched him as Boggie, one of her workers, slipped into the tavern, he couldn't walk after all. He held a girl in his arms. 'I got her, ma'am.' 'No shit, I'm not blind.', she realised she said that out loud when Boggie started looking sad, which she quickly excused herself for. Sad people work less hard. 'It doesn't matter,' he said. 'But, what should I do with the girl, ma'am?' 'Put her on the couch till she wakes up, I guess.'

After Boggie gently laid Jude on the Couch, he slid back to Dalea to share his concerns.

'Excuse me, ma'am, but I don't really know about this girl, I think she's not good enough.' 'I don't care, but tell me why.' 'I don't think it's possible for her to succeed you as a queen. While we fled here with my hearses, she started screaming like a chick that was being taken away from its mother's nest. After some time I decided to knock her out, since that was the only possibility left.'

'Mhm, maybe she just screamed because of your ugliness.'


'It was a joke, Boggie, get some self-esteem. But, anyways, I have an idea. An idea that we could test with if she's good enough to succeed me as queen of this place. We'll make her a slave. She'll be a slave for the coming years, nobody has to know what we have in mind for her, she doesn't even have to know that she's ever been closer than 10 foot away from me, that I have ever seen her in real life. Only you and me know of this conversation, alright? We'll sell her tomorrow, I want you to keep track of what they do to her.'

As soon as she finished her sentence, Jude made some waking up noises. She then softly said: 'Being kidnapped should be more stressful.', while shaking her head. Dalea said to Boggie: 'Get her out of here before she sees me.', she tried to whisper it, but she accidentally spoke a bit too loud, which Jude then reacted to. She turned her head in Dalea's direction and asked 'What?', right before she got knocked to the ground by Boggie for the third time that day. 'Don't do that too often,' Dalea said, 'we don't need a dead queen. If we did, we wouldn't need her after all.' Boggie took a look at Dalea - interrogatively. 'If we could use a dead queen, we could use me after I die of my disease, dumbass.', it was clear that Dalea didn't like to talk about this subject. Boggie quickly apologised with a 'Sorry ma'am.', before he picked up Jude and dragged her out of the tavern, back in the cage she'd been imprisoned in for the past day. Dalea looked at him irritated as he gave his animals their command to fly up with his whip, which was the last glance of Jude Dalea had before she'd see her again in a couple years.

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