
The Dark Vine Forest and The Black Mire

"As I have thought..."

"A new Element."

Spark's mouth curled up in delight, as cold hail danced around him on impact.

[Théo Floga's Soulslate]

[Cultivation: Peak Body Foundation[Part-Divine Awakened]]

[Elements: Ice, Sword , ?, ?, Soul]

[Spirit Bond: not acquired]

[Soul Bounds: [Perennial Quill], [Ancient Ghost Slayer]]

[Skills: Foreign Being , The Favored Prospect , Cochlean Implant, Seed of Frost , Altymirs Basic Swordplay , ? , ? , Soul Inspection]

"Ice Element... No wonder I didn't feel cold at all lately..."

Spark scoffed with laughter.

"And I could have sworn it was just the feeling of being young again!"

"So Awakening the Elements like this was also possible."

Was there nothing else like not feeling cold, or swinging the sword sharper and more precise? Spark thought back and wondered what the other two Elements could possibly be, but nothing sprung to mind.

Anyway, excited to discover the hidden Elements bit by bit, Spark felt like he was gathering trading cards, just as he did in his youth.

...But this was just so much better.

[Seed of Frost]

[Category: Ice, Growth]

[Rank: Normal]

[A Seed of Frost, slowly falling into an insidious chill by feeding on the vitality of its prey, like dreadful rust.]

'Not bad.'

'Not very fair, but... not bad at all!'

'There is no honor in battle! You either survive or, die in a ditch. Nothing in-between.'

Spark's abdomen grew hot and a feeling of nausea overcame him as patchy memories of a few weeks back resurfaced. The sharp white bones piercing his skin and eviscerating his flesh and organs.

A dreadful grimace appeared on his face all of a sudden.

At this moment, one of the girls opened the door to the veranda and called out to him. It was Berenya.

Spark beckoned, then motioned her back in.

"Sigh... Let's go back in first."

He got up, flicked his drenched black hair to the back and gazed at the hailing sky, like at an old friend.

Pieces of hail trailed onto his spread palm, but it wouldn't melt at all when it met with his tepid skin.

Spark showed an interested smile and sauntered back in slow steps, embraced by a blanket of cold winds and falling ice.


Two days later, in one of the Cultivator Shops.

Mr. Kandel and Spark discussed over silken green tea.

Kandel's gold-rimmed glasses flashed when he repositioned in the talk. He requested an appointment to order a second custom-made suit, of which the specifics had already been forwarded to Terry.

By now, the two went past idle talk and another interesting topic was brought up.

"So in exchange for protection and distribution, you get a cut from the sales?"

Spark sat in a spotless black suit, his a finger resting along the creases of his lips, as he thought.

"The Dark Vine Forest is fraught with dangerous beings, beasts and races alike... Naturally, everybody will be more assured when moving in a group."

Mr. Kandel prodded his glasses, as he laid his back on the soft cushion of the armchair, before gesticulating elegantly with a raised hand.

"An abundance of Mana facilitates the right conditions for bountiful treasures. But danger and opportunity come hand in hand. I'm sure you understand."

"So... although it's not without risk, my business has, luckily, been flourishing."

Spark arches his eyebrow and a playful smile hung on his lips.

"Meaning there must be an appropriate force to ensure relative safety?"

Kandel lingered a bit and chuckled humbly.

"I have my ways... As long as we shun the Hazards and Behemoths... all is fine."

'So there's even Behemoths as neighbors... Good to know.'

"It's Awakened Beasts for the most part, isn't it... What's with the Depraved... Are there any?"

Kandel turned a bit solemn, and nodded his head.

"They sure are there..."

He lingered before lightening up again, and reassuring.

"But not in the areas we hunt! All the terrible abominations nest far deeper, beyond the Dark-Vine Forest, in those places humans can't reach."

"We... call it the Black Mire."

Spark sighed a breath of relief and also eased up.

"Fine by me, as long as they stay there."

"The Dark-Vine Forest is quite expansive isn't it..."

Kandel smiled and gulped the last of his water, and stood up.

"Dozens of times bigger than Monsoon City!"

Kandel stood up and dusted his clothes

"Now... It was a pleasure, Spark. Sadly, I have another appointment to attend to, I'd have loved to stay longer."

Spark reciprocated and followed Mr. Kandel outside. His business smile crept up instinctively.

"We'll have plenty chances to do so."

Outside, a lusterless black carriage, with inlaid gold on all curves, idled in front of the shop.

On the way, Spark suddenly had the whim to ask:

"I'd gladly join one such expedition we talked about. Would you mind informing me when there is a free spot?"

Mr. Kandel hesitated a bit, before nodding anyways.

"Definitely... But I'd recommend you wait until the Awakening Realm. Otherwise I might worry too much. I can't let a friend suffer, can I?"

Spark bowed respectfully when they halted in front of the lusterless door of the vehicle.

"Reaching the Qi Realm might not take too long."

Mr. Kandel gave a perfunctory, smile and nodded. He naturally took them as the words of a high-spirited youth.

A butler held the door of the carriage open, and Kandel entered. Before the door closed, Kandel winked him off.

"Convey my utmost respect and admiration to Mr. Terry. He is an absolute master at his craft."


With a clap, the door closed and the carriage started moving magically. It rolled off, without the drag of a horse, and instead rolled an ample stream of Mana.

"Well, then... I also have important matters to attend to."


A while later , Spark sat solemnly at a table in Monsoon City.

In front of him was a crystal glass filled with an ember fluid reflecting the afternoon sun.

He raised the drink, took a sip, put it on the table and closed his eyes.

His lips grew to a frown.

"The competition is fierce as always ..."

His expression broke into a smile with another sip of the lemonade.

"But I can't say, that it's bad."

The lemonade reminded him of a freshly pressed mixture of juice and sugar, but there was an indescribable something that elevated the taste to another level.

Having emptied the glass, Spark got up, paid for it and tipped heavily before nodding and mumbling.

"This one needs further research."

In a jovial mood, he ambled the streets of Monsoon City without further purpose, inspecting Herbalists, a fruit market and lastly, one of the few general Skill Shops.

Packed with some Lesser-Tier Spiritual Herbs, he sauntered through the door and immediately listened in n a heated conversation.

A figure, fully draped in a black cloak cursed at the Shop Manager. His stature only reached the managers shoulders, but his voice was deep and rough.

"Damn It! I asked you where you obtained this Skill from! Answer me!"

"That's none of your business! I was friendly before, but I have to ask you to leave. You're disturbing the other costumers."

The cloaked figure snarled and shook his head.

"I won't leave without the Skill Book."

The Shop Owner lingered and crossed his arms. With a snobby tone, he spat:

"Of course, take it. My Golden Bull Skill Shop doesn't normally shun customers away."

"But that is only if you pay!"


The cloaked man slapped his hand on the table, and it made a crackling sound. Angrily, he agreed.

"Fine! How much do you want! I'll pay anything!"

"50 Spirit Crystals."

Suddenly, the room was swathed in silence. The cloaked figure stuttered.


His voice turned into deafening thunder, and Mana wreathed around the cloak as vaporous clouds.

Immediately, the Shop Guard acted and Mana gushed out his fist into the black battle ax he held.

Spark was flabbergasted, as were the other customers. The smell of a battle lingered in the air, making it thick and palpable.

'Can I have worse timing.'

'Who tell is this guy?'

The cloaked man roared, making the walls tremble



The Manager hid behind the Shop Guard, who had a fierce and pugnacious glint in his eyes. With a low glance, he uttered.

"Yes... But not for you."

'Oh hell... It's about to go down.'

Spark was about to abscond, but as he took the first sneaky steps, he was rooted by a shocking and at the same time very suprising sight.

Deep in his eyes, Soul Force churned like willful mist and he glimpsed behind the curtain of reality, into the elusive world of the Soul.

Soul Inspection!

[Name: Korokal]

[Cultivation: Element Awakening Realm 3rd Stage]

[Race: Dwarf]

'What the... A dwarf?'