
Korokal, the Unrestrained Dwarf

[Name: Korokal]

[Cultivation: Element Awakening/Qi Realm 3rd Stage]

[Race: Dwarf]

'What the... A Dwarf?'

The situation turned to a safety hazard. Both the Skill Shop Guard, and Korokal were clad in Mana, ready to pounce on their opponent.

Spark glanced over the room and laid his eyes on the source of the problem.

A crystalline Orb sat on a suave red pillow, a sign with elegant words jotted on it read 'Finger of a Dwarf'.

'So it's a Dwarf Skill that made him so aggrieved...'

Spark narrowed his eyes and pondered about something.

'Should I interfere?'

'This is Golden Bull's Shop... I have no leverage here, and if I buy the Skill on behalf of the Dwarf, it won't be 10 Spiritual Crystals. How could the Shop Manager not see through my intentions? He has no need to save me face, I'm a nobody in this City.'

Deciding on wether to step forward or not, he sighed and called out.

"Cloaked friend, if you trouble the Shop Manager too much, you won't get the Skill if you have 50 Spiritual Crystals..."

The Dwarf turned around, his face draped in shadows. The precarious situation was mitigated a bit, but now the angry Dwarf stared at Spark, and very likely not with a friendly face.

"Give the Shop Owner some face and come back when you earned enough. If you follow me out and bury the hatred, I'll acquaint you with some wonderful people, and very worthwhile jobs."

Spark radiated professionalism, draped in his black suit with a black tie, and his words were wreathed with pure confidence. He lingered a bit and said:

"You'll have the Skill in much less time, than you think."

The Dwarf Korokal remained silent before turning around and asking in a cold and low voice.

"Is this the only copy of the Skill?"

The Shop Manager peeked behind from behind the fierce Guard, and replied with a hint of disdain.

"It is... As you know, only a Skill Creator can give Skills physical form."

"But... This Skill is only comprehensible for Dwarfs, so unless you are one, you have no business being upset about missing out!"

'Oho... He hit the nail on the head. Not bad."

The Dwarf just snorted, and calmed his energy, before leaving through the door with a last reminder.

"Reserve it for me then! I'll be back soon."

Spark followed of course, an expression of curiosity curling his lips unnoticeably.

Outside the Shop, Korokal turned to Spark, who trailed slightly behind, his business smile, as blinding as it gets. Beneath the black cloak, a low timbre sounded out:

"So... Tell me, strangely dressed man. Where can I earn 50 Spiritual Crystals, as quickly as possible."

Spark stopped in place and arched one eyebrow:

"Strangely dressed? Wouldn't that be you?"

Korokal staggered. Although it was not unusual for people to don obscuring cloaks, say for the market that happens every two weeks on the wide street near the Main Plaza, or for other similar events where revealing ones identity might be undesirable, it was a strange thing to say in context.

"What do you mean? I have never seen your attire in my life, but you have surely seen a cloak before?"

Spark pondered for a while before laughing out loud. The two were sauntering through the streets, while talking.

"You might be right!"

"So... As to the way to quickly earn 50 Spiritual Crystals..."

"Sigh... There aren't any."

Korokal stopped in place, and Mana wreathed around his figure, quickly becoming the attention of the passerbys.

"So that means... You're a scammer?"

Spark sighed. This fellow was really irritable. How come evey person he made contact to, had a short fuse? Are there no sensible Cultivators left?


"That means, you won't need the 50 Spiritual Crystals at all!"

The azure light around the Dwarf dimmed, and Spark imagined question marks blooming on his face.

"Think about it. It's 50 Spiritual Crystals! It's impossible to earn them overnight. The Shop Manager clearly doesn't want you to purchase it after the tantrum you threw. It could even be that the next time you come, the entire 50 SC in your pocket, he'll already have raised it to a hundred Spiritual Crystals."

"What will you do then? Fight the Guard for real?"

"Then you'll just be escorted out of Monsoon City!"

Korokal was silent. It took him a while to speak with a voice trembling in fury.

"He dares..."

"That's why... You don't have to worry about it."

"I'll send my employee to purchase it for you at the price of 10 SC."

Korokal's stature straightened. He asked with hesitation:

"I see... So that was possible. But why would you do that for me? And... What do you want from me?"

Spark green-anthracite eyes shimmered, and melted into a cordial smile.

"What I want? Isn't that obvious? I want you to work for the 10 SC that you owe me."

"What should I do?"

Spark shot a dumbfounded look towards the cloaked figure, and caressed his chin before doubtfully asking:

"Well... What do Dwarfs usually do?"

Korokal staggered a few steps back, not a word leaving his mouth. Spark chuckled and continued on walking.

"Let's talk somewhere more quiet... How about it?"


Back at one of the two Cultivator Shops.

Their Names have long been changed from their former name of Silver Hawk Shop. Spark had wanted to name them after his businesses on Earth at first.

'Floga Enterprises'

But ... he still decided against it in the end. Fraal is a new beginning . Why would he want to drag emotional baggage from his prior life here? Everything in this life should be brand new and refreshing!

Spark glanced at his suit and thought, '...Well, perhaps not everything.'

In front of the Shop, a signboard glistened with the rays of the tepid spring sun shining on it with orange light.

'The Divine Sophist'

Milo, dressed in a Ocean Blue suit, calmly discussed the sale of a Spiritual Herb with an itinerant Cultivator when Spark entered through the door.

'The Divine Sophist' Shop has finally been reconstructed and embellished according to Spark's taste. The interior was clad in minimalistic, but sophisticated fabric and decoration, and Milo, since recently, acted as the Shop Manager, while Bilo acted as the Bodyguard.

It was their own decision.

A new female Assistant, Leora, stood on the side if any particular needs arose. Spark insisted that a beautiful female Assistant was absolutely vital for customer retention.

Spark saved Leora from the Outskirts in one of his employment runs, to find employees for the cloth manufacturing in the Outskirts. Leora, in specific, he transformed from a malnourished homeless into an elegant beauty. Her hair was stacked to a flawless ponytail and she wore an elegant, but formal black blazer with a buttoned up white shirt, a cherry-red tie, and a black skirt.

In all honesty, the two brothers weren't up to par with Golden Bull Shop's standards, seeing as they only had the Cultivation of the Middle Body Foundation Realm. But Spark saw the dire need to change staff for this particular shop, and free labor was always appreciated. He was certain that in time, these two would also breakthrough.

The Shop Manager and staff from before were involved in the shady dealings of Silver Hawk, and his services concluded with Silver Hawk's demise.

Luckily, they didn't manage to steal all products and abscond, as Cultivators of the Monsoon Sect acted quick and precisely.

The other Shop wasn't quite as big, and therefore led by someone completely uninvolved in any of Silver Hawks clandestine businesses.

Leora noticed his arrival and bowed gracefully and formally. Milo and Bilo did the same, crystallizing the impression of respect and gratitude.

"Greeting, Boss."

Noticing their bows, the itinerant Cultivator turned around and inspected the young Boss.

Draped in elegant fabric, and acting with flawless and pristine demeanor, Spark was enchanted with youthful charme and charisma. He gave the Brothers and Leora a quick nod and introduced himself to the Cultivator personally.

Every single detail, from the inner furnishings, to the employees, products and the Boss were minutely detailed, formal and impressive. An exalted atmosphere coiled around the entire Shop.

Korokal followed from behind, and waited silently.

"Nice to meet you, Sir. It should be out first time, right? My name is Spark, the incumbent owner of the enterprise."

Dressed in a partly tattered robe, the Cultivator was a bit stunned, before collecting himself and shaking Spark's hand with a convinced smile.

"R-Right. It is our first time meeting and likewise, I am Joseph, a wandering Cultivator."

"Thank you for choosing our services, Joseph. If there are any questions or commissions, do not hesitant to find me, or Manager Milo."

"Sure... I do like the taste and atmosphere of your establishment."

Spark gave Joseph a last cordial smile, before parting after some advertisement.

"If you like the style of our Divine Sophist Shop, I can recommend you to visit our Tailor. If you are interested, Milo will give you the necessary details. I'll have you excuse me for now."

Spark turned to Korokal and said:

"I am sorry for making you wait. Let's discuss further on the upper floor. Leora, prepare our best tea for the guest."

Leora bowed and replied respectfully:

"At once, Boss."

On the second floor, seated on plush couches, an initial silence permeated the room, and then, unprovoked, Korokal pulled down his hood. A rough and wide face, a thick unkempt reddish-brown beard, fuzzy eyebrows, and a pair of bright green eyes revealed themselves.

Spark immediately thought that this guy looked exactly like he talked. Fierce and unrestrained.

Korokal crossed his arms and initiated the conversation somewhat coldly.

"So... How did you know I'm a Dwarf?"