
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Kỳ huyễn
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142 Chs


The excited and mad Edgar wizard soon became incoherent.

Not only did he mention all kinds of weird plants, more than a dozen in total, but he was also excited to boast about the order in which these various plants were crossed.

Finally, Edgar pointed to the dozen or so pots of meditation grass on the table and told Raymon that it took him more than twenty years of hard work to finally cultivate meditation grass that could truly enhance the effect of meditation.

"Excellent disciple! Extremely excellent disciple! You are the most proud personal disciple of the great mentor Edgar!" Patting Raymon heavily on the shoulder with a proud look on his face, Edgar finally said what Raymon most wanted to hear. "Whatever you need, just tell the great mentor Edgar!"

Raymon, who had been worried about the abnormal growth of the meditation grass, finally felt relieved.

Taking advantage of Edgar's excitement, he quickly explained the confusion he encountered as a third-level apprentice and asked for Edgar's opinion.

The mad Edgar made Raymon bolder. For this old man who was not fully awake yet, Raymon euphemistically expressed his willingness to participate in his plant research and help out with his research to gain some knowledge.

Edgar's flushed face simply did not react. Not only did he explain the conditions for a third-level apprentice to be promoted to an official wizard, but he also generously ordered Raymon to move into this castle immediately. Apart from meditating in his room, he could freely go in and out of his laboratory!

Then Edgar condensed a memory orb and stuffed it into Raymon's hands. "This contains the requirements to reach the official wizard level. In addition, I will give you two low-level magic stones as remuneration each week. All the meditation grass here is left for you to take care of!"

Excited like a child, Edgar then threw Raymon aside and did not care about him. After uttering excited crazy laughter, he crawled back in front of the long table and began to observe and record.

Standing behind him, Raymon saw that his thick notebook was full of notes in ancient Toulouse, mostly about plants.

Within Raymon's sight, he also saw similar notebooks to Edgar's in the row of bookshelves, neatly arranged inside, at least hundreds of them.

"A plant research madman, not very sensitive to external affairs. It seems that life under his hands should be better in the future." Raymon silently defined Edgar. Then he checked the memory orb Edgar shoved into his hands.

Inserting his spiritual power into the memory orb to accept the data, a while later, Raymon raised his head again with a delighted expression, but a large amount of data was still constantly refreshing in his pupils.

Raymon did not expect Edgar to give him so much knowledge inheritance at once.

To reach the strength to impact an official wizard, a third-level apprentice requires at least mastering a Level 2 spell, preferably a basic Level 3 spell.

According to Edgar, apprentices who can master Level 3 spells have a much higher success rate of impacting official wizards.

Edgar also listed many potions that supposedly can increase the success rate of impacting official wizards. However, Raymon had never heard of these strange potions, let alone knew their value.

And those promoted to third-level apprentices can truly experience the power of a wizard because third-level apprentices can finally have their first innate spell.

Although the power of this innate spell is still very limited before promotion to Level 1 Wizard, it is incomparable to Level 2 Apprentices.

Edgar did not explain this innate spell in detail. He only used extremely cautious wording to require Raymon to choose his innate spell very carefully.

In addition to this information about promoting to an official wizard, the knowledge he had just received also contained a lot of plant knowledge. Even some experience that should belong exclusively to Edgar was carefully organized.

The memory orb he condensed also contained an improved Level 2 spell!

Wizard's Touch (Improved Version) - Spell Level 2

Consumption: Spiritual Power 3, Mana 6

Effect: Gives the caster precise touch

Range: Within 1 meter

Casting Time: 3 seconds (exceeds time limit, casting fails)

This Level 2 spell has extremely high spiritual requirements and consumes an unusually large amount of mana. But after Edgar's improvement, this spell that was originally Level 0 has become a thorough divination spell.

As if refining the caster's sense of touch, according to Edgar's description, the improved Wizard's Touch can allow the caster

to analyze the essence of the touched object without physical contact.

Poisons, high temperatures, and even corrosive substances can allow the caster to roughly understand their power without physical contact.

After Edgar's improvement, the Wizard's Touch spell actually tended toward research because many strange substances were dare not to touch, let alone put these unknown substances into the caster's body to test the effect.

Although this Level 2 spell has no offensive power, for Raymon with a chip, it is a very practical spell suitable for him to use.

Therefore, the extremely delighted Raymon immediately began to study, but mastering a Level 2 spell is much more difficult than mastering a Level 0 or even Level 1 spell.

A Level 2 spell requires Raymon to first simulate a standard spell model in his mind and successfully operate his mana in the simulated spell model within the specified time before he can cast the spell.

But with the help of the chip, this Level 2 spell, which requires extraordinarily high spiritual power, was soon successfully imprinted in Raymon's mind intact through the recording function of the chip. Then Raymon impatiently cast this spell.

However, this improved Level 2 Wizard's Touch spell failed Raymon three times in a row before he successfully cast it.

Maintaining a stable spell, Raymon placed the spell target on the meditation grass in front of him. The blurred touch soon surprised Raymon greatly!