
Toneri in DC

After his tragic encounter with Otsutsuki urashiki and being trapped in the void known as the dragon king palace. In his moment of despair he is rescued by his ancestor, Hamura otsutsuki, the brother of Hagoromo Otsutsuki bringing him a glimmer of hope and possibly a chance at a new beginning…

Fredozy · Tranh châm biếm
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64 Chs

chapter six

The moon surface shone brightly as Toneri Otsutsuki,engulfed in the radiant aura of Tenseigan Chakra Mode first form, faced Ryushiki Otsutsuki, whose transformation had shrouded him in an ominous dark energy. The air crackled with the intense power of two celestial beings about to clash.

The clash of powers within the Dragon Palace reached a fever pitch.Toneri Otsutsuki, his body aglow with the energy of his TCM1.

Toneri's eyes glowed with a fierce azure light and the pattern in his eyes twisted and turned.

"Ryushiki," he called out, his voice echoing with the authority,"Let's end this now!"

Ryushiki's laughter echoed across the barren landscape, filled with contempt. His Dark Style chakra swirled around him like a living

shadow, corroding everything it touched. "Yes, let's end this, half-breed. Your power versus mine!"

Without another word Toneri moved with blinding speed, creating sonic booms as he darted through the vast halls faster than the speed of lightning . His opponent, a formidable Otsutsuki with a blue Rinneg an in his left eye and a red Rinnegan in his right, his horn seated atop his head like a crown and he bore black markings like tar running along his face down to his feet, enhancing his fearsome appearance.

The clash that followed shook the very foundations of the Dragon Palace. Each strike they exchanged created shockwaves that reverberated through the void.Ryushiki attacked, dark tendrils erupting from his body

and snaking towards Toneri. The ground disintegrated wherever they touched, leaving ruin in their wake.Toneri moved swiftly, evading the onslaught with the precision and

agility honed through his training with Hamura.

Summoning his power, Toneri channeled the energy of the Tenseigan with a hand sign. "Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!" he muttered, his voice reverberating through the lunar landscape. A colossal vortex of wind and chakra spiraled from his hand, racing towards Ryushiki with devastating force.

Ryushiki countered with a surge of Dark Style energy, forming a dense barrier of darkness that met Toneri's attack head-on. The two forces collided, creating a shockwave that rippled across the moon's surface,sending fragments of rock and dust into the void.

But Toner wasn't finished. He drew deeper from his reserves of Tenseigan power, the silver glow in his eyes intensifying. "Ruby Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!" he roared,

weaving his hands through complex seals. A gigantic beam of red destructive energy shot forth from his finger, its sheer intensity threatening to tear the moon asunder.

The Ruby Wheel's beam merged with the lingering vortex of the Silver Wheel, creating a combined force of overwhelming power. The twin energies hurtled towards Ryushiki, a

manifestation of Toneri's unyielding might.

Ryushiki's eyes widened, and he planted his feet firmly on the ground, dark energy radiating from his form and cascading forward like a wave of death, disintegrating everything in its path.

He thrust his arms forward, the colossal wave of darkness to intercept the dual attack. The clash was cataclysmic, a blinding explosion of light and dark that illuminated the cosmos. The ground beneath them cracked and shattered as a piece of the moon splintered off, the force of their confrontation creating a massive crater.

Toneri felt the strain of maintaining both attacks, his body trembling against the immense pressure of the dark wave. massive chunks of rock disintegrating under the weight of Ryushiki's dark energy. The shockwave from the explosion spread outward, shattering and disintegrating the lunar landscape.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Toneri saw his opening. "Shinra Tensei!" A massive wave of gravity rippled from him, unleashing a powerful repulsive force. The shockwave hit Ryushiki squarely disrupting his attack which sent him skidding miles across the surface of the moon, disorienting him as he struggled to maintain his footing amidst the crumbling terrain.

Seizing the moment, Toneri shot towards Ryushiki with the speed of lightning, his form a blur. As he closed the distance between the two of them as if teleporting, he materialized a great sword forged from his Tenseigan chakra and yin-yang release,the blade gleaming with an ethereal light coated with the destructive chakra of the particle style. He swung the sword down with all his might, aiming to cleave Ryushiki in two.

But Ryushiki was not so easily defeated. At the last second, he summoned a chakra rod coated with his dark style , meeting Toneri's blade with a resounding clash. The impact created a sonic boom, the shockwave of their clash rippling through the moon's already shattered surface.

Toneri gritted his teeth as his sword met Ryushiki's rod. Sparks flew from the point of impact, illuminating their fierce expressions.

"Your life will end here, Ryushiki!" Toneri said, pushing against the resistance.

Ryushiki sneered, his dark energy flaring as he matched Toneri's strength. "You underestimate me, Toneri. I will not be defeated by a half-breed!"

With a roar, Ryushiki pushed back, breaking the stalemate. The force of their clash sent them both flying backward, skidding across the fractured lunar surface. Toneri quickly regained his footing, his eyes never leaving Ryushiki's form.

Toneri, his Tenseigan chakra swirling around him like a tempest, spoke with unwavering resolve. "You will not prevail, Ryushiki."

Ryushiki's dark aura flared, his eyes filled with malevolent intent. "You talk too much, half-breed. Let's see if your actions can match your words."

With that, the battle resumed. Toneri moved first, weaving intricate hand signs. "Tenseigan: Divine Chakra Spheres!" he called out, summoning orbs of pure chakra that floated around him. He directed the orbs towards Ryushiki, each one charged with explosive energy ripping apart portions of the moon surface and creating massive craters in the process.

Ryushiki countered with a new technique, summoning tendrils of darkness from his body. "Dark Style: Erosion Wave!" The tendrils extended outward, absorbing and disintegrating the Divine Chakra Spheres upon contact.

Toneri narrowed his eyes and shifted tactics. He focused his Tenseigan chakra into his palms, creating twin blades of condensed energy. With a burst of speed, he closed the distance between himself and Ryushiki, slashing at him with unparalleled precision.

Ryushiki met Toneri's assault with his own form of dark energy, materializing a pair of shadowy gauntlets that enveloped his arms. "Dark Style: Phantom Strike!" He parried Toneri's blades with the gauntlets, each clash sending shockwaves through the air creating air pressures.

The two warriors exchanged blows at blinding speeds, their forms almost invisible to the naked eye. Sparks flew, and the ground beneath them continued to crumble under the sheer force of their confrontation.

Toneri leaped back, putting distance between himself and Ryushiki. He raised his hands to the sky, channeling an immense amount of Tenseigan chakra. "Tenseigan: Twin Dragon Hurricane!"

Twin dragons made of swirling wind and chakra materialized around him, spiraling towards Ryushiki with incredible force. Ryushiki responded with a powerful defense, summoning a barrier of dark energy that absorbed the impact.

"Dark Style: Abyssal Quake!" Ryushiki shouted, slamming his hands into the ground. Dark energy radiated from him, causing the ground to erupt in a series of destructive tremors aimed at Toneri. Toneri countered by leaping into the air, dodging the quakes.

With a deep breath, Toneri molded his chakra, merging it with the ice sub-element. He then activated a powerful jutsu, his eyes glowing with a cold, azure light. "Hyakkaisennyo!"

An ethereal boundary formed around him, its presence palpable yet unseen. Within this field, Toneri's mastery over Ice Release, combined with the might of his Tenseigan, stymied the flow of worldly energies—thermal, kinetic, and more. The very fabric of time and space seemed to slow within this boundary.

Ryushiki, mid-attack, found his movements sluggish, almost frozen. The dark energy of his Abyssal Quake crawled towards Toneri at a snail's pace. To Ryushiki, it felt as if he were moving through thick syrup, each motion arduous and painfully slow. Even his thoughts seemed to lag, unable to keep up with the unfolding reality.

In stark contrast, Toneri moved with imperceptible speed. To the world outside his boundary, he was a blur, a ghost. He darted around Ryushiki, analyzing every weakness, every opening. The field he had created rendered him nearly untouchable, his reactions and movements impossibly fast to anyone trapped within.

Ryushiki, trapped in the slowed perception, struggled to understand what was happening. His dark energy flailed ineffectually, unable to keep pace with Toneri's supernatural agility. The Tenseigan's power, combined with the impediment of vital energies, made Toneri an unstoppable force within this frozen moment

To ordinary beings, this field would render them nearly immobile, their thoughts and actions reduced to a crawl. But Otsutsuki Ryushiki was no ordinary being.

Just as Toneri sped down his hand coated in particle style humming silently but with the threat of destruction, intending to deliver a fatal blow, Ryushiki's eyes flashed with a fierce resolve. Summoning his own power, he activated a technique capable of negating even the most extraordinary phenomena. His form shimmered, breaking free from the temporal stasis imposed by Toneri's jutsu.

With a swift motion, Ryushiki unleashed his counter technique: "Void Negation!"

In an instant, his body was enveloped in a dark, pulsating aura that disrupted the flow of energies around him. This powerful jutsu allowed Ryushiki to nullify the effects of Toneri's Hyakkaisennyo, restoring his speed and agility.

With a swift motion, Ryushiki dodged Toneri's attack by a hair's breadth, his reflexes honed to perfection. In an instant, he materialized a chakra rod, shaping it into a bow. With a powerful draw, he aimed and released a bolt of dark energy directly at Toneri.

Toneri, his senses heightened by the Tenseigan, saw the attack coming. He bent backward with incredible agility, the dark bolt narrowly missing him as it whizzed past. Seizing the moment, he lashed out with a powerful kick aimed at Ryushiki.

The force of Toneri's kick collided with Ryushiki's hastily conjured defense, sending both of them catapulting backward through the air. They tumbled across the battlefield, each regaining their footing with grace, their eyes locked in a deadly stare.

The clash of their techniques sent shockwaves through the desolate moon, the very ground beneath them trembling from the intensity of their battle. Both warriors knew that they had to adapt and innovate, for the other was too skilled, too powerful to be taken down by conventional means.

Toneri, realizing that conventional attacks would not be enough, focused his chakra once more.

Toneri knew the time had come for their final, decisive move. "Let's end this, Ryushiki! Yang Release: Celestial Dragon's Wrath!"

A colossal dragon made of pure Tenseigan chakra formed in the air above Toneri. Its scales shimmered with a radiant light, and its eyes burned with the same fierce determination as Toneri's. The dragon roared, shaking the very fabric of space, before diving towards Ryushiki with overwhelming power.

Ryushiki smirked, not backing down. He extended his arms, summoning the full extent of his dark energy. "Yin Release: Amenosubaruboshinomikoto: Ryūgū!"

Darkness swirled around Ryushiki, condensing into a massive, serpentine dragon made of pure yin energy. Its form was shrouded in shadows, and its eyes glowed with a sinister light. The dragon coiled around Ryushiki before launching itself towards Toneri's Celestial Dragon.

The two dragons collided in a cataclysmic explosion of light and dark. The ground shook, and the sky above them split with the intensity of their clash. The moon's surface disintegrated further, chunks of rock and debris hurtling into the void of space.