
Toneri in DC

After his tragic encounter with Otsutsuki urashiki and being trapped in the void known as the dragon king palace. In his moment of despair he is rescued by his ancestor, Hamura otsutsuki, the brother of Hagoromo Otsutsuki bringing him a glimmer of hope and possibly a chance at a new beginning…

Fredozy · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

chapter seven

The two colossal dragons of light and dark energy, formed from the might of Toneri Otsutsuki and Ryushiki Otsutsuki, coiled around one another in a fierce, cosmic struggle. Their energies clashed with such intensity that the very fabric of space and time began to warp. The force of their final, apocalyptic clash was enough to destroy the moon itself, shattering its surface into countless fragments that drifted into the void of space.

Amidst this chaos, the crack in space that Hamura had detected earlier widened, becoming an abyssal rift that started to suck in everything around it. The debris of the moon, the energy of the clashing dragons, and finally the two warriors themselves were drawn towards the rift with unstoppable force.

Toneri and Ryushiki fought desperately to resist the pull of the abyss. Toneri's Tenseigan glowed fiercely as he tried to anchor himself, while Ryushiki's dark energy surged around him in a desperate attempt to hold his ground. But the power of the rift was too great, and both were inexorably drawn towards the gaping maw of oblivion.

As Ryushiki was pulled closer to the rift, he saw his opportunity to ensure that Toneri would not escape. With a malicious grin, he summoned a dark chain from his core, infused with his malevolent chakra. The chain shot out and wrapped tightly around Toneri, dragging him along towards the abyss.

Toneri struggled against the chain, his Tenseigan flaring with a brilliant light as he tried to break free. "Ryushiki, you won't succeed!" he shouted, his voice barely audible over the roar of the collapsing space around them.

As Ryushiki was being consumed by the abyss, his dark chain remained tightly wrapped around Toneri, dragging him closer to the brink of oblivion. Desperation gripped Toneri as he struggled against the relentless pull. His Tenseigan flared with intense light as he summoned the Eighty Gods Vacuum, "Yasogami kugeki," Attack, his powerful chakra manifesting as dozens of massive, translucent fists.

With a determined shout, Toneri unleashed the barrage of heavy punches against Ryushiki, each blow carrying the force of his Tenseigan-enhanced strength. The vacuum fists crashed into Ryushiki with tremendous power, each impact resonating through the void. However, Ryushiki's singular focus on dragging Toneri into the abyss rendered him impervious to the attacks. He had abandoned all defenses, his sole objective being to ensure Toneri's demise alongside his own.

Toneri's fists struck Ryushiki's body, but instead of recoiling, Ryushiki tightened his grip on the chain, his dark energy surging with malevolent determination. The abyss pulled both of them closer, its maw widening to devour them whole.

"Why won't you yield?" Toneri shouted, his frustration mounting as his efforts proved futile.

Ryushiki's laughter echoed through the void. "If I go down, half-breed, I'm taking you with me!"

The two warriors, locked in a final, deadly embrace, were pulled inexorably into the rift. The energy of their dragons was consumed by the abyss, their titanic forms dissipating into nothingness. The moon's remnants were swallowed up, leaving behind a gaping wound in space where the celestial body once was.

Toneri and Ryushiki struggled against the pull of the abyss, their chakra flaring in a last-ditch effort to escape. But the force was too great. With a final, desperate cry, Ryushiki was the first to be consumed, his form disappearing into the black void. His dark chain, still wrapped around Toneri, tightened and dragged him closer to the brink.

As Ryushiki was consumed by the abyss, his dark chain remained wrapped tightly around Toneri, dragging him closer to the brink of oblivion. The force of the rift was overwhelming, pulling Toneri inexorably into its void. His Tenseigan flared with desperate brilliance as he struggled against the darkness, but the pull was too strong.

Just as Toneri was about to be consumed, a warm, radiant light emerged from the surrounding chaos. The spirit of Hamura Otsutsuki materialized before him, his presence a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

Toneri," Hamura's voice echoed, serene yet commanding, "Hang on Toneri."

Toneri, exhausted and near his limit, could only manage a nod. "Hamura-sama… I can't hold on much longer."

Hamura raised his hands, summoning a powerful jutsu from the depths of his remaining chakra. "This will save you, but it will sap most of your energy. You must be strong, Toneri."

With a final, determined look, Hamura chanted the incantation, his form glowing brighter. "Yin-Yang release: heavenly orb."

A sphere of radiant energy enveloped Toneri, its light pushing back against the darkness of the abyss. The chain that bound him to Ryushiki dissolved, the dark energy unable to withstand the purity of Hamura's chakra. The sphere began to pull Toneri away from the rift, but as it did, Toneri felt his own energy rapidly depleting, drawn into the jutsu to power its protective force.

Despite Hamura's efforts, the pull of the rift was too strong. Toneri found himself still being drawn into the void. Hamura's form flickered as he strained to maintain the jutsu.

"Toneri," Hamura said, his voice filled with regret, "this is all I can do. Unlike Ryushiki, you will not be devoured. You will be safe."

Toneri, feeling the overwhelming force of the rift pulling him in, looked at Hamura with a mix of gratitude and sorrow. "Hamura- Sama…"

As the rift began to close, Toneri saw Hamura's form begin to fade. The ancient Otsutsuki had expended all his remaining chakra to protect him. Hamura gave a weak but reassuring smile.

"Survive," Hamura muttered, his voice barely a whisper.

With those final words, Toneri was swallowed whole by the rift, disappearing into the void. Hamura's fading spirit watched him vanish, a mixture of hope and concern in his eyes.

"Wherever you land, Toneri, I hope you are safe," Hamura thought, his form dissolving into particles of light.

The rift sealed shut with a final, thunderous clap, leaving only silence in its wake. The once-mighty battlefield was now a desolate wasteland, the moon's surface whatever was left of it forever scarred by the titanic clash. The remnants of the celestial dragons, now mere echoes of their former selves, dissipated into the void. The Dragon Palace, once a place of great power and beauty, lay in ruins, a testament to the fierce battle that had taken place.

The spirit of Hamura Otsutsuki, having used his last chakra to ensure Toneri's safety, faded away, leaving the ruined Dragon Palace to the silence of the cosmos once more. The legacy of Hamura and the future of the Otsutsuki clan now rested on Toneri's shoulders, wherever he might find himself in the vastness of space.

As Toneri spiraled within the rift between worlds, his chakra depleting at an accelerated rate, he desperately tried to hang on. The rift's chaotic energy lashed at the protective sphere Hamura had created, threatening to tear it apart. The cracks forming on the surface of the orb were a dire warning of its imminent collapse.

Briefly, Toneri considered entering his second form, the heightened state of his Tenseigan Chakra Mode. But the uncertainty of what might happen—whether his increased energy would stabilize the sphere or feed the rift—held him back. He feared it would only accelerate his demise.

With his energy waning and the sphere fracturing around him, Toneri's eyes caught a glimpse of hope. Far ahead, a shimmering opening appeared, a portal that seemed to lead out of the void. Determined to survive, he pushed against the confines of the orb, moving with such speed that his figure blurred into a streak of light.

The lack of gravity and air resistance aided his swift movement, but it was his sheer willpower that propelled him forward. As the rift's energy tore at the remaining fragments of the sphere, Toneri pushed harder, his mind focused solely on reaching that distant exit.

His chakra, now dangerously low, flickered as he drew closer to the portal. The orb began to disintegrate entirely, leaving him exposed to the rift's violent forces. Summoning the last of his strength, he made a final, desperate surge and created a dense energy shield around himself, bursting through the portal just as the sphere shattered completely.

Emerging from the rift, Toneri found himself falling through space, the protective cocoon of his Tenseigan Chakra Mode dissolving. He reverted to his base form, remnants of his chakra still coating him like a fading aura. The Earth loomed below, its familiar blue and green landscape a welcome sight amidst the chaos he had endured.

As he plummeted towards the planet, Toneri's thoughts raced. The sheer speed of his descent, coupled with his exhaustion, left him barely conscious. His chakra reserves were nearly depleted, yet the protective remnants kept him from burning up as he entered Earth's atmosphere.

The night sky lit up with his passage as if to announce the fall of a god, a streak of light cutting through the heavens. Weakened but alive, Toneri braced himself for impact. The ground rushed up to meet him, and with a final burst of residual chakra, he slowed his descent just enough to avoid fatal injury.

He crashed into a canyon, the impact forming a massive crater with a diameter more than 300meters. Toneri lay at the center, battered and exhausted, but alive. The stars above twinkled faintly through the canopy of trees, a stark contrast to the turmoil he had just escaped.

As he lay there, catching his breath, the weight of his survival settled in. The battle against Ryushiki, the sacrifice of Hamura, and his perilous journey through the rift had tested him to his very limits. But he had survived. For now, that was enough.

Toneri closed his eyes, allowing the fatigue to overtake him. Wherever he had landed, he would find a way to continue Hamura's legacy. The path ahead was uncertain, but he was determined to walk it, no matter the challenges that lay in wait.