
together strong

one who has lost everything one who had everything intertwine and what do you get a pissed of gorilla [gonna be changing a lot as I am basing this on the movie I plan to be adding things]

Couchbarbarian · Phim ảnh
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In a secluded area towered by building covered in moss and vines sat a gorilla watching it reflections through a muddy puddle

As the sun set it still remained it was then in the distance not to far away from it a whisper broke through the silence

"Grand elder speak to him he hasn't spoken since…[sigh]...hes been here for the past days"

Hidden behind the bushes a chimpanzee with half of it face covered in red spoke with worry as it watched the gorilla

Beside it a elderly hairless chimpanzee garbed with a myriad of animal skull around it waist

and a necklace carved of a diamond alongside white marks the held the same symbol on its face

With a solemn look the elder turned away

"Where are you going elde—"as he attempted to grab the elder he was hit in the head


As it rubbed it head the elder half turned to him

"Leave him….Leave him let a father grieve for his family no matter what i say it won't change the fact that their gone

Let us hope caeser brings peace's to kerchak"

That was the last thing the elder said as it went on its way leaving the chimp to worry

"But it was our fault that he lost everything "


How long has it been since I remembered a day maybe three

As the water rippled from a falling leaf I continued observing

I...was human was that right? I feel it I was human I know I was human but now

As I look at my reflection all I saw was a gorilla easily the biggest one I've ever seen yet everything felt off

I don't know...these memories.....these songs.....the rhythms ...…the hums

It as if my mind can't fathom or understand whats happening

As the wind brushed against my huge size the fur on my skin swayed

Everything is off no matter how long I stare how long I watch it stay the same

Am I real?

What does that mean...I can't even answer

These Songs that carry the memories these hums that shake my thoughts the rhythm that tune my being who am I

That is the question

That's the question

I don't know

Abel that was who I was no who I am it's confusing I know I am Abel but I am also Kerchak son of Grand elder Guru chief of the silverbacks, father of three, husband to lis, strongest warrior

Or was

I still remember the moment the song played the moment the hums sang the moment the rhythms held I…..lost everything

As my body slumped forwards the ground shook

No longer am I the father the husband or even dare claim the title of the strongest after all

What is a man who can't even protect his own family or gorilla now I guess


Still as I clenched my fist the fires the laughing and that smug face of that bastard causes inexplicable rage to course through my every being

Proximus Caesar the bastard that took everything away the bastard that played in my memories

Still as the anger left my body the feeling of everything off was fading I felt more connected more Me

In these past days I took time to mourn but also understand and now

As I stood up again I remember everything who I was who I am now and what I must do

I am kerchak these words struck me more then ever after all kerchak was someone who is not supposed to exist here at all but neither am I and yet here I am

Kerchak was from an old childhood character from a movie I watched called Tarzan a powerful strong gorilla that died protecting his son

He would no doubt be disappointed

Shaking those thoughts there where more important things to think about such as

My current situation as I know from the movie humanity was hit hard by a virus they created

It was meant to cure Alzheimer's disease yet it did something completely different it made apes more smarter everything was fine until it mutated

Once a human got infected they would lose their ability to speak and revert to a more feral nature


Some were immune but then most of the population was wiped out from the war

Caeser basically became monkey Jesus freed his kind from the horrible humans but still cared for them

And now were basically living in caeser legacy the world belongs to the apes for now

There are still some human that survived the infection immune or not and that is dangerous

Not that I give the go ahead to wipe them out i lived a life as a man I know we are not perfect nobody is

Caeser was right and so was Jesus


Getting my big ass up was easier then expected after the rhythm tuned me or something of the sort

I became one with myself now its time to return time to face what left

As I left the puddle I journeyed past the broken building and rumble I felt sad

Everything I have ever known gone building that once held humans now left empty as nature decided it was time

As I climbed up onto the bridge I oversaw what was left of Los Angeles

It was quiet the only noise heard was the birds and the winds when it used to be so much more

Though they were quite a lot of clans here but most likely the numbers have fallen

After all my clan was the largest with the most territory and we where the first to fall


"Daddy save me!!!! It burns!!"



The railing was broken under the force of a pissed off father

As the closer he got to home his demons followed


"What a wonderful day!" As a Ape with a crown stepped over a gorilla who was being held down by five other gorillas

"What a wonderful day!!"


Crossing a river a small toy made of thatch was layed covered in burns

Picking it up my hands shook


"Dad me and Amir made this what do you think would grandma like it"

Said a smiling chimp as she dangled over a tree with a innocent smile


As tears welled up in my eyes I gently held it


"D-a_d i_s t-Hat y-ou it hu-rts plea-se ma_ke it stop"a chimp who eyes where burned and body crushed under a fallen tree was held in the arm of a crying Father


As I got home everything was in ruin


"Son you are strong but together we're stronger I don't want you to forget that"

As father and son sat on a small hill watching the clan from afar

"Geez dad I know am not a kid anymore"

As the son playfully hit his father

"Yeah I know….i know"


As the fires burned bright a spear was periced through a brave ape as it body was picked up and dangled for all to see



My breathing quickened I had no control my heart hurt the pain was to much as I fell to the ground I saw it a fallen home


"Daddy save me!!!!it burns" as a small chimp banged on the walls of a burning home trapped

"Am coming Amir hold on!!"


But it was to late


As I coughed I held my chest as I avoided my eyes like a coward but my demons weren't finshed as the body of my wife layed dead on the floor


"Oh the great Kerchak strongest warrior songs have been sung in your name yet here you lie" a gorilla said as he grabbed the head of Kerchak with a smug face he kicked him

"No stop Please Don't hurt him" a voice screamed as kerchak eyes widened he tried to stand but the ones holding him down did not let up

So all he can do was watch as his lover and mother were dragged infront of him in chains

Seeing the dispair on his face was all the pleasing for the ape

"The wife,the lucky lady I say am jealous kerchak how can a beast like you marry a beautiful flower like her it makes me Mad!"

As he slammed his foot across Kerchak face over and over the begged pleaded but he did not stop only until he was beaten to an inch of his life did he let up

"One last chance join us Kerchak"

But all he got was a bloodthirsty glare


"Pity don't blame me for what about to happen you brought it on yourself "

With a sad look he turned and looked straight to his kin

Desperately trying to move he was almost successful but others joined to hold him down

As he watched what was left of his family crumble

"For caeser!"


When I came too I was no longer outside instead I layed on a bed made of many hides and cloth

"Shush you will wake kerchak now go fetch more wood for the fire" a familiar figure said as he hit the ape next to it in the head

"But I [sigh] yes grand elder" rubbing it head it left as the figure hobbled towards the fireplace with a bowl in it hand it spoke

"No need to pretend kerchak i know you are awake" as the figure walked closer my eyes widened



"We found you collapsed near the cente-"pouring a hot bowl of stew the grand elder passed it towards kerchak

"Why was she still there" glaring at his father the ape he knew he could trust

"Who?" With confusion written on it face in anger Kerchak slapped the stew away sending it flying


Instead of anger the grand elder showed a great at deal of sadness as he placed a hand on kerchak shoulder

"My boy there was nothing there we have long buried lis "

"No it can't be I saw her she was there"rushing out of that place I ran ran and ran ignoring the shouting of my father

As I passed the rumble of my clan I found myself back towards the place

But there was nothing no corpse just dried blood

Behind me the huffing of an ape finally caught up to me

"Chief [pant] your really fast [pant] let us return"

What is going on with me!?


Seated by a fire kerchak was lost in thought

"I've held off speaking about the current situation of our clan but it is time to face the issue

Before you say anything we've all lost someone dear my son now more then ever they look for you take my words to heart ape together strong" spoke the elder as he scooped bits of stew in his spoon

"I know….i will follow those words now then tell me how do we go forward" as glint of determination shined in his eye the grand elder face smiled

"You know as well as I do what must be done in caeser name what must happen"as he tapped his necklace he waited patiently

"Gather the remaining clans no doubt proximus didn't stop at just us" Kerchak watched the fire as it burned through the wood

"What shall I tell them"the grand elder said as he stood and called for the ape outside

"War is coming"