

in a messy bedroom there is a boy tossing and turning in bed having a nightmare when suddenly he wakes up."Haa haa calm down Leon it was just a dream haa haaaa" after calming down i looked at the time 7:10am 'ahhh shit only 1h until school starts i have to get ready'. Climbing out of bed i grabbed some underwear shots and a t shirt and ran to the shower.

"Haaa that was nice" after having a shower and brushing my teeth i looked at the time 7:50am only 10 minutes until school starts i rushed out of my bedroom into the kitchen grabbed a piece of breed and ran out the door. Half way there i was crossing the street when out of nowhere a truck hit me.

In the middle of the street i lay my vision dyed red my arms and legs mangled with bones protruding out of them my chest caved in 'I cant breathe every thing hurts my vision its getting darker the screams of pedestrians are getting quieter ah is this the end?' i blackout.

I wake in a void of darkness i try to talk but nothing comes out then i realize i cant breath i look down and see that my body is nothing but a floating ball of gas 'what the fuck okokok calm down i remember getting hit by a truck so i must have died and this is my soul form so i should either be in hell or limbo or this were i get my memories wiped and get reincarnated so since theres nothing else to do ill just wait and see'.

And wait i did since there's no clock here i had to keep track of time myself and from what i know it has been 200 years to keep myself busy i came up with my own stories and tried to manipulate my soul body and i was able to do so a little bit i can extend my arms and legs a little further then normal but ima keep going till i can manipulate my form however i wanted.

700 Years later and i cant now control my form however i want and its starting to get very boing here.

750 Years later and a portal popped up out of nowhere and sucked me in

this is the first time ive ever tried to write a book so please dont flame me if its bad

axis7004creators' thoughts