
new world

When i woke up i felt i was inside of some sort of liquid wait feel? 'HaHAHAHA i can feel again and hear it seems' "dear i felt the baby move" "really let me feel" i then felt the liquid vibrate from his hand touching what i believe to be my new mothers stomach so i started to move around a little bit "hahaha it really is moving dear what do you think itll be" "obviously a girl" while they were talking i started to think about my situation 'it seems ive been reincarnated with my memories intact this will be interesting i wonder will it be a world of magic and cultivation or will be a technology based world well it doesn't matter for now ill just sleep till its time to be born'.

All of a sudden the liquid that was around me rushed out (idk wtf im talking about here so yeah) and i heard yelling 'it seems like its time to see my new world' i felt myself being pushed out so i moved along with it and after about 3 minutes i was out as i was held by what i assumed was a doctor i was slapped on my but and i let out a yelp of pain 'tf why did i just get slapped' "hahhahaha congrats Merry its a healthy boy" "let me hold him" my mother marry said as my eyes laid eyes on her i could only describe her with 1 word beautiful pitch black hair amber eyes the most beautiful face ive ever seen 'so this is my new mom eh' ah i started getting really sleepy ' i guess moving along with it to make it go quicker took allot of me' as i was about to go to sleep a handsome man with dirty blonde hair and black eyes ran in shouting "merry are you ok! how's the baby" "im fine jack and the baby is perfectly healthy as well" thank goodness let me have a look" by the time me up i was all ready asleep.

When i awoke i was in a very old style wooden room with one window to look out of 'hm this is either a world that's in the middle ages or a world of magic and cultivation hopefully it magic and cultivation'. i spent a couple of hours trying to control my body and that went well i can control my body just like a normal person cant lift my head or anything like that yet but i can move my arms and legs around however i want as i was about to try to turn over someone came in "ah your awake Leon" 'seems my name in this life is Leon to" as i was about to respond in baby noises my stomach growled " seems your hungry little guy come here" she walked towards me while undoing the top of her dress to brest feed me. Once she was done with that she proceeded to change my diaper witch was embarrassing and walked me around the house talking about some random stuff along the way.

I was then put on the floor where a bunch of toys were and did something that excited me to no end she used what i assume was magic 'good this is a magic and cultivation world i can reach the peak and reach immortality'.

i have no idea how people talk to babys so ima do a time skip next chap

axis7004creators' thoughts