
CHAPTER 141 – Truth

  That evening, I bucked up my ideas and pulled myself together enough to try and enjoy the time with Jace. While getting his memory back was out of my control, what I could control was the way in which I got to spend time with him – I was lucky in the respect that he was still with me, as things could’ve turned out so differently.

  Ordering dinner to be brought up to our room, we sat at the table and tucked into a delicious array of fine foods that had been served up before us. Being thankful that my morning sickness had waned, that was another thing that I had to eventually break to Jace, and yet I didn’t know how. He was still getting used to me, and with everything that had gone on, it wasn’t the time to be bringing a baby into the mix.

  “So, how did you meet Antonia?” I asked, with little acknowledgment from my brain, as the words came shooting out of my mouth.