

  I certainly wasn’t losing any sleep over Jace’s deranged brother, and as I arose the next morning and got dressed for work, Jace was missing from the bed. It was probably a good thing that he wasn’t around, because even if he had tried to speak to me, I had my ‘first thing in the morning’ head on, and I probably would’ve eaten him for breakfast.

  Heading downstairs and noting Jace in the breakfast room again, as I bypassed the living area, I looked around and noticed that everything had been cleaned up from last night. Not a speck of dust or any bottles remained in sight, and it did strike me how nothing ever seemed to be resolved – just shoved away and masked up with some half-answers and bullshit excuse.

  “Good morning,” Jace edged toward me as I sat down.

  “Morning,” I mumbled, pouring myself a coffee.

  “Are you going straight to Freeman’s today?” he asked, eyeing me for a response.