
CHAPTER 120 – Secrets

  The one thing that I hated, was that my ex had a point. How well did I really know Jace? Apparently not very well, as he was still keeping things from me. Sitting in the car with him on the way home, the air was thick with a tension emanating from my direction, with Jace giving me quick glances to try and gauge why I was so quiet.

  “How was your day?” he kept asking.

  I felt like if I opened my mouth, a whole belly-full of rage would come pouring out, and I didn’t want to be too hasty in my questioning otherwise I knew what he would do – he’d cut off from me again and become quiet, and that’s the other thing that I hated – being ignored.

  “My day was fine,” I randomly answered, as the radio gently played out from the speakers.

  “Okay, well that’s a start,” Jace replied, stopping at a set of traffic lights and applying the handbrake. “Do you not like being back at Freeman’s? I was thinking about changing the name… perhaps Miller’s? Using your maiden name?”