

Many claim to be a villainess but I didn't need to do so, as I was revered by the whole world as a bloody murderous witch and did not deny that but still if I was a true villainess I would have not fallen in such a trap and would not have been just a queen, a chess piece but would have been the game player. -The Fallen Duchess I, the one who have been the movie queen my whole life would have lived happily if my secret was not revealed, I would have had all the happiness if not it had been revealed. But what can I do I just cannot do without drama and those eyes that watch me in fear and surprise that is this the angel they knew. -The Angelic? Actress

Arisher · Kỳ huyễn
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"Kindness is real from heart they say but what if it comes from the greed of heart to become favorite"

Flash..Flash...the moment we all were waiting for has finally come dear audience the movie queen starlight angel of the silver screen has made her way here for another prize ceremony to grab all the prizes. Here comes Miss Sung Jia. They say that beauty is a sin that she is the greatest sinner of all with pale white skin and angel like beauty wrapped beauty in the piece of white cloth make it seem like the emergence of an angel onto the earth. Even with soaring beauty, one cannot reach the top same was the case for the actress as well because her appearance was not what earned her the right to be called starlight angel of the silver screen, it was her angelic good nature aura and personality that make her the most famous. She won countless prizes but still was in the end nothing but an ordinary person, she still took classes as other teenagers even after becoming the movie queen at such an age. But those made to shine still have it all, she easily became the social butterfly of the class, she was everyone's favorite but with love comes envy being this successful in her life did no good for her. Yeah, she was lonely at the top that's what all her fans say seeing her gloomy all the time but would they have even known the truth is still far from what they can imagine. 

All was sparkly and shining for her in her professional life and school life as well until her secret came out. Just one spark which burnt the entire silk cloth woven by her. The spark of her boyfriend cheating on her, but with such a news would she not gain sympathy instead but that was not the case because decided to no longer keep her secret after all the drama in her life was not interesting for a drama lover like her. But who would have known that the entire event was being broadcasted live throughout the world, and the world would finally realize her true self. 

She knew the moment this all happened her empire had fallen, she was no longer a movie queen, a starlight angel all she was now called was a bitch, the one who faked it all, the greatest sinner, the actress who crushed the hearts of all her hearts. 

And not reminding even one second of her life took her car into the fiery pit and reached the hell, she thought. At her last moments she had no regrets and whatsoever, but she complained about one thing why did you give me life in such a boring place she complained to God.

In the year 1334,

Woke in pain the princess of Evelin Duchy. The news was spread all throughout the mansion of their young miss gaining sense after being in a coma for 11years of her life. They thought it was a miracle and were celebrating the happy news to the heart's content, but little did all the servants know that it was not their young lady who gained senses but the transmigrated starlight angel, who will only bring destruction forth them all.

They were huge celebrations thrown out in secret so as not to disturb their young miss. But the loud noises still made their way to the room of Eleanor's room, the room of the one greatest movie queen now possessed but still they didn't reach Eleanor's ears as her screams from the pain of being an extra was paining her until the end. Eleanor, the one extra who is remembered for her tragic death in the novel "Life of the Transmigrated girl in Another World ", the one novel Sung Jia hated the worst and the character she hated the most all now rested on Sung Jia's shoulders. "Hey God, for what purpose are you taking revenge on me Huh, I don't think I ever did anything wrong to you", she screamed.

After the young night had become old, 

The next morning the servants approached the lady and treated to her. Eleanor had nothing to worry about she was used to such treatment and from what she knows as the original owner was a gone case for whole 11years she had no character to act as well. Compared to last night her complexion was much better in fact, it was too much better that it gives creepy side to even me the narrator, surely something was being schemed in the mind of the lady.

After being left alone by continuous requests of the owner the maids left her alone. "Simply put there should not be any reason for such pest to bother me, I remember Eleanor had not a good position in the family and there were even instances of her being bullied by the maids. Why is there such a change in their attitude?", Eleanor wondered. The reason for this was simple after Eleanor woke up last night and she ordered the maid to not bug her and let her rest. The ordering tone of the great movie queen itself was suppressing that the maid was able to learn that their owner was no ordinary person and hence the word spread, and they dare not be rude to her. 

After all the world follows the code of jungle, the strong bully the weak and the weak bully the weaker. Eleanor, even after being a noble belonged to the third category and hence had the most tragic story in the whole level. "Ahh... if only I was to become the overpowered villainess, life would have been so dramatic even the female lead would have done me good because I would have been able to match against my favorite villainess after all. But I am stuck with the weakest character but still now I think it would become more fun than ever, we have a lot of work to do so let's look ahead", Eleanor said while mummering to herself and flinched the peeping maid and it was first time the story of Crazy Eleanor of Evelin began to spread.

Two people in the same world who know the future, would they work together if they cross paths or would they burn the others pathway to reach their own destination faster. The world await a lot more. 


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