

Many claim to be a villainess but I didn't need to do so, as I was revered by the whole world as a bloody murderous witch and did not deny that but still if I was a true villainess I would have not fallen in such a trap and would not have been just a queen, a chess piece but would have been the game player. -The Fallen Duchess I, the one who have been the movie queen my whole life would have lived happily if my secret was not revealed, I would have had all the happiness if not it had been revealed. But what can I do I just cannot do without drama and those eyes that watch me in fear and surprise that is this the angel they knew. -The Angelic? Actress

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  "Revenge not to be Taken but Hell to be Gifted"

Staircase to death has finally open to the woman known as the Queen Of Hell. On the spot of the execution was witnessed a scene which was never imagined. The Gowns always covered in blood were replaced by the ragged clothes speaking the truth of her harassment. The radiant Blonde Hair lost its shine as covered in dirt. The Body tough to never be scratched was scared to lose its right to be called a human body. The terrifying Gaze of the serial killer were ripped of light to see. The Ears which were listening to screams of people were filled with the curses of them. 

After the streams of curses were silenced with the cheering louder than the curses. The radiance was reaching the villainess which cannot see anymore. As the sunshine which came after the never-ending eclipse the saint of the century, Victoria the saintess of purity. The loud noise of cheers could even be heard by the neighboring towns. The world is celebrating the destruction of the Grand duchy as they were witnessing the demonstration of the Hero of another world destroying the demon lord's castle. The cheers began louder when the crown prince, the genius of the empire came to stand beside her but were soon silenced at the sign of the saintess indicating the influence of the saintess on the empire. Witnessing such a scene the lady bout to be executed held a lit smirk she knew her importance now more than ever after all the happiest day of the decade, the day to be remembered as the greatest and most graceful day in the history of the glorious day was her execution. She was happy that she would still haunt the empire's people in their mockeries and the curses which will foretell her stories and adventures. 

The prince step forward to the center and counted the sins of the Queen Of Hell at which the lady was in laughter as she knew her sins were close to infinity. After continuous rumbling the crown prince stopped to catch his breath, witnessing the length of list still left to be told. He decided to do the announcement. Taking a deep breath, he shouted at the top of his lungs, "I, the crown prince of the prestigious empire of Dragania, the dragon empire hereby announces the execution of the Queen Of Hell, the one who dared to rebel against the continental peace treaty of the year 1365 to be executed on the crime of being a threat to the continent, because of her countless murders, destruction of countless kingdoms, and rebellion by creating alliance with the Death God of the Southern continent to finally go to death after being interrogated for a decade to be shamelessly executed."

"Stop.... wait a moment let me speak to her for a moment" Victoria said. The crown prince nodded. But the people were astonished, they thought did the saintess still regard her as her best friend. The saintess approached the lady and in a diminished voice thanked her for her sacrifice. The lady glistened and told her that she was glad that she was able to help the two people she owes her life. To which the saintess replied, "...I....Blac....Bet...Ple....Sa..U.." The genuine smile on the lady changed after hearing those words before her death, her arrogance was broken after learning she was just a chess piece. She raged and broke all the iron cuffs binding her. Just as she was about to release her aura, she was assassinated by a magic imbedding bullet. But she still managed to do a counterattack on the one who assassinated her on her last moments she saw not only the one who assassinated her but also the one who schemed all this the one with the black mask of a crow in shading purple clothes. I will not die like this; she gathered her strength to unlock the chains on her heart and release the sword of grief which she held inside her all those years and in a nanosecond pierced the sword through her heart, I don't care if the world I would now create will be destroyed because of the release of sword of grief but I would now be a true villainess. The villainess who would not be subdued but be the one to rule above all and if I can't create a world like this then I will destroy that world no matter how many times I need to pierce my heart no matter how many demon lord's I have to release until I take revenge no I will not take something from the guts of you but I shall give you the gift of hell, I would be a true villainess.

In the year 1329,

I did it. I could sense life in myself again no I could sense again. But why am I not able to move myself if I remember I was never sick in my life then why. Well, I should use this time to relax and restore my mind. Yeah, I should relax now I should relax I should relax but how. I never learned to relax as I was always busy here and there now what to do. 

Seeing the bad complexion of her master was worrying Isabelle. Oh no, looks like the young miss is in pain what should I do now.

Well as we all know the Queen Of Hell wasn't ordinary! How can her maid be one hell of an ordinary person to relive the pain she tried everything from feeding her master best remedies to raw herbs to even cutting skin off her master's hand to cancel pain with while her master was thinking how to relax. There's a saying after all that the strong lack of intelligence but these two takes this too far so as to lack common sense. Well, seeing this the palace maids were left assured that Isabelle was indeed the only worth and crazy enough to be the personal maid of their master. 

Well please support me as I am going to give a full rollercoster ride with this novel and feel free to make any suggestions .

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