
To Be a Mob with Overwhelming Power!

Looks like Truck-kun has finally taken victim again. After being forcefully transferred into a novel he was reading, our main character, Noel, decided to just ignore everything in the main plot and focus on his way escaping that world. I mean, think about it. The main character will handle everything anyway. I can just stay in the background without attracting any attention. Defeating an Ancient Order of Demon Worshippers? Hell nah, I don't wanna risk dying.

Anonymous01_ · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Fatebound (3)

The sun dazzled through the window as I opened it.

"I barely got any sleep..."

Even though I trained until I was dead tired last night, it didn't help.

The worry in my mind kept surfacing no matter how much I tried to distract myself.

Leticia Viscountess's daughter, Lucia Rosemount Assassination.

"As expected, it's better not to do anything."

Lucia's death is necessary for the plot to proceed. Preventing it would ruin the storyline I know.

My only goal here is to get stronger and escape. This world is a novel anyway.

None of the characters are alive, they're just written by someone.

Surely, this is the correct choice.

Besides, I don't think I can handle the consequences of interfering. The main character's quest will be altered, putting more people in danger.

One person's life, or the guaranteed destruction of an order plotting the Demon Lord's resurrection.

It's obvious which is more important.


'The lack of sleep caught up to me, huh.'

Forcing myself downstairs, I walked through the sickly feeling.

'At the very least, I should eat something.'

I opened the door and was immediately greeted by the loud chatter below.

It was always like this in the morning. I can't understand how Isla's mom cooks for all these people.

"Good morning, Noel. You don't look so good."

Isla's tilted her head at me while holding plates of food.

She immediately took notice, huh? Did I look that bad?

"Morning, Isla. Can't sleep."

"You look like someone who hasn't seen sunlight for days. Worried about the Academy Exam, perhaps?"

Right, I told her I would apply when we had a little chat.

"...Yeah, something like that."

If she knew I was letting a girl die on purpose when I could do something about it, she would surely hate me.

"Still, you're so great, aren't you? We're the same age and you're already trying for a spot in Arcane Academy, while I'm stuck here managing a small inn."

That's wrong. I'm not great at all.

"I pray for your success. Try hard!"

I don't deserve such a prayer.

I'm a coward who took the easy way out because I'm afraid of the unknown result.

"Go, go! Take a seat quickly. I can't guarantee the food won't run out if you're too late!" She gave me a wink before turning to another customer.

My thoughts kept spinning and spinning, desperately seeking justification for my decision.

I could have informed the guards about the assassination, but I didn't. Instead, I chose to remain silent, too afraid to involve myself. Because of that, a girl has to die. I fully know the outcome could be different.

I have the option to change it.

Yet, I think of all of the people here as mere writing.

I'm a terrible individual.

The dizziness worsened, my surroundings began to blur, and cold sweat ran down my forehead.

'I'm passing out.'

"Did you hear? Swift Finger Robin has finally been caught."

I quickly regained consciousness and tried to focus on the conversation.

"About time. My cousin's jewelry store was robbed by him. Most of the expensive jewels were taken."

So it has begun.

The Event.

Lucia Rosemount will die tonight.


After a small breakfast, I took a stroll around the district to clear my thoughts.

I already made my decision. I have no intention of turning back.

It doesn't matter. These people, elves, and dwarves—they're not real.

One day, I will abandon everything and leave, so better stick to that plan.

Even though I want to help, what can I do, anyway? I'm just one person.

I never asked to be thrown into this kind of world. So don't blame me if I stay away from the conflict.

Everything will be fine in the end. I did nothing wrong. The story is supposed to be like this in the first place.

Yes, this has to be the correct—


Walking in a daze, I accidentally crashed into someone wearing a maid uniform, and we both fell to the ground.


As I tried to stand up, I felt my arms were weak... and then I realized.

"I'm trembling."

Is it guilt?

I thought I had already firmed my resolve.

"Ouch, ouch—"

"Sorry, it was my fault. Are you alright?"

I extended my hand to help her up, but instead of taking it, she hurriedly grabbed the cake box that had fallen from her basket.

"Hahh, thank god the dessert is safe~"

We stared at each other for a few seconds until she finally realized I was there.

"Ah, m-my apologies, that was rude of me!" she said, flustered while reaching for my hand.

The touch was definitely real.

These people are alive, or at least I want to think so.

I knew it deep down from the beginning.

They are not just writing.

"I see... so that's what it was."


All this hesitation, it was because I was afraid. Afraid that I will regret the decision I made once it's done.

I've tried to justify it over and over, but as expected, leaving an innocent to die for my own good...

I will definitely end up hating myself for it.

"Thank god, turns out I'm not that bad of a person after all."


"Well done, Benjamin."

"Wasted words, my lord. It's my pleasure."

The assassin's dimly lit room cast long shadows, a knowing smirk displaying on his lips.

"I have already instructed Thaddeus to send an invitation to the Viscountess. You may proceed as planned," The lord continued.

"As you wish, my lord. We will strike the moment Viscountess Leticia leaves the estate."

His lord nodded in approval.

It was almost poetic—the very thief they had hunted for the last five years had walked into their lair, unaware of the snare tightening around her.

This was the moment they had waited for, a chance they could not afford to squander. With the Viscountess gone, Rosemount would be theirs, unchallenged and uncontested.

"Ah, right. You mentioned a promising recruit?"

"Yes, my lord. He is young but possesses remarkable talent and is eager to serve."

"If he has your approval, then I shall permit it. You may proceed with the imprint."

"We are grateful for your trust, my lord," Benjamin responded.


The mirror's glow faded, and Benjamin turned to face the recruit standing behind him.

"Come, it is time for your official ceremony."

"It is an honor, my lord."


"The Baron invited me?"

"Yes, your ladyship. He wishes to thank you properly for your assistance."

"Even though we failed to recover his ring?" Leticia mused, with her brow furrowing.

Meanwhile, in the mansion's cold, dank dungeon, the captured thief, Robin. When asked, she stubbornly insisted she had never stolen from a noble before.

Usually, Leticia would take a harsher approach to the interrogation, but...

'Who would have thought the notorious Robin was just a young girl?'

The thief looked no older than her own daughter.

The Viscountess loathed criminals who targeted honest working people.

It was this reputation that made the trading post flourish under her protection, a haven from the scourge of thieves and brigands. Thieves and robbers learned to fear the severe punishments meted out under her watch.

Every would-be criminal who is lured by the city's riches will meet a terrible end.

Make an example of the evil so the good stay safe.

Some saw her methods as cold, but their effectiveness was undeniable.

Yet now, faced with the current situation,

"The Baron also demands we bring the thief to him," the butler continued,

"...For what reason?"

"He never specified. His message simply stated he has some 'questions' he wishes to ask."

"Nonsense. Any crime committed in Rosemount is judged in Rosemount. She will not leave this city."

"About that..." The butler shifted uncomfortably. "He insisted that if we do not deliver the thief, he would make the matter of the stolen ring public."

"...You're telling me he dares to threaten me?"

"He insists it's because the ring is irreplaceable."

Leticia fell silent, Thaddeus Duskwood was not one to resort to threats. He usually kept to himself, avoiding conflicts and remaining under the radar. Now he was trying to coerce her into coming to his estate?

"As expected, something feels amiss, my lady," the butler said. "I suggest sending the thief with a representative in your place and resolving this matter as quickly as possible."

"No, I'll go myself. I want to see what Thaddeus has planned to be so brazenly foolish."

"...If that is what you wish."

Leticia sighed heavily, knowing the journey would take three nights there and back. Looks like she will have to break another promise to her daughter again.

As she and the butler exited the room, they were met by Lucia, adorned in her expensive gown, waiting in the hallway.

"Mother," she spoke softly, almost a whisper.

"Lucia, is there something you need?"

"About tonight..."

"Sorry, Lucia. Something urgent has come up. You'll have to attend the festival with Margarett."

Tonight was the annual festival, a night Lucia had been looking forward to for months. Lucia's face fell with disappointment.

"I understand, Mother."

"I promise I'll make it up to you, Lucia."

Her daughter nodded reluctantly.

Seeing the disappointment in Lucia's eyes, she almost changed her mind. Thinking she would just cancel the plan and go visit the festival together, but duty comes first.

"Lucia, I—"

"I'm back~" A girl with maid clothing barge in the mansion door with a huge smile on her face.

"Lady Lucia~, I secure your cake, let's eat it together... eh, am I perhaps interrupting something?"

 Leticia managed a small smile in response.

 "Welcome back, Margarett. No interruption at all."

Margarett nodded, but still with a look of concern since she could feel the atmosphere around.

"There's been a change of plans. I won't be able to join Lucia at the festival tonight."

"Eh, but-"

 "It's alright, Mother. Duty comes first."

Leticia forced a half-smile to the reply.

"Let's enjoy the dessert together, Margarret."

"Ah, right. Still, you shouldn't eat too much, my lady! You have to save some space for the festival food!"

Leticia watched them go as they both walked to Lucia's chamber.

Duty was her burden to bear, but it didn't make it any easier to break promises to her beloved daughter.


"Here, Lady Lucia, let me slice it for you~" Margarett said cheerfully, taking the cake and carefully cutting it into perfect pieces.

"Thank you."

As Margarett served the cake, her face lit up with excitement. "Right, right, something interesting happened when I was coming back!"

"Something interesting?"

"Mhm, there was this boy who bumped into me while he was walking."

Margarret tries to recall what happened.

"And what's weird is he started thanking me all of a sudden."

Lucia grimaced when she heard this, what kind of person thanking the person he bumped?

"Don't tell me, a pervert?"

Margarett shook her head, "Hmm, I don't think so. He looked so genuine when he thanked me."

"Ehh, what's up with that person?"

"I'm not so sure... and then, and then! Listen, lady Lucia!"

Margarret eyes glimmer with enthusiasm.


Now that Lucia sees her friend like this, she can't help but be curious.

"W-we held hands!"

"...What?" Lucia blinked in surprise.

"So, like, I was falling, right? And then he offered his hand to help me up! Don't you think it's like fate?" Margarett's cheeks turned a rosy pink as she recounted the moment, her hands clasped to her face in a dreamy expression.

"That was the first time I held hands with a boy other than my dad. It was firm but gentle... that kind of feeling," Margarett continued, ignoring the facepalm of her lady.

"Right... good for you."

Somehow her lady doesn't share the same enthusiasm as she does.

Margarret wondered why is that.

"Margarett..." Lucia's voice was softer now.

"Yes, my lady?"

"Let's enjoy the festival together, okay?"

Lucia gives her a small smile while holding Margarret's hands. As Margarret noticed a bit of shiver in her lady's palm.

"If you're fine with me, my lady."

"Hm, Thank you."

Margarett pulled Lucia into a tight hug, trying to reassure her lady that everything would be alright.

'Right, after all, Lady Lucia will be moving to the capital next month for the Arcane Academy Exam. This will be her last festival for a while.'

"No matter what, I'll be by your side." Margarett whispered.

Sorry for the slow update,

I can't promise the next update will be faster but surely I will try to make it consistent.

Anonymous01_creators' thoughts